Chris: Hello all! Thank you for all the reviews so far! I love them. xD Well, let's get on with the last chapter!

Anabel Sinclair: Heh, sorry about that. Hopefully THIS one will make you feel a little better. ~Tries to balance her out! Oo

fire and wind storm: Why thank you for the compliment, and here's the update!

Little-fox012: xD I wanted people to feel a little bad at the end. Usually everything turns out great, the hero saves the other, but what happened if a mishap occurred? I love being sneaky. xD

xxignoredxx: Heh, sorry, it is the last one. But I will be making another story soon! Details at the bottom.

SilverKleptoFox: xD I love messing with people. I don't always enjoy happy endings, but who knows. Well… I do, since I'm writing it, but I have to admit I did a lot of this on the fly. The original plotline did change from when I began to when I ended. Interesting.

Sapphire And Gold: Oo ~Watches them chew on my arm~ Oh dear. xD Well, do I at least taste good!?

Kinoshita Kristanite: Does it really? I've been skipping from actually reading the manga to making up my own things. Unfortunately the manga takes like six years to update here in New York, and the online updates aren't the greatest, so I'm not all in tune with xxxholic right now. I think I know enough. Don't even get me started on Tsubasa.

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asagohan-no-bento: Well here ya go! ~Presents the update~

Autumnights: Well, yeah. Doumeki is a powerful man, but everyone has their limits. I wanted to make him seem like he could at least have one flaw, and that was his inability to hold Watanuki when he needed to. Everyone makes mistakes.

SpiritAnime: Why thank you. I will post to everyone what the title of the next story is in hopes that you all return.

Questions and comments for all of you at the bottom.

The main creature let out an ear piercing scream, reaching forward, but not for Doumeki. It grabbed the sill beside him, lurching itself forward and out the window. It fell past Watanuki, disappearing into the darkness.

Suddenly his grip failed. His fingers almost released themselves automatically, and he could only watch Watanuki's wide eyes stare up at him before he too was falling. Doumeki let out a howl, body lunging forward, slamming once against into the wood of the building, hand clawing for the air.

As the area around him began to return to normal, all Doumeki could hear was the thump of a body hit the ground below.


Honestly, Doumeki didn't know what was worse, feeling himself release Watanuki, or the cracking sound that he heard only seconds later. His eyes had been glued the entire time to the ground, seeing the crumpled mess that was his class mate, his friend.

He was known for his strength, for being an almost flawless person, which even he knew was a lie. He made mistakes, he tripped and fell many a time, but that wasn't what he was supposed to do. He was supposed to be great to everyone, supposed to be the powerful, strong man. Smart, silent, and cool to all the people he talked to. This was more of a characteristic to him rather then a façade, he really was all those things, but they were merely what others saw him as.

In reality he was a bit clumsy. Sometimes he didn't know what to say to people, and when he should say them. At times when he knew that he should have spoken he remained silent, instead of assisting he merely sat there and stared. This wasn't because he was being cool or cold, it was merely because he was at a loss for words. This was a great flaw in his mind, but he never let it out. And instead of seeing this as a flaw people thought it was one part of his 'greatness'.

His body strength. Sure, he was an archer, and his arms and upper body were powerful, but that didn't mean that at times he wasn't weak. Many a time he could barely get out of bed. Sometimes it was difficult for him to lift up a box of books that his father placed into his arms, because on certain days he just didn't feel it. He was strong when he had to be, when he put his mind to it, when the goal was something that he desperately wanted to achieve. Sometimes though his body didn't want to work like it should, and he made mistakes. Sometimes those mistakes were crucial.

He didn't know what was worse. The sight, or the sound, but either way he was only able to sit there, staring at the ground, mind numb. His body had decided to fail on him, his words unable to come out as they should. He knew he should have stood up, knew he should have screamed for anyone else in the building to hear him, knew he should have gone down to the ground in case the small chance Watanuki was still alive, but he just couldn't bring himself to do so.

It was a neighbor of the downstairs apartments who had eventually walked out, hearing the commotion. Doumeki sat there, hand out the window, watching with dull eyes as the woman screamed for her husband, or so he assumed. Watched them both run out, a cell phone in her hand. It was the police and ambulance who entered the room, grabbing him under the arms, asking for answers of what had occurred. And it was Yuuko who stood before him in the hospital, staring down at his lifeless form, who reassured him that everything was going to be alright. His father was there beside him, his mother, not bothering to speak with Yuuko, instead trying to hold their son, whispering words of encouragement.

And it was the doctor who walked out, turning to Yuuko as the first person, apparently assuming she to be the parent. She didn't deny it though, merely remained silent, listening to his words.


He wasn't sure what happened, everything had occurred so fast. Was he still alive? Where was he? All these questions raced through his mind and yet he wasn't really thinking of any of them. In fact, he wasn't really thinking at all. It was like he was stuck in a void, and nothing he did would release him from its clutches. He felt trapped, suffocated, and exposed. And yet he almost enjoyed the feeling. It was enveloping, wrapping around d him like a warm blanket. He didn't really want to rip himself away from the warmth of the darkness.

