Title: Love you, Baby

AN: This is a story that both Romantic-Cancer and I came up with during one of our many little chats. We will be working together on this story so I hope you'll all enjoy our little story. I don't own Kim and Ron but lets all pray for a season 5! All reviews will get a reply!

Story Notes: Kim and Ron never became a couple because So The Drama never happened. Bonnie discovers that Ron has a new baby sister and it is love at first sight of the baby. What does this mean for Ron who also loves his baby sister? Read on to find out!

Chapter 5: Apologies?

(Stoppable House)

Ron thinks, "Always knew this is how it goes… I meet my end after I get a kiss from a beautiful girl. I just wish that I could tell Kim that…" When he suddenly feels hands grabbing at him from behind to stabilize him from plunging down the stairs.

Ron hears his angel's voice say, "Ron? Are you ok?" before he realizes it is Kim who spoke to him and he looks back as Kim pushes him forward and away from the stairs as he says, "Kim! Boy, am I glad to see you!"

Kim smiles gently at Ron's enthusiastic words before she says, "No big Ron, I've always got your back."

Ron smiles warmly at Kim as he says, "Yeah you do, thanks KP" He looks away to look where he is going even as she blushes softly at his words.

Tara looks at Ron with watery eyes and says, "Ron! I-I-I am so sorry! I don't know what came over me!" She starts to cry, as she says, "Please don't hate me for kissing you and then almost killing you!"

Bonnie says, "I think he should, then we can get past this stupid moment!"

Kim yells, "Bonnie! She's your best friend!"

Bonnie sighs and says, "Sorry Tara…"

Tara cries some more as she says, "Oh! I'm just an awful girl! I don't deserve any forgiveness for what I've done!"

Ron walks up to Tara and wraps his arms around her, giving her a hug as he says, "Please stop crying Tara, there is nothing to forgive. It was just a big misunderstanding."

Tara sniffles sadly as she looks at Ron and says, "R-really? Even though I almost made you fall down the stairs?"

Ron nods and says, "Yes, you know I'm not the kind who holds grudges Tara."

Tara sighs softly into Ron's arms as she says, "You're right Ron. Thank you"

Ron chuckles and says, "No big, we're all friends here."

Kim resists growling at the sight of Tara in Ron's arms.

Bonnie says, "Maybe we should find you two a room. Any cozier and you'll be lovers."

Kim shouts, "Bonnie!" even as Ron and Tara both blush and quickly separate from each other quickly.

Kim's green-eyed monster is actually glad Bonnie said that as she was getting really jealous of just how close and comfortable Ron and Tara were getting.

Tara looks down and says, "Sorry…" before Bonnie says, "Save it. We've heard it before."

Ron says to Bonnie, "Why do you always have to be hating Bonnie? It is all good here, just like Hanna."

At the mention of his little baby sister, Bonnie's eyes go softer and she actually smiles a little before she says, "You're right Ron… Hanna's all good."

Kim rolls her eyes for a moment as she thinks, "Bonnie's got it bad for babies."

Tara's thoughts mirror Kim's as she can't help but notice the way Bonnie reacts to Hanna's name.

Just then footsteps are heard coming up the steps and Mr. Stoppable smiles as he says, "My wife and I were wondering if any of you were staying for supper. She's going to be making her famous tuna casserole."

While the girls look at each other Mr. Stoppable says, "By the way Bonnie, I was quite amazed at how good you were with Hanna."

Bonnie's face softens and seems to glow at the compliment before she smiles at Ron's father and says, "Thank you, I always wanted to be a doctor and help bring new life into this world while also enriching the lives of those already here."

Kim and Ron both glance at each other skeptically as they share the same thought of "Since when??"

Mr. Stoppable chuckles and says, "Well from the way you handled Hanna, I think you'll be a marvelous doctor."

Ron leans over to Kim and whispers, "What's he talking about Kim?" She whispers back, "You've got me Ron…" as she looks away and remembers what she'd seen downstairs.

Bonnie smiles with a hint of something in it as she says, "I'd love to join the family for dinner and maybe spend some more time fawning over that adorable baby you two have." Before either girl can say anything, she spins to them and says, "Kim… Tara… I know how you both have such… busy lives. So you two better rush off and know that I can take care of things here."

Tara thinks, "Did she just tell me in no uncertain terms to beat it?" She looks at Ron, still feeling the soft warmth of Ron's lips on hers and hating the idea of leaving if there was any chance where she might get to feel them again.

As Tara thinks, Kim notices the little look in Bonnie's eyes that she'd seen before when Bonnie was on the prowl for a guy and she resists growling as her inner green demon starts to rear its head as she notices that the target of that look was none other than her best friend Ron and heaven help her, she knew Ron's easy-going attitude and natural clueless state about women would have him walking right into Bonnie's clutches before he knew it.

Kim puts on a fake smile as she says, "Oh Bonnie, my life isn't so busy that I can't make time for a little meal with my best friend. Isn't that right Ron?" She looks at him and gives him a little jab when he doesn't respond right away on cue.

Ron rubs the spot where she'd jabbed him and says, "Huh? Oh! Um, that's right Bonnie. Kim knows she is welcome over here anytime just like I am welcome over at her place."

