Everything had changed, and by everything, she meant everything. It wasn't even Earth anymore, not really. It all started when Lex had been taken over by Zod. Clark was able to save him from the evil general, but that proved to be the downfall of humanity. Lex had become obsessed with knowing how and why Zod had taken over his body. Gradually he had become just as obsessed with ruling the world as Zod had intended. And he was convinced that Clark held the secret of how to accomplish that. But no one had any idea of how deep that obsession ran until it was too late.
"Mom!" Clark yelled loudly.
"Clark, I'm right here, you don't need to shout." Martha said, lightly chuckling as she rounded the corner and walked into the kitchen carrying a basket full of laundry.
"Sorry." Clark looked a little embarrassed at his impulsiveness.
Martha smiled, "What do you need sweetie?" She set the laundry basket down on the table. Pulling out the first piece of clothing, she saw that it was one of Clark's many flannel shirts. She smiled slightly and began to fold it.
"I miss having you around all the time." Clark said. He reached into the fridge and pulled out the pie that Martha had baked last night, even if it was only seven in the morning. There was only one piece left, and Martha had only eaten one piece herself.
"I bet. Fresh pies, clean clothes, I wonder why you ever let me leave." Martha joked.
Clark looked crest fallen. "That's not what I mean. Although it is a bonus," he added mischievously.
Martha shot him a look and he rushed over to give her a spontaneous hug. She jumped from the shock of him being so close in less than a heart beat. Usually he didn't use his abilities unless he had to, and for him to use his powers to give her a hug made her think that something was up.
Pulling away gently, she looked up into her son's eyes. "Clark, is there anything wrong?"
"No, just giving my mom a hug."
"Alright then, why do I get the feeling that you're hiding something?" Silence. "Clark?" Martha prodded.
"It's just, I've been having these nightmares lately." Clark finally conceded.
"What kind of nightmares?" Martha asked. Nightmares were normal for normal people, but Clark wasn't normal and hardly ever complained of nightmares.
Clark sat on one of the stools surrounding the island counter, and Martha went to stand across from him. "It's the future, but everything is different. The world is this dark, barren planet and I'm some kind of super hero. I know it sounds cliché, but that's what everyone calls me. But it's more than that, these dreams feel as though I've been living in this world for years. Lex rules the world, and has gone completely evil. And everyone else I know is either dead or in hiding from him." He looked up and his eyes were full of fear. Fear of the future and how he couldn't save it in his dreams.
"Oh honey, it's just a nightmare. People have them all the time. Maybe, in your case, you become more connected and have stronger feelings when you're dreaming or having a nightmare." Martha explained, feeling completely inadequate at explaining why he had such strong feelings about this particular nightmare.
"Mom, you don't understand. It feels so real, like the time that I had those dreams right before the second meteor shower hit. But this has been happening for weeks now." Clark responded, emotion heavy in his voice.
"Why haven't you talked to me about this before?"
"I didn't want to bother you." Clark looked down at his clenched fists. He hadn't even realized he'd clenched them.
"Clark, you're my son. I want to be bothered by you." Martha smiled gently. She sensed that there was more that Clark wanted to say. "What else is there Clark?"
"You're in it too." Clark said ominously.
Martha just gave him a gentle look, wordlessly asking him to continue.
"You're living with Lex." Clark finally admitted, blushing slightly. By his reaction, she knew that the living situation was more than just living arrangements.
But before Martha could comment, Clark raced on. "But it's against your will. I told you, Lex has gone completely evil."
"That's news to me, I thought he was already." Chloe said from the open screen door. Both Clark and Martha turned. Martha smiled, but Clark continued to brood.
"Chloe, please come in. Have you eaten breakfast yet?" Martha began to rummage through the refrigerator. Chloe was about to refuse the food, but no one turned down Martha's cooking.
"Actually no, but I would hate to have you go through all the trouble." Chloe began but Martha interrupted.
"It's no trouble Chloe. I hardly ever get to take care of you anymore. Now sit down and help us try and figure out Clark's dreams." Martha ordered as she cracked open an egg into a bowl.
