A.N. I haven't upd this story for months! I'm so sorry about that!!!
I hope there're still those who want to know what will happen next!
Thank YOU for all reviews:)
+ Have you seen his face? Terrified Weasley is the best view I've seen since the day I died + Pansy laughed cheerfully, something she wasn't used to doing, standing next to her companion regretting that she's not able to hug him.
Draco smirked leaving the fireplace and shaking off the dust from his expensive black robes. Two hour long conversation with Ronald Weasley combined with a lesson of the good manners for the red head sufficiently improved his spirit , there was no trace of his previous fury . Once again he was calm and collected heir of the Malfoy name. He opened the door leading into the living room and stopped in the place fascinated with the view.
+ Hey! Draco! You chilled or what ?!+ Pansy stood next to him and curiously looked inside the room.
The picture itself was completely ordinary, straight out common but Draco was sure that this salon never looked so beautiful before. His mother and Hermione sat opposite themselves resting in deep plush armchairs. The sun falling through windows was mirrored in their hair. Narcissia's hair gleamed like the golden halo around her smiling pale face. The other women in the room seemed to be her complete opposite. Her face had a little gown and in her hair the light got out absolute palette of colors from darkish brown through the chestnut until red. It looked as if in the cascade of her hair every lock had different color, every was exceptional.
Pansy didn't care about Hermione's hair she was much more interested in the raw desire written all over Draco's unguarded face
+ Drake, she still got you, doesn't she?+ she looked closely at two women trying to see what captured Draco like that + hmmm, perhaps indeed it's fine picture, so familiar+
Draco had to unwittingly make some gesture, because two faces suddenly turned to him.
„ Draco, darling we're waiting for you" his mother smiled warmly. Malfoy still stood in his spot, his usual mask already firmly in place, as if nothing had happened.
+ Drake, move! You look like an idiot looming here+
„ Mum, Grann.. Hermione" he quickly corrected himself seeing Narcissia face
„ Did you take care of everything?" Narcissia asked gesturing for him to come closer. Swiftly he approached his mother with Pansy on his heels.
„ Naturally" he guaranteed sitting on the arm of her armchair "and where is Isabel?" he asked looking around, avoiding the questioning glances from Hermione „ Severus called her on. Something urgent " Narcissia explained. Draco nodded memorizing that piece of information. He still had to properly reward Severus for bringing Hermione Granger into his house and life again. Perhaps Isabel Boulree would be useful for that purpose.
„ And what about Ron?" Hermione asked worried . Ron attacked her but he has always been her friend , and she was rather uneasy seeing Malfoy's smile. He looked to smug for her liking.
+ For a love of Merlin Granger! The guy attacked you and you are asking if he's alright?! If some piece of shit at any time had tried to treat me like that I would have hexed his miserable arse straight to.... +
THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ Jeez!+ Pansy shook her head trying to get rid of rumbling + what now?! You are supporting abusers?!+ This time silence answered her.
Malfoy turned his head and Hermione for the first time noticed how much he resembled his mother . When they sat together it was simply striking.
'Too bad he didn't inherit her character or nature' she thought grimly
"We had a little conversation. He won't be bothering us anymore" Draco announced lightly drawling his words
Pansy giggled + Well it'll definitely take him some time to come back to England+
Narcissia with anxiety looked at her son. She hoped that he didn't do anything stupid.
" And he's alright?" Hermione asked now seriously worried
+ Granger! Think! You have an ideal of the guy here , his mother likes you and thanks to me you have a chance to make a discovery of the century !+ Pansy fused now truly irritated + forget about this ginger idiot and enjoy what you have!+
„ Granger! I didn't kill your ginger lover boy, I simply told him he's not welcome here" Draco angrily snapped „ I don't wish him to appear here and bother my mother or..." he stopped rapidly .
+ Uh-hu Drake! +
Hermione shrugged not noticing his stumbling however Narcissia watched their exchange with a faint smile.
„So you two just talked?" Hermione simply asked in disbelief.
Draco nodded hiding his smirk.
+ Yeah it is undeniable part of the truth+ Pansy mused gladly remembering the view of Weasley hanging upside down in the middle of freezing Siberia.
„ Hermione, perhaps we will show Draco our discovery" Narcissia suggested seeing that her son intend to leave their company. Hermione almost immediately forgot about their quarrel and with the excitement spread the ancient scroll on the table.
„ Look!Have you ever suspect that we will have such a treasure in our hands?" Narcissia smiled at her son not saying if she's taking about the scroll or the woman lowered above it .
+ Oh please!!!!!!!!!!!!!She's actually not that special+
Draco didn't even hear it watching fascinated how Hermione with extreme gentleness touched ancient parchment. Her small hands tenderly caressed it as if it was living thing.
Hermione raised her head and their eyes met " Go ahead Hermione" Narcissia encouraged at the same time looking at her son, daring him to defy her wish.
Draco understood that he has no option, his mother decided that he was going to help Granger with those searches.
„ It's only a beginning but it looks like we may have something really important in our hands" + You don't have idea Granger, you don't have an idea+ Pansy chuckled +it's my eternity we're talking about here!+
" So what will be our next move?" Narcissia asked
+ I know what mine will be+ Pansy hummed happily watching her two projects