
Strange things, memories.

That even though you don't seem to remember them on the spot, when you see a trinket or a person, it seems to just flood back to you. Some say memories fade and get lost.

They're not lost.

Just locked in a part of your mind. If you need to remember it, something you see from the memory will trigger it. So laying out on the docks, feet dangling inches from the cool fall water, was something that triggered many, many memories for the two boys. Even as a year had passed.

The sun was slowly setting in the sky, casting shadows and creating a blur of bright colors in the clouds. They were wrapped up in winter coats, long pants, but their feet were bare and their hands laced together.

" Sasuke?"

Naruto rolled onto his side, propping his elbow on the dock and resting his chin in his hand. Dark eyes moved from the colorful sky, to look into blue. " Hmmm?"

" What were you thinking...before thier father slit your throat?" His free hand, which was grasped in Sasuke's, twitched when the dark-haired teen's thumb started rubbing circles.

" I kept hoping you'd look away." His eyes returned to the sky, " I knew I was going to die, I didn't want to, but it seemed the only way to trigger Kyuubi to come out."

Naruto blinked, " You knew?!"

" I knew I needed to get your demon out, but I had no clue it was actually your brother." Sasuke let out a huff of air and it turned white against the cold weather.

The blonde smiled and sat up, looking out across the lake and feeling Sasuke sit up next to him. " I wonder what they're doing right now?"

" Who?"

" Chris and Jordan."

" Ah." Sasuke shrugged, " Living their life in the ghostly plain...or they got reincarnated somewhere else in the world."

" Aw!" Naruto clapped, " Maybe they became lovebirds."

Sasuke snorted, " Dobe. Why would they come back as lovebirds?"

" Because lovebirds are mates for eternity." The blonde tilted his head to kissed his raven-haired lover.

" Seperating them is dangerous. They love for forever."

Those dark eyes softened. " You might be right, Naruto."

" Heeeeey! Stop getting mushy and lets get some freakin ice cream!" Kiba's loud voice hollered from the entrance of the docks. Naruto and Sasuke looked back before standing up and heading their way.

" You can't have ice cream in the fall!" Hinata gasped, " You'll get sick!"

Gaara snorted, " Please. If Naruto and Sasuke can walk around barefoot in 40 degree weather, then Kiba can eat ice cream."

" Ahhhhh!" Hinata gasped, " Put some shoes on!"

Naruto laughed, " Aw come now, Hinata-chan! I'm fine."

" Will you hurry up?!" Neji hissed, " Ino and the others are meeting us at Shizune's diner! We need to get their before Sakura breaks something."

" Agreed!" The choursed, starting down Miller road and into the streets.

" They sure are making some progress." Kiba whistled, glancing behind them at the wooden beams for future buildings. " I can't wait till Edgebrooks downtown district is redone!"

" Thank my dad." Sasuke smirked, his hand still holding onto Naruto's. " If I had asked him to do it before all the time traveling, He would have flat out said NO."

" But he looooves us." Naruto laughed, gaining an eye roll from Gaara and Sasuke.

" Yea right." Neji chuckled.

They arrived at Shizune's and was greeted by an entire restaurant filled with friends and family. Tsunade already look drunk off her wagon and Jiriya was flirting withe some young girls that worked in the flower shop down the street.

The teens took a seat across from Shikamaru, Ino, Itachi and Kyuubi. " So, did ya'll get a good look at the historic district?" Kyuubi asked, taking a sip from his soda.

" It looks amazing!" Hinata smiled, " I can't wait to see it rebuilt."

" And I get to manage the selling and buying." Itachi winked, " Kyuubi and I are going to be partners."

Kyuubi nodded, " Yea, we're going to be The Sharrigan Fox real estate."

" Catchy title." Kiba stated, shoving his face with a Burger. Hinata rolled her eyes and handed her boyfriend a napkin.

" Yea." Naruto snorted, " and me and Gaara is gonna start a sex shop and call ourselves the Demon Duo."

Gaara looked up from his french fries and met Naruto's stare. The blonde boy gasped, " Hey! That wouldn't be a bad idea!"

Which gained both Gaara and Naruto wacks upside the head.

Shizune moved through the ruckus, blessing them for the great tips and arriving at the front. She spoted two boys standing at the counter and sighed. It was a pity to turn customers away.

" I'm so sorry." She walked up, " But we're closed for a party today."

" Ah." The one with light hair and soft eyes smiled at her, " It's quite alright. There must me something awfully wonderful to celebrate."

" Well, to this town, " She pointed to the group of teens at one of her bigger tables, " Those kids gave us our heritage and home back in exchange for misery and pain." Her eyes watered, " But don't mind my tears boys, If you stick around, we'll be open tomorrow."

The boy's black-haired companion sighed, " Alright."

" Sorry again." Shizune waved, turning back to the crowd, " Strange...could have sworn i'd seen them before..." shrugging it off, she walked over to Tsunade and threw up her hands. Sometimes this was just hopeless.

The two boy walked out of the store and the dark-haired one huffed, " Can't believe we have to wait."

" Oh let them have thier fun." The light-haired boy smiled, " Besides. It's their anniversary after all."

" True." Dark eyes turned mischievous, " Ah. Isn't it our anniversary as well?"

Hazel eyes rolled as they walked down the street and towards the downtown area, " Well, I'm glad to see your memory hasn't gone ragged on you."

" Awww. That's not fair. " He wrapped his arms around his hazel-eyed lover. " I'd never forget."

" Then let them have have their fun." The light-haired boy grabbed his friends hand, pressing thier fingers together. " They were apart of it too." he smiled up at the dark-haired one, " Isn't that right, Jordan?"

Jordan nodded, glancing back at the loud restaurant they were were leaving behind. Through the midst of dancers and waitresses he caught sight of Sasuke, Naruto and their friends.

Yea, he was right.

Jordan grabbed onto Chris's hand and in a whoosh, they became two love birds. One black, one white and thew flew off into the sky.

Those kids had given them their life back. And what better way to repay them, than with a happy ending?


I think I'm gonna cry.

Damn it. Too late! Now I'm all teary eyed and weepy. The epilogue isn't extravagant, but I just HAD to put those two back in it.

I hope every single one of my wonderful fans enjoyed this story. I had sooooo much fun writing, reading reviews and crying over sad parts in the story.

I also want to thank EVERY SINGLE ONE of my reviews. For every person who added me as their fav author, story or story alert. I never, in my wildest dreams, thought that this story would become as big as it is now. You all gave me a reason to continue on and to not give up.

There were plenty of times where I just wanted to call it off. But some wonderful person would send yet another review telling me they couldn't wait for an update and that the story was great.


You wonderful, inspirational people.

Coming Soon:

Guardian Bay

Sasuke Uchiha could never understand the beauty of the creatures that lived in the bay behind his house. Nor could he see why Sakura liked them so much. But when a rumored Delinquent moves in next door, he brings with him the beauty Sasuke could never see.

Sasu/Naru Gaa/Saku Shik/Ino Hina/Kiba

Fantasy/Adventure/Romance and my fav sea creature the Orca Whale.

I hope you all read it when it comes out!

Blessed be,