Kim moves closer to Ron and says, "See Bonnie? Ron knows I'm welcome…" She trails off with her eyes narrowing at Bonnie to tell her that she was anything but welcome in her eyes in Ron's house.

Mr. Stoppable says, "Fine then, I'll tell her to set two extra plates at the table then." He turns to begin heading down when suddenly Tara shouts, "Mr. Stoppable?"

Mr. Stoppable stops and turns his head to look at Tara and says, "Yes?"

Tara can feel the eyes of Bonnie and Kim bearing down on her but she manages to say, "Um… if it is all right… I'd like to join in as well. If it is ok, that is."

Mr. Stoppable just nods as he smiles and says, "Sure thing, the more the merrier. I'll tell her to set a plate for you too." He then heads on down the stairs with no one saying a word until he is safely out of earshot.

Bonnie says, "What do you think you're doing Tara? You can't just invite yourself at the last minute!"

Kim says, "Back off Bonnie! At least Tara is welcome here unlike some people I could mention!"

Bonnie spins to Kim and says, "Are you implying that I'm not welcome here Possible?"

Kim growls as she steps forward towards her rival and says, "Who's implying?"

Bonnie growls right back at Kim and says, "You heard him, I'm welcome here at the house. He even said that Hanna wants to see me again!"

Kim takes another step towards Bonnie with her hands curling into fists as she says, "That's not what he said at all! All he said was that he thought you'd make a good doctor which obviously tells me he doesn't know the real you!"

Bonnie's eyes flashed at Kim as she growls threateningly, "And just what is that supposed to mean? That you know the real me? What makes you think you're so qualified to judge me?"

Kim says, "I know the only way you'd be a doctor is so that you could cause more misery than even Dr. Drakken does!"

Bonnie gasps and says, "How dare you compare me to some wacko that you fight! I'll have you know that your mother told me that I had the makings of a good doctor when she was mentoring me! She even said she would put in a good word for me at her school when I graduated if I was serious about applying!"

It was Kim's turn to be shocked at Bonnie's words and on some level she felt like she'd been hurt and betrayed by her mother. It must have been obvious on her face as Bonnie grins and says, "Surprised? It is all true, just go ahead and ask her!"

Kim growls and says, "Oh, don't you think that I won't Bonnie! I know it can't be true. I bet she was just saying those things to spare your feelings because there is no way that you could ever have the bedside manners to comfort anyone!"

Tara says, "That's not true Kim!" She immediately regrets her words as she sees all eyes turn on her but it was the hard glare from Kim that really stung.

Kim says, "WHAT?" She then mentally readjusts as she remembers that Bonnie was her target, not Tara who's only crime had been was to stick up for her friend and if there was one thing that she knew about was sticking by your friend. She says more softly, "Sorry Tara, what do you mean?"

Tara says, "I um… saw Bonnie with your mother and she was very nice and supportive to all the patients she was around."

Kim's jaw drops and if it'd been possible probably would have punched a hole clear through to the other side of the world. She thinks, "Bonnie? She was very nice and supportive?" Those two phrases were certainly the last thing she'd ever hear anyone ever describe Bonnie as, because even as a supporting link in a cheerleader pyramid because there'd been times she'd just let everyone drop to answer her phone. It just boggled her mind and put the whole sitch at a level of 15 out of 10 for her.

Bonnie says with an evil little smirk, "See Kim? Even Tara knows I've got a nice side to me. You've just never cared to look, quite frankly I'm surprised you can see past that big zit on your nose that's a part of your big fat head from all your supposed greatness."

Kim growls, "I do NOT have a zit on my nose and maybe it is because all you've ever shown me is your bad side Bon-Bon!" She adds that nickname knowing it'd tick off Bonnie since she hated to be called that name by anyone.

Bonnie turns her back to Kim as she crosses her arms under her chest and says, "Maybe that's all you've ever wanted to see."

Just as Kim was about to make a reply Mr. Stoppable's voice as he shouts up into the attic is heard, "Kids! Supper is about ready! You're welcome to come on down!"

Ron shouts back to his father, "We'll be right down!"

Bonnie starts to head down the stairs as she grins and says, "We must not keep the family waiting right Kim? That's simply bad manners and that's not something you'd know about would you…?" She grins as she remembers the time Kim had been under the truth ray and offended a lot of people.

Kim growls as any thoughts she wanted to voice were cut off by the manners that her parents had given her so she had to settle for just fuming and following Bonnie with a daydream of simply watching Bonnie trip and fall of her own accord down the stairs.

Tara follows after them with Ron following behind them as he thinks, "Man, I hope I survive supper…"

AN: Well everyone, I hope you've enjoyed this chapter. At last some of the usual Bonnie shows up and as usual she gives Kim a headache. What do you think of how Tara was during her apology to Ron? Anyone rooting for Tara? The jealousy monster in Kim has reared its head again. What could this mean for Bonnie's baby and big brother love? Any guesses or thoughts?

As usual all thoughts, ideas, suggestions, spelling catches, donations or reviews or cold hard cash and more are always welcome:D