Her pacing quickened as her anticipation heightened. Her heels left marks upon the soft cream colored carpet as a pair of violet eyes stared.

"Michiru momma?"

But the woman in question didn't answer. She was glancing back and forth between her marriage ring and the front door; silently wishing it would open.

"Michiru momma?" the girl asked out again, hoping to get attention.

But, again, no such luck. The aquamarine haired goddess kept to her pacing as her eyes continued to dart back and forth between the ring and the door.


Her attention was suddenly on the raven haired ten year old. Finally distracted from the door and her pacing. "Yes Hime-chan?"

"Are you waiting for Hakura papa?"

She nodded. "She's late…and it's valentines day." The woman pouted.

"Well..." the girl paused and took out a red rose scented piece of paper and handed it to her "mom." "Hakura papa told me to give this to you when I got home from school."

"Why are you just giving it to me now then?!" she asked with annoyance hidden in her voice.

The girl shrugged as she jumped off the couch she once resided on and began to walk towards her bedroom. "Forgot I guess."

Rolling her eyes slowly, the aquamarine woman raced her eyes over the paper as a pigment of crimson began to form upon her cream colored cheeks. She couldn't help but giggle a bit too as she tried her best to stifle it with her sweater sleeve. She finally figured out why her lover was late.

Giggling more as she raced into her bedroom to prepare, the woman couldn't help but replay the letter over in her head as she mentally began to choose what sexy lingerie she better put on.

I'll be late Michi. You'll be pretty excited why I'm late actually so be ready. Put on one of those sexy little Vicky secret outfits for me and make sure Himie-chan is sleep when I get there. Oh, and that Gucci © perfume I like. You know how much I like to lick it off your neck. I'll be home by ten. Be ready.
