Not a Chapter version 2.1111111...

Well, sadly, I have to comfirm that yes, this fic is over. After reading the seventh book, I noticed that Harry inexplicably gained some intelligence since the end of the last book, and thus didn't do too many stupid things. Yeah, he did a few (he didn't turn into a super-genius, thank goodness), but those would be difficult to put into a fic (either it would make the most boring chapter EVER or he realized afterwards that it was stupid and should have done something else, and what fun is it to point out what he should have done if he already did it?). And although it took him long enough to figure out who RAB is (If you don't know yet, I'm about to reveal. So those of you who didn't pre-order your book and rush to get it as soon as you could convince your mother to take it then read it all day, forgetting to eat until somewhere around 10 PM, and finished it, you can skip to the next paragraph if you really, really want), I have to take into account that Harry doesn't have the fifth book in his hands to re-read as he pleases and say "Hmmm… We found a locket no one could open, 'Regulus ? Black'… coincidence? No, I think JK just didn't hide this one very well…" So, yeah.

And so, unless one of you brilliant people can tell me a place I may have missed (my gosh, it was sad reading this one! I had nothing to correct with my pencil in the margins like in the others! Does JK just want me miserable? -sigh-), it is finished. Wow, that sounded kinda dramatic in my head, you know, saying it all deep-voiced movie-style, "It. Is. Finished!" So, yeah. Thank y'all for reading (again), and sorry if I got anyone excited for an update then disappointed you with a "nothing more". Love y'all cool people! If you haven't finished it yet, you can stop reading now, as I rant victoriously and possibly give away plot points.

Booya! I would like to take this opportunity to say "Hell yes, I knew it!" Yup. Always said ol' Dumbles wasn't the big old brilliant perfect guy that was perfect. YEAH!!!! He is more than fallible, and I KNEW IT! Hehehe! And I KNEW where Snape's allegiances lay, and I never doubted it, and I FREAKING LOVE SEVERUS SNAPE! LOVE HIM LOVE HIM LOVE HIM! I cried when he died. Didn't cry over Dumbles, but Snape, yep! -sniffle- sad… And Kreacher? How brilliant was that! I mean, seriously, I may not have gotten it perfect, but hell, I got that Kreacher was indeed used in retrieving the locket! So yee-ah!

-cough- 'kay, I'm done. Yep. So, g'bye, all, 'unless (or is until?) I manage to get some other fanfic plotbunny attacking me and not leaving me alone, and you guys decide to read it.