Chloe turned and gave Clark a penetrating look. "Was that what you were talking about when you mentioned that Lex had gone completely evil? Cause that would be a nightmare."
Clark only nodded. Martha cracked open a few more eggs and proceeded to prepare them to make scrambled eggs, adding cheese and milk; just the way Clark liked them. While they were cooking in the pan, she went into the fridge and pulled out the bacon. While both eggs and bacon were cooking she walked over to where Clark and Chloe were seated.
"Is there anything you can think of that would cause you to have these dreams?" She asked.
"There is something that has been bothering me, but I don't know what it is. Like the feeling that something horrible is going to happen and I'm not ready for it." He looked up into his mother's eyes. His were filled with such strong emotions that Martha almost had to look away.
"Do you think it has anything to do with the zoners that you have yet to track down?" Chloe piped up. "Maybe your intuition is trying to tell you that if you don't catch them, the world will take a turn for the worst."
Mother and son looked at her. A bit unnerving, but Chloe only knew that they were mulling over what she had just said.
Clark spoke up first. "That might explain the world being barren, but what about Lex? He doesn't have any powers, so why would he be in control in my dreams?"
Martha had walked back over to the stove and was now stirring the eggs and flipping the bacon. "He may not have any of the powers that the zoners have, but he does have money. And here on earth, that is the greatest power that you can have. Maybe you're telling yourself that Lex will be so tainted by his thirst for power that he will do anything to get what he wants which is more power."
Clark looked at her, a strange look in his eyes and then looked down at his hands. The eggs were done and Martha divvied them up on three different plates, putting more on Clark's than the other two. A short while later the bacon was done. Filling three glasses with orange juice, she then set them in front of Clark and Chloe and sat down to eat. It was quiet for a few moments as everyone dug into the homemade breakfast.
"So Chloe, what are you doing out here so early in the morning?" Martha asked.
"Clark wanted me to come over so we could discuss more of our plans for tracking down the zoners. Talk about coincidence huh?" Chloe responded brightly. A bit too brightly, actually.
Martha knew there was more to it than what they were letting on, but she decided that she wouldn't press the issue. Finishing up her breakfast, she walked her plate over to the sink. As she was starting to turn the water on to clean the dishes, Clark offered to do them instead. With a grateful smile and a wave goodbye, she headed off to do some gardening. Her flowers had been left unattended for too long, and she was looking forward to a day of relaxing garden work. It was her first day off in a long while, and she was going to take full advantage of it.
As soon as she was out of earshot, Clark and Chloe began to discuss the real reason that Chloe was there. Clark had already told Chloe about his dreams, and they had figured out that they weren't really dreams, rather a warning. The best explanation they could figure was that Jor-El was trying to warn Clark that if he were to avoid his training anymore, the world would be destroyed. Not exactly new news, but the dreams left Clark so shaken that he couldn't help but sit up and finally take it more seriously.
Since the dreams had started, Clark had managed to catch the remaining zoners, which was no easy task. Now the only problem was figuring out a way to tell his mother that he was leaving. And he didn't even know how long he would be gone. She had already lost her husband and now she would essentially be losing her son for God knew how long.
Clark shook his head and Chloe put her hand on his shoulder. "It's alright Clark, she'll understand. But you need to tell her, the dreams are getting worse. You need to start your training so that you're ready to face whatever it is that Lex will do." At Clark's hesitant look, she went on. "Look Clark, you have to do this. If you don't, who knows what will happen to humanity with Lex at the wheel."
"You're right, it's just that I don't want to leave her." Clark looked in the direction of where his mother would be gardening by now, then back at Chloe. "Or you."
"You have to," was all his best friend said. And he knew she was right.
Three Years Later…
Martha practically stumbled through the door. It had been a long day and an even longer drive home. But now, as she walked into her kitchen, she felt some of her stress melt away as she slipped into the comfort of home. She threw her purse and keys on the counter and kicked off her shoes. The answering machine was blinking, but she decided to ignore it. She'd rather keep her sanity than have to answer any of them right now. Besides, they probably all pertained to business anyway. Still a senator, she had more stress than ever.
