Moonlight Serenade

Chapter 1:

All standard disclaimers apply.

Hermione walked through the doors of her last class, rushing to get to Professor McGonagall before the teachers next class. "Professor!" cried the brunette as she waved at the Head of her house.

"Miss Granger?" said the Professor smartly, her beady eyes looking through her spectacles at the student before her, "Did you need something?"

"Yes, Professor, I was just wondering if you had the time and location of the new class I enrolled in?" muttered Hermione, self-consciously tucking a wayward strand of her bushy hair behind her ear.

McGonagall shuffled the pieces of parchment in front of her, searching for the sheet that had the information Hermione needed. "Ah, here it is," said the Professor, handing over the sheet of parchment. "And Hermione?" McGonagall called after the retreating figure, "Don't be discouraged by anything on that sheet…. Talent such as yours should not go to waste." finished the Professor, dismissing the young woman with a wave of her hand.

Hermione walked slowly to the Great Hall, the sheet of parchment stowed away in one of her books, to be inspected later. The words of her Head had already faded from her mind, as step by step she got closer to her meal.

"So, 'Mione," said Harry, his eyes boring into Hermione's, "What's this new class you're taking?"

"Oh, you'll see." said the young woman mysteriously, her hand casually brushing over her hair. The brunette was trying to keep her class a surprise, for if her friends knew, she thought they wouldn't believe her. Nobody would.

Hermione averted her eyes from Ron stuffing his face with roast partridge, focusing on some other object less disgusting. Her eyes were drawn instead to Malfoy, a few tables away where he ate with his cronies. With a shock that her heart felt, she realized that the little boy she, Ron and Harry had made fun of was gone. The person she was ogling was no boy, but a man through and through. His hair had grown, brushing his eyebrows, where it flipped at the side. His shoulders were considerably bigger, and she thought she could see a six pack from the gap in his robes.

Then, as if her gaze drew it, Malfoy's eyes snapped to hers, the gray in them lightening as a smirk lit upon his face. Hermione quickly averted her eyes, but she hoped that Malfoy wouldn't see anything in her face that wasn't supposed to be there.

Hermione went back to her rooms, shutting the door to her private quarters. The privileges that came with being Head Girl were not many, but they were useful. She ignored the little voice in her head that told her that Malfoy was just next door, and put on the slip that she slept in. With a sigh, she slipped into the chair next to her desk and took out her books, getting ready for her homework and some studying. With a start, she saw the leaf of parchment slipped haphazardly between the pages of her Potions book, and pulled it out, remembering her new class. The brunette smoothed out the crumpled parchment, and read the neat print.

Hermione shook her head, hoping to clear out whatever sight disorder she had that had made her read that Draco Malfoy was her partner for her new class. But when the young woman reread the type, it still said the same name. Then, McGonagall's words rang through her head yet again:

"Don't be discouraged by anything on that sheet…. Talent such as yours should not go to waste."

Hermione groaned and held her aching temples in her hands, her brain throbbing. She had thought that this new class would bring her freedom from her peers, and thought that nobody would share this particular interest with her. She couldn't even picture him in that class…… With a sigh, the tired young woman stumbled out of her chair and tumbled into her bed, deciding that her homework and studies could wait for the following morning.

A/N: Well. This was kind of a spur of the moment fic, as I have been into D/HR lately. I hope you like it, and hopefully you will R+R. Please do. It'll help me write another chap. tomorrow.
