Holly unshielded as soon as Sportacus shut the airship's door behind her.

"Good morning, Holly," he said cheerfully. "Apple?"

"That's Captain Short to you, rogue. I understand some of the locals are beginning to suspect you aren't quite human. If that happens..."

Sportacus sighed. "Captain Short, these people need me. Lazytown is small, if such a thing were to get out it will be dismissed as bumpkin nonsense."

"Fowl discovered us because of mere rumours. We cannot allow even that."

"Fowl helped you save Haven several times over, not to mention the entire 8th family."

"The next may be less easily turned to the light."

"I think I can trust my friends, Captain."

"And that Rotten character? He will try to use the knowledge against you, even if he tells no-one."

"Robbie will come around. He's just taking his time," Sportacus replied confidently.

"The People cannot afford to be so optimistic about humans," Holly warned.

"The People still think of humans as slightly more sophisticated chimpanzees. There are things I have seen Pixel do with his computers that rival what the LEP had when I left Haven."

Holly frowned. "That could be dangerous."

"Only in the wrong hands, and I'm confident Pixel's aren't."

Holly adjusted her helmet. "Well, I still think you need to be more careful."

"If you insist."

"Oh, I do. Goodbye." Holly re-shielded, and Sportacus opened the door for her to leave.