Throwing open the refrigerator door, she grabbed the bottle of red wine she always kept cold and poured herself a glass. Martha only allowed herself one glass a night whenever she happened to be home, but some nights were harder than others and she really had to resist the urge to down the entire bottle. Speaking of hard nights, tonight would definitely be on the top. It was Clark's birthday, or what they had put on his adoption papers, and she was left alone for yet another year. It had been three years without any sign of her son coming back.
Suddenly she remembered how he would wake her up early so she could get a head start on baking his cake. Or when he would come into the house dirty from the day's work and then begin to tell her all about it. She would tell him to clean up, was he raised in a barn? He would smile that crooked smile and then obediently go to clean up. Her hands began to shake and she realized that tears were streaming down her face. Normally she would have angrily wiped them away, but she was so tired of being brave. Everyday seemed to drag on without her son with her. So she cried, and only when the phone began ringing did she manage to calm herself.
She decided to let the machine get it. Clark's voice began the answering message. "Hi, you've reached the Kent's. We're not home, but leave your name and we'll call you back."
The tears came harder as she listened to her son's voice. She hadn't the heart to delete it and replace the message, so she had left it. Now she wished she had redone it.
"Martha." It was Lionel. He paused before going on. "Just calling to see how you're doing. I know what day it is, and it must be a hard time for you. Please call me if you need anything. I'm just getting in from Granville." Another pause, this one slightly longer. "I'd love to hear from you."
Martha managed a smile. Out of everyone, Lionel was the most unlikely friend she had made during the time that Clark had left. Granted he had a dark history (to say the least) but he was always there for her, especially in the last three years. Whether he was just trying to get to Clark by using her or actually cared about her was inconsequential at this point in Martha's life. She was just glad to have someone to talk to. He really did seem to care about her, maybe a bit too much.
"Mrs. Kent."
Martha whipped around so fast that her hair flew into her face. Her heart beat painfully and she had to put a hand to her chest to steady herself.
"Lex." She said in shock. "What are you doing here?" Seeing Lex Luthor standing in her darkened living room was not helping her heart to calm down. He hadn't changed physically but it seemed as though Clark's premonitions, or dreams, were coming true.
Lex had really made a name for himself in the weapons and defense market. It seemed that all he cared about was dealing out destruction, damn anyone who got in the way. Well, everyone that is, except for Martha Kent. She was the only politician to attack him directly for his shady dealings. Everyone else was either too scared or were on his payroll. Martha hadn't actually talked to him one on one for over two years now, after he finally realized that Clark was really gone. But she did keep close track of his dealings, as did Lionel. Lionel and she knew better than anyone the dangerous road that Lex was heading down. She had seen him at various charity events, or political functions. He had recently become governor (a position she assumed was bought) and she was thus forced to put up with his presence. At those unfortunate times that she had to mingle with him out of sheer politeness, she would put on a happy face and skillfully deflect any questions he asked her about Clark.
Lex, now standing in her kitchen, seemed to ignore her question. "You and my father have been spending a considerable amount of time together."
It wasn't a question, so Martha didn't know exactly how to respond. The shock of him showing up, or more like breaking into her house, was only just starting to wear off. And it was replaced by anger that he would dare break into her home and scare the hell out of her.
"I repeat, what the hell are you doing here?" She practically barked at him.
He smiled and she cringed. "Is that any way for a senator to talk?"
"Lex." She said and followed it with a heavy sigh. "You just scared me. What can I do for you?" The anger she was feeling was slowly fading and she could see that she had to calm down. This was no time to get all riled up.
"Nothing really. I just realized that today was Clark's birthday." He replied stoically.
It was like rubbing salt on a wound.
"Yes it is. However he's not here." He just had to bring up Clark.
"I've noticed that." Lex just stood there staring at her. It was unnerving, but Martha managed to keep her poise. She knew she must look a mess because she had been crying a few minutes earlier.
"I haven't seen you in a while. You look good." He stated as he sauntered over to her. Now only about a foot away he searched her face. "Maybe too good, particularly for your age."
