A/N: So here it is! The end! I am a little sad! I didn't think this fic was going to turn out as huge as it did. At 32,000 words, its my longest story ever! Anyway, thanks to Hart for helping me with this chap! MMB! Woo!

And to everyone who has been reading and reviewing, thank you. I really appreciate it more than I can ever explain!
Okay, here we go!

"Stop fidgeting." She said, reaching up and straightening his tie.

"I'm not." He replied, as he inadvertently wiggled again. She raised her eyebrow and looked at him. He sighed.

"Fine, maybe I am. I'm just nervous."

"You'll be fine." She said. "Everything will be fine, I know it."

"Is that a gut feeling?" he teased.

She just shrugged and smiled, brushing the invisible fluff off of his suit.

He leaned down, softly brushing her lips against hers. "Thank you." He whispered. She responded by pulling him closer, deepening the kiss. His hands were threaded in her hair and she let out a soft moan as his tongue made its way into her mouth.

She pulled apart, breathless.

"Everyone will be here soon." She said.

"Yeah, I guess it wouldn't do to be making out in the anteroom on the day of my custody case." Booth replied.

"Don't worry, we can celebrate later." She said sultrily.

His forehead wrinkled as a frown crossed his face. She reached down and threaded her fingers through his.

"It's okay."

"I know." He replied. "I just…"

The door swung open and the squints walked in.

"Hey Booth." They all said, practically in unison. Booth had to chuckle at that.

"Nice dress, Angela." He said.

"Thanks." Angela replied. "I wore this in case the judge needed to see a little cleavage."

"Angela!" Brennan exclaimed.

"What?" she said, raising her hands in the air.

The door opened again and Orville walked in.

"Well, Seeley, ready for battle?" Orville said, grinning as he shook Booth's hand.

"Yes." Booth replied.

"Good, good. You went with the dark suit, good choice for you, looks very fatherly." Orville said. He turned to Brennan.

"And you must be Dr. Temperance Brennan. Definitely pretty." He said, winking at Booth.

Brennan was unsure how to react.

"Don't worry." Orville said, patting her arm. "It's a good thing. Perception remember? Now Seeley, listen to me. I don't want to see a hint of anger on your face, got it? I don't care what they say about you, I will handle it. That's not your job. Your job is to sit there and look like a dedicated dad.

When the prosecution brings up your job, be vague. Don't mention how many people you've killed or how many people you've shot, please. The good thing is last week you saved half the damn FBI, genius by the way."

"Same with the rest of you, stay calm. Especially you." He said, pointing to Brennan. "Don't scoff at me, I can see you have a temper from a mile away. Now, are you two together, because last time you said you weren't Seeley, but its looking like something has changed."

"Umm… yes we are together." Booth said awkwardly.

Orville grinned. "Good for you Seeley." He said, clapping him on the back. "Now let's go."

As he walked into the courtroom, Orville, Temperance and the squints behind him, Booth felt as if he had his own personal army. They took their seats and waited for the proceedings to begin.

After opening statements from each of the lawyers they got down to business. Orville called the squint's up one by one for their testimony.

"Agent Booth is a good man. Two years ago, we were locked in quarantine over Christmas and he was unable to see Parker. I watched as Booth waved to his son behind the glass, trying not to be upset. I gave him this robot I built….."

"I've known Booth for several years. We worked together in New York as well as here in D.C. He is dedicated to his job, it is true. But he places one thing above everything else and that is Parker…"

"Booth's a great dad. Parker has visited the lab a lot and you can definitely see the similarities between them. Except for the bugs. Like me, Parker loves them, Booth not so much…"

"He's a good friend. When my boyfriend was missing, he flew out to the desert to help me find him. When Bren was in trouble, in went down to New Orleans in a heartbeat. Booth is the kind of guy that never lets you down you know…"

And then it was her turn. She took a deep breath and made her way to the front of the courtroom. The judge nodded and she began to speak.

"My name is Dr. Temperance Brennan. I've known Booth for three years. In those three years, I have come to learn many things about him. He is an unwavering friend. Booth has been there for me at the moments when I needed it the most. He has put up with me when I didn't deserve and he has literally saved my life.

Booth will do anything to protect the ones he loves, I have seen that first hand. As I said, he has saved my life and the lives of my team members. He has stood by me when I was unjustly accused of murder, he helped me solve my mother's murder, he…" She paused, choking on her words as tears began to form. "He dug me out of the ground when I was buried alive."

"I've learned that Booth is dedicated to his job. He believes in duty and honour and I am proud to say that I get to work beside him every day.

Booth is a good dad. He loves Parker very much, you only need to see his eyes shining or hear the tone of his voice when he talks about him. It's why he has crayons in the glove compartment amongst his notepads and Parker's picture tucked behind his FBI badge. He is a good father, one who rarely complains about this deal that he has been handed. Just happy to see his son again.

