A/N: Okay this isn't exactly a dedication but I would like us to recognize the insane genius that is Just A Girl Of The Hollow x3, I mean she tells me that I'm better than her but have you read her stuff? Its amazing, plus she betas for people and probably had a life, neither of which relate to me at all, so I just have to say I'm this close to hating her she's so amazing.

I'm really sorry I haven't been updating but I had hell week (It's a drama kid thing) and I just couldn't even write much less update.


"Hey," Jess said when he and Chris came back to the apartment after there store search.

"Why didn't you say honey I'm home?" Chris whined, "It would have been awesome."

"Because I'm not you, Rory, or Lorelai?" Jess said in question form but really, Jess saying 'Honey I'm home', not going to happen.

"Hey guys, did you see anything good?" Rory asked shifting on the couch to get a good look at them behind her.

"No, all of it was either really crappy or completely out of our price range, but really we didn't expect to find something on the first day anyways so its all good, how about you did anything exciting happen?" Jess said picking up her feet and sitting under them.

"Logan called?" Rory said in a tone that indicated how that was so not fun.

"Ouch, really?" Jess asked playing with her pinky toe.

"Yeah, he was slammed and I don't think he even knew it was me he called, in fact he was trying to call Colin but apparently got me instead." Rory said sighing as she went.

"Sounds very Logan like, so did you call him a cab?" Jess asked like it was the obvious thing to do.

"No that would have been smart, I called Finn and he picked him up, after I told him about the twins of course," Rory said now starting to smile.

"I imagine that Finn had something to say on the matter," Jess said smirking.

"That he did, because apparently I'm Steven Spielberg now," Rory said raising his eyebrows.

"Twins hardly makes us the Spielbergs," Jess laughed with her.

"Yeah but he says that it has to start somewhere and that twins is better than his mom had the first time so," Rory said then looked back at Chris who was currently cooking. "Hey you cook?"

"Yep, Jess taught me and Matt, he said that if we weren't ever going to get married the least we could do is learn how to take care of ourselves, I do have to say the cooking is a great plus with the ladies, for some reason you guys just love a guy that can cook," Chris said from where he was chopping some sort of vegetable.

"That we do, half the appeal of Jess is that he cooks because frankly my genes wont allow me to make anything more complicated that waffles," Rory said with a happy sigh, "Plus the whole taking care of yourself is a deffinate plus because then we don't have to,"

"Yeah, Chris see how it works for me maybe you'll find a girl that can't cook and just keeps you around for that," Jess said while Rory punched him in the arm.

"Yeah, frankly sometimes I think I might be gay because damn what the hell is the matter with all you couples, at least the gay guys I've known weren't always fighting and doing that cute couple bickering thing, frankly it just makes me sick," Chris said sadly from the kitchen shaking his head.

"Jealous," Rory shot back

"Perhaps, but until I find someone that doesn't want to do that then I'm just going to say its weird and disgusting," Chris said shrugging.

"You keep thinking that," Jess said shaking his head. "So did you and your mom have a good time?"

"Yeah I think that she's still upset about me not being Christiane Amanpour but I think that she's understanding that its just not what I want anymore," Rory said snuggling into Jess.

"So what do you want?" Jess whispered into her ear.

"You, the babies, to write, maybe get a house, stuff that sounds pretty boring but its just what I want," Rory said breathing in

"So basically the exact same things I want huh?" Jess smirked into Rory's hair.

"I guess so," Rory said smiling as well.


A/N: Sorry that its so short but this was sitting in my computer and while I still have no inspiration to write (which by the way I need ideas), I thought you guys could at least have this.