Unfortunately the voice wasn't going to allow him to rest.

"Watanuki." Yuuko whispered, standing over him, dark hair cascading over her shoulders. When he didn't respond at first she grabbed a chair, pulling it over to take a seat. A hand reached over, touching his chest lightly, shaking his still form. "Watanuki, you need to wake up, come on."

The light was almost blinding, but he knew he couldn't deny Yuuko. He wanted to, but the first thought in his mind was about what she would do to him in the future. He really didn't want any extra work. In fact, for some odd reason, he just wanted to sit around and do nothing. Probably one of the few times that he honestly didn't want to move.

"Mm." He mumbled, finally opening his eyes fully. He winced, hating the fluorescents above him. Slowly he raised a hand, ignoring the bandages that covered him. They didn't even register in his mind as being something out of the norm. "Yuuko? What happened?"

Yuuko smiled at him. Although she would never show it, she was slightly relieved that he was alright. She had not been there to assist, and only received a call when the land lady of Watanuki's home found the phone number in his drawer. She had sensed an evil presence, but had not expected it to come so soon.

Everyone makes mistakes, everyone screws up. Even a great time witch has her limits. Whether it be from stress, confusion, or just silliness, everyone makes mistakes. She was no saint to these facts.

"You're awake." She spoke softly as to not hurt his ears. She assumed that he had a killer headache. "Finally. You were worrying everyone."

Watanuki gave a small nod, turning his head to face her. He put a smile on his face, his normal, fake smile, one of confusion and hurt. Letting out a sigh, he chuckled to himself, bringing his hand up to block the light, seeing the glow from around his fingers.

"What happened?" He finally asked. "Why did it come back?"

Yuuko sighed, resting her back against the chair. Looking out the window, she surveyed their surroundings, attempting to put into words what she knew, what she should have told the boy a long time ago. It was difficult, she knew, but she also knew it was her job to inform him. She would make him pay later.

Of course, perhaps he had already paid her.

"The mind is a powerful thing." She whispered. "Have you ever heard that if you believe in something so much, it can become reality?"

He nodded his head, but remained silent.

"Some say it's true, some say it's not. It's not a proven thing, but the mind is the most powerful thing in the universe. Some say it can even change the waves of the universe so you yourself gain what you desire. Your mind believed for so long that this creature was real, and as a child you created him, just as all children do. They see things, but are reassured that it's all in their heads, none of it's real. But who is to say ones persons reality is not everyones? Just because you can't see it doesn't make it fake.

"Your mind made that creature and it haunted you, desiring your being, your self for it to survive. By doing so it had to have you, but as a child you decided to forget about it, to fight it off, by sealing it away in a journal and forgetting about it. You locked your mind away from it, just as most children do. By taking that book, by opening it, your mind remembered and it came back for you.

"Creatures are made from our fears, out hatred. Yours was your disgust with yourself, your desire to be rid of what makes you you. In doing so, you would be destroying yourself. That world was merely your world, the way you receive everything. And that creature was merely a dark part in your head, desiring your destruction. It was you Watanuki, who wanted to end everything, who was hoping for a way out, even as a child. You were your own enemy."

Watanuki blinked, still staring at his hand. He heard all of the words of his employer, but it was still hard to process. Sadly though, unconsciously, he understood all of it.

"But… the feeling… it's gone." He mumbled.

Yuuko let a smile cross her face. Standing up, she placed a hand on his forehead. Letting a sigh escape her lips, one of gratitude, one of relief, she patted him, turning away.

Stopping at the door she turned, brushing her long hair from her face. Closing her eyes, she nodded.

"Just make sure to be back to work when you get out, you'll be quite a bit behind if you don't."

Watanuki watched her leave, his hand returning to his side. Biting his lower lip he closed his eyes, a small chuckle escaping his throat. Before long it erupted into sad laughter, relief, happiness, everything jumbled together. His confusion, his anxiety, all of it.

Moments later he was asleep, his mind free of the darkness that had overcome him only a little while ago.


From outside the room Doumeki stood, staring into the window. Yuuko had left moments ago, barely looking at him, merely making her way down the hall and disappearing around the corner. He really didn't care though. All his mind was on was the person in the room.

He didn't know what was worse. Watching him fall, after so long of attempting to hold him. Seeing him land on the ground after he had thought it was all over, that they were safe. After seeing his face, filled with relief, thinking they had one.

He didn't know what was worse. Hearing the horrific sound of the body crumpling to the ground. It kept ringing in his mind, the cracking of the body, and broken limbs, and sound of tearing bone and muscle.

He didn't know what was worse. The thought that his classmate, his partner in Yuuko's schemes, his friend, was dead. He was so sure of it, so positive, that he couldn't even move. His body had given up at him at a crucial moment, and he had allowed it. He could only stare, the image becoming burned in his mind, the sound tearing his thoughts away from him.

He didn't know what was worse.

