The Change

By: drthmik

Standard Disclaimer:

All Marvel characters are © Marvel, I make no money off of them, please don't sue, I have no money.

The story itself and any characters I make up, however, is © Me, please don't use or copy without permission

Part: 6 Home Sweet Prison

Jubilee groaned and slowly opened her eyes. The dream had been so real. Then she noticed it, the scents had changed. She couldn't smell the palm tree outside her window or the Pacific Ocean. The lingering scent of her own blood that had perfumed her apartment for the last month was gone as was every defining scent that she had discovered with her new growing senses.

Instead she smelled an almost overwhelming scent of pine, the bed frame, the floor, all the rest of the furniture in the small room and even the walls were all pine and once Jubilee levered herself up off the bed she could see that there were pine trees outside the window too. Other scents mingled in with the pine, lamp oil from the lamp hanging from the rafters, the cotton sheets, burnt oak and pine in the fireplace. These she cataloged automatically, detecting each strange scent and using some method to detect where and what it came from and filing it away for future reference.

She would have been amazed that she was doing this but she didn't even notice it over the detection of the scent of the invaders from her dream. They had been in the room not too long ago but only one remained nearby.

The first invader.

Jubilee rose and moved silently over to the door. He was just outside coming closer.

Moving fast Jubilee was up in the rafters over the door and waiting.

Moments later the door opened and the man walked in and froze looking at the bed and in that moment Jubilee dropped towards him.

But in a single smooth movement he spun, grabbed her out of the air and pinned her to the floor.


Jubilee froze, the familiar sound was accompanied by a pair of blades imbedding themselves into the floor on either side of her neck. Jubilee looked up at her captor and saw him clearly for the first time.


Or, rather, that's what she tried to say. What came out, however, was a gargled rasp that highlighted the pain in her throat. The center claw had stabbed right through her neck literally pinning her to the floor.

Logan looked her in the eyes and then nodded to himself and with a wet sounding Snick he retracted his claws. Blood spurted out of the wound in her throat and Jubilee coughed and grabbed the wound suddenly afraid. Why had Logan hurt her? Then she felt the wound in her neck close as fast as Logan's ever did. Carefully feeling her throat for the wound and finding only smooth skin she looked up at Logan. "Do you remember anything?" Logan asked softly as he sat down in the cabin's one chair. "I was reading the last page in Hank's book and everything gets blurry." Jubilee hopped back into the bed and sat cross legged facing Logan. Logan looked a little grim as he told jubilee what had happened to her.

"So you're saying that that guy was a werewolf and now I'm one too." Jubilee deadpanned, skepticism oozing from her expression. Logan ignored the look and nodded solemnly. "You'll learn all about other werewolves and about how to use your abilities and control the change. But we have to be careful. The wolf in ya has instincts and needs that will overpower ya a lot while you're a new wolf." Logan looked grim as he looked Jubilee in the eyes and asked, "Are ya going to do what it takes to learn about the wolf? I ain't going to lie to ya kid. It's gonna be hard. Real Hard."

Jubilee looked down at her hands then back up into Logan's eyes. "What're we waiting for?"

Logan smiled, "Nothin' kid, not a thing"

Not the End