She didn't know how to respond to that either, so she settled for offering him a glass of wine, shrugging off his comment with a gracefulness she had learned over the years of being senator. Anyone else would have been fooled by her skilled aversion, however Lex wasn't just anyone.
After setting the glass down in front of Lex, Martha walked purposefully to stand around the other side of the island counter. Lex continued to stare at her, and she raised her eyebrows in annoyance.
"I must confess that I find you fascinating."
Martha sighed inwardly. "Oh you do. Why, might I ask, do you find an old senator fascinating?"
"This is good wine. My father's taste must be rubbing off on you." Lex said after he had taken a sip of the wine Martha had poured for him. He completely ignored her question, but instead made another random remark.
She followed his lead quickly. "Yes, he rather enjoys his wine. And it would seem that I share his eye for good wine. But other than that, he isn't rubbing anything on me."
He laughed, and not just a polite laugh. Martha had to smile to herself because this whole situation was ridiculous.
"No wonder you keep the old man entertained." He sobered quickly and with another penetrating look he continued in a serious tone. "You really do look good. I wouldn't be surprised if you've had some work done."
Martha had the grace not to let her jaw hang open. What was he doing? This wasn't polite conversation. It seemed as if all he was here to do was insult her, maybe to get her riled up. It was working.
"I'm sure that the men you have following me would have reported back to you if I had." She replied smoothly.
He had the presence to look surprised. "How did you know that I've been having you followed?"
She gave a short derisive laugh. "It would have been extremely naïve of me to think that you wouldn't have the one person who publicly opposes you followed, now wouldn't it?"
He smiled approvingly. "How long have you known?"
"I've known all along, however I didn't actually see them until a few months ago. Impressive, how they are able to literally melt into the shadows. How do they do that by the way?"
"A good player never reveals their hand." Lex responded cryptically. Of course they both knew that he still experimented heavily on meteor infected people. He would never admit it out loud; however the look in his eyes revealed that he knew what she was referring to.
"Look, Mr. Luthor, it's been a long day, and as enlightening as this has been, I really should be getting to bed." She purposefully used his last name. She wanted to see how he reacted to it, and part of her wanted to distance herself from him. Using his last name made it impersonal and cold.
"But I'm not done with my glass of wine." He stated in that infuriatingly calm voice. "Besides, aren't there some questions you want to ask me?"
"What could you possibly have to say that I would either want to know, or even believe what you tell me?" Martha responded. She had moved away from the counter earlier to stand by the kitchen door, ready to see him out. Now she stood that much closer to him and wished that she hadn't moved from her spot across from him. At least there she had had some sort of obstacle between them.
"I see age hasn't dulled your wits or intelligence." Lex said.
"Is that a compliment?" Martha commented dryly.
"Merely an observation." Lex returned quickly. "Aren't you the least bit curious as to the real reason I'm having you followed?"
This verbal sparring between them was starting to wear on Martha. Normally she would have enjoyed a good round of verbal sparring, but not with Lex, especially at eleven o'clock at night.
"I thought we already went over that."
He smiled like the cat that ate the rat. "Not only are you the one person who is publicly opposing me, but you are also Clark Kent's mother. And in that one fact there lies several good reasons."
Martha opened her mouth to rebuttal, but Lex held up his hand to stop her. "You are also the woman whom my father has been pining after for almost seven years. That in itself, considering that the women he associates with bore him within a few months, is extraordinary. You are this beacon of light in the dark world of the Luthor's, and I find myself strangely drawn to that."
"You know what they say about forbidden fruit."
"Oh but it's more than that. You see, there is still one more reason why I have you followed."
Martha's eyebrows raised in surprise. What could Lex possibly think he would discover by having her followed? Surely not what happened to Clark because she hadn't so much as mentioned her son's name in public since he 'disappeared' three years ago.
"It has to do with why you fascinate me."
Oh, so they were back to this. She steeled herself for his answer.
"You haven't aged a day since your miraculous recovery from death. You remember the one that Helen, my first wife, witnessed?"
"Of course I remember it."
"Do you remember how it happened? Why it happened?" Lex questioned brutally. He had come to stand right in front her, and she could tell he was itching to grab her shoulders. Perhaps to shake some sort of confession out of her.