All of these things are why you should give Booth custody. Parker needs his father, he needs Booth to show him how to grow up strong. And Seeley… he needs Parker. I saw in his eyes when he was told that he was not allowed to see Parker, he looked like his heart had been ripped out. Families shouldn't be split up, they just shouldn't."

The tears were streaming down her face now and she was unable to stop them. She took a deep breath and continued.

"Booth is my family. And Parker is too. Please don't do this." She glanced over and saw Angela crying silently. She couldn't look at Booth.

"I'm sorry." Rebecca's lawyer said, standing up. "I was under the impression that no family could be used as character witnesses. As his wife…"

"I'm not his wife." She interrupted. She finally shifted her gaze and saw him, tears in his eyes and a soft smile on his lips. "But I am in love with him."


As the lawyers continued to state their cases, Booth and Brennan sat side by side both nervous of the outcome. The best they could hope for was joint custody, the worst would be Rebecca being awarded sole custody. Booth's stomach lurched at the thought of that. He felt her hand slip into his and give a light squeeze. He smiled and squeezed back. Despite what she may think, she had extraordinary faith that everything would turn out fine.

"Well.." the judge said, peering at everyone over the top of his glasses. "This, as with all custody matters are a serious issue. I would like to applaud both sides for remaining calm during these proceedings. I have come to a decision. After hearing from both sides, I have decided…"

Booth squeezed his eyes shut tight. 'God, please.'


The squealing was deafening and that was just from Angela. Not to mention the shouts of excitement from Zach, Hodgins and even Cam. But Booth ignored all of it and focused on the woman in front of him. She had tearstains on her face and a smile a mile wide.

He cupped her face in his hands and pressed his lips against hers, pouring all the emotion of the day into that one kiss. Pulling apart, he wiped away a fallen tear with his thumb and smiled.

"Joint custody." He said, still not believing it was real.

"Can we do it?" she asked.

At that moment, he was overcome with emotion. She was affirming what she had said on the stand; they were a family.

"I know we can." He replied. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Rebecca standing off to the distance, looking nervous. "I'll be back." He said, moving out of Brennan's arms and towards her.

"Hi Seeley." Rebecca said softly.

He nodded curtly.

"I'm sorry." She said. "I was just angry and….I shouldn't have let it get this far. They are right you know. You are a good father."

"Thanks." He replied.

"I guess we need to work out a schedule." Rebecca commented.

"Absolutely, but not now okay?"

Rebecca nodded. "Would you like to take Parker? He's at home with Drew. Only if you want, I mean."

Booth smiled. "I would love to. I will meet you at your house okay?"

"Okay." Rebecca replied. She moved past him but then reached out to grip his arm. "I really am sorry Seeley."

"I know you are." He replied, letting his anger fade away. It didn't matter now. What mattered was that he had Parker.


They stood in front of the tombstones, the three of them side by side. There was a slight breeze in the air as the sun began to sink behind the trees. Brennan had insisted on coming here after they picked up Parker. Considering the family turmoil that had been happening to her in the last few months, he wasn't surprised.

She knelt down in front of her father's stone and traced her hands around the concrete slab. Over the words, down the sides, she was so consumed by her thoughts that she didn't see Parker approach.

"Dr. Bones?" he said, kneeling down next to her. "Who is this?"

"Well, these are my parents. See this is my mom, her name was Christine and this is my father, his name was Max."

"Why did they die?" Parker asked bluntly. Booth moved forward to pull Parker away but a look from Bones stopped him.

"Well, my mom and dad had to leave me a long time ago and I didn't know where they went. Then I found out that my mom died."

"Were you sad?" Parker asked, looking quite sad himself.

"I was." She replied. "But your dad helped me not to be so sad anymore."

"Daddy's good at that." Parker said.

"You're right, he is." She said, smiling up at Booth. Turning her attention back to Parker, she continued. "And then my dad died too, and I thought I had no family, but you know what? I think I realized that even if they are gone, they are still my family. Because once you are in a family, you are in it forever. And it's the same for me and you and your dad. We won't stop being a family no matter what happens okay?"

Parker nodded and gave her a hug. "I like that you are in my family, Dr. Bones."

She looked up at Booth and they shared a smile. "I like it too."

They moved away from the headstone, Brennan wiping her eyes subtly with her sleeve. . Booth's gaze inevitably fell back on Brennan and he couldn't help the goofy grin on his face. After several minutes, she looked over and caught his stare. "What?" She asked, scooting closer as a cool breeze brushed past them. Booth sighed contentedly and shook his head, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her close. "Just glad to have my family back Bones." He said, squeezing Parker and pressing a soft kiss to her temple.

As they walked side by side back to the car, Booth turned to Parker.

"You know, your Grandpa Max was a pretty cool guy…"