But here he was, Watanuki, in the room just a few feet in front of him beyond the glass. Resting his hand on the cool transparent solid, he sighed, his forehead following soon after. He knew that he would never be able to get the image from his head, Watanuki falling for a second time. Somehow though seeing it for yourself, watching it happen, the thought that it was his fault felt so much worse then just walking in on it.

Releasing his hold on the glass he turned away, placing his back against it. He would wait there, wait until Watanuki was able to move. He couldn't do much more then that though. He couldn't walk in, couldn't face him, he just couldn't handle it.

He would just wait.


It took him quite a while to get back up at his feet, and even then he had to undergo much physical therapy. Sadly, Yuuko was unable to assist this time, as he was at the hospital before she had a chance to retrieve him. He didn't mind though, and every once in a while she would visit him to help him out, which made life a lot easier. She wouldn't admit it though, and even when she did she informed him about the price.

He still couldn't walk right, one leg broken, his ankle still snapped, and his other with many cracks, but they were fixable. For a while there he was thrown in a wheelchair, much to his upset. Now though he was able to stand on crutches, walking around the hospital freely, doing this and that to keep himself preoccupied.

It took almost a month for him to be able to escape from the horror that was the white walls of the hospital. Honestly, he hated those placed. They were filled with the stench of death, the constant ghost wandering around lost. He felt depressed whenever he was there. This time though he wasn't bothered too much. At all even. Everything seemed to be rather calm for him. He was curious for a while there. That was until he saw the black head of hair that was Doumeki around the corner, and although he didn't say anything he quirked an eyebrow, curious of the other mans actions.

Himewari had provided him with his homework, and he was sure he was keeping up in class, so that wasn't much of an issue. The thought that he had accidently tripped and fallen out of a window was reason enough that school was allowing him some time away to recuperate. He was thankful for all of it.

It wasn't until he was back in school when he saw Doumeki. Clutches his crutched, bag feeling father heavy against one shoulder, he stared at him, and Doumeki stared back. There was a moment of silence, neither saying much of anything, both ashamed of what had occurred.

Doumeki and Watanuki's powerlessness. And yet neither could realize the other was feeling the same way.

Suddenly Watanuki grinned, one that was sarcastic and all knowing, an attempt to break the ice.

"Get out of my way." He growled, his head jerking to the side. "Can't you tell I'm trying to get by."

Doumeki stared at him for a moment, remaining silent. The inability to speak was once again coming out, and he could only stand there and stare. Watanuki was starting to feel nervous, like he had said something wrong, before the other had walked over and grabbed his bag from his arm.

"You're going to be late." Was all the taller man said.

Watanuki stared up at him before facing back to the ground, letting out a soft chuckle of relief. He decided not to respond this time, decided not to yell or scream, rant or rave. Instead he allowed the other man to take his bag, allowed the help that was needed and desired without any complaint. Instead, he continued on, making his way toward their classroom beside Doumeki, ready to face another day of classes.


Everyone makes mistakes, everyone has fears and doubts. Sometimes, in some people, they are stronger then in others. Although these doubts, these tears in the fabric of life can be discouraging, they can also be a person's strongest point.

Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone experiences a moment of fear, a moment where they feel utterly helpless. This is not uncommon, and it will never be. No one can be completely sure of themselves; no one can feel completely safe with themselves. This is a fact. Without fear, humans would be unable to survive.

Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone experiences a moment of weakness. Whether physically, or mentally, it happens to everyone at least once, most likely more so. No one is as powerful as they wish they could be, but they attempt, and that's all that matters. When they faultier, they just have to stand up again and try once more.

Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone feels doubt about their lives. Sometimes nothing is going right, sometimes nothing is going the way they want it to be, and they just want everything to end. This is normal, this is natural, and this is nothing to be feared. They just have to shake it off and try again. Eventually things will come out right in the end; it is the passage of life.

Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone feels doubt, everyone feels weakness, and everyone feels fear.

It's what makes us all human.

Chris: Hello all! Well, that's it, it's over! What did you think? I don't think I have to say it, but reviews are appreciated. ^^' Hope you all had fun with this, and I hope to see you all in my next fanficiton.

Just curious, I always respond to reviews and such, and have found it to be a little more respectful in some sense, but did you all enjoy it? I'm writing another, and I was curious if you'd like me to continue doing so, or think it's more of a nuisance then anything else. I know it takes up a lot of one page on my word documents, but I never minded.

Also, a little longer description of my next fanfiction!

Title: A Cat's Meow

Doumeki and Watanuki happen upon a wounded cat, and Doumeki decides to take it in. Unfortunately both he and Watanuki are ignorant of the demons true intentions really are. Upon seeing the attention that Watanuki is receiving from Doumeki it becomes jealous, and decided to trade places with Watanuki. Taking the young mans form and forcing Watanuki into his, he takes his place, and Watanuki is swept away by his old owner, a woman of the demonic realm who's animals lives don't last very long. Will Doumeki notice this switch, and will he be able to make it in time to save Watanuki?