"Lex, I have no idea how I came back to life. Like you said it was miraculous." She replied with as much conviction as she could muster. She really was tired of this game they were playing. Lex clearly wasn't as he began a new tirade.
"You were pronounced dead and then came back to life. Helen said that there was a bright light and then you sat straight up, completely healed. And then Clark is mysteriously healed as well. The baby that you had been carrying was unharmed. And what's more baffling is the fact that no one else present that night was affected by that bright light. Why is that?"
Martha could only stare at him. "How much time have you wasted thinking about this Lex? My God, it happened over six years ago. Let it go."
"That's the thing, I can't. And trust me I've tried. It wouldn't have been so hard to believe had everyone else been cured that night, but only you and Clark were. At least three other people died at that exact time that night in that same hospital. The pieces just don't fit, and I have a feeling that you have the missing link."
"So that's what this is about. Somewhere in that warped head of your's, you think that I hold the key to the fountain of youth; that you'll somehow find a way to live forever. Sorry to disappoint you." Martha responded, turned and opened the door. It was a clear statement that she wanted him gone.
"It won't be that easy to get rid of me." Lex warned in a low tone. "I will find out what happened that night." He made to move, but stopped. Clearly he wasn't done talking.
Before he could open his mouth, Martha butted in. "Lex, I really am tired of arguing with you and would like to get some sleep."
He turned and smiled obnoxiously. "One more thing, I want you to stop your one woman crusade of opposing me. I've been lenient so far, but now it's just a nuisance."
"The truth usually is." Martha commented quickly. "But if you think that threatening me is going to stop me, you're in for a big disappointment because no matter what you say, I will never back down."
She stood straighter as he stepped within an inch of her. She could see into his eyes and was disturbed by what she saw reflected in them.
"If I wanted to use threats to silence you, all I would have to do is expose Clark for what he really is."
The world seemed to dim for a moment and she had to take a deep breath. "What are you talking about?"
"Just a hunch, and by your expression I can see that there is some truth in what I said. Clark really does have some sort of dangerous secret."
"He does not." She spoke slowly, annunciating every word carefully. "It's just shocking to hear something so ridiculous pass through your lips." Martha lied smoothly.
"Even if Clark doesn't have a dangerous secret, there are other threats that would do just fine." Lex said.
"I'm sick of this Lex, please leave." Martha said with barely controlled anger.
"I'm not sure that it's customary to kick the homeowner out of their own house."
Her eyes squinted in confusion. "What are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about you trying to kick me out of my own house." Lex responded. At her still baffled expression, he continued. "Remember when I bought your house back for you after I returned from that damned island?"
That was all he needed to say and Martha felt like fainting. "No, you couldn't have."
"But I did, and this house is really mine." Lex offered a dark smile.
"Jonathon and I went over the papers from the banks and there was no mention of you as owner." Martha responded with horror.
"Of course I knew that you two would go over them, so I simply had them doctored to make it appear as though you still owned it. This house is mine and has been for the past six years."
Martha had to fight to stay upright. Her hand flew to her chest and she looked straight at Lex, not backing down. "So that's your threat. You're going to kick me out of my home if I don't stop opposing you." It was all more of a statement than a question.
"If I have to."
"If you have to." Martha reiterated in a deathly calm voice. Her hand struck him across the face so suddenly and so hard that he staggered back from the shock and impact. He gingerly touched the place that was already turning red with her handprint.
"I'll give that to you. However, in the future don't expect any mercy from me."
She tried to maintain her composure but she found she didn't have it in her to back down. She slapped him again, this time with a little more force behind it. His head only flew to the side. Too fast he grabbed her shoulders and pushed her against the kitchen door. Her head hit painfully and she would sport a bruise where the doorknob had dug into her back.
"Don't push me." Lex warned. His eyes flashed with anger and a warning of dark retribution, but Martha found that all she could manage to do was stare at him with loathing.
With one last look at the house and one scrutinizing look at Martha, Lex was gone. She forced herself to shut the door gently instead of slamming it shut like she wanted to.