Author's Thoughts: Hey everybody, it's ARi NAi reporting for duty! It is finally the weekend, which I am so happily glad for and so, I'm happy to update More Than Imagination for my lovely readers. This is the final chapter for this story, as it was never intended to be a Multiple Chapter Story. However, if I get enough reviews and responses, I may continue with a sequel (not guaranteed but it's a thought). Anyway, just to give another disclaimer, if boy with other boys offends you, you may click your back button now.

Axel: How could it offend? Love this pure could never offend! –Hugs Roxas-

Roxas: Axel, shut up. It's mindful of others so our authoress doesn't get harassed in any way or form, no matter how much wished. Although they should have just read the summary before they clicked anyway…

ARi: Right, Roxas…Hey, wait a minute! That was mean! –Pouts-

Enjoy Chapter #2!

When we last left our blond hero, Roxas, he was against the wall with a mix of confusion, fear and surprise (as any individual would be if they had finally acknowledged the fact that their closest friend has been writing love stories out of frustration of said person). He was stroking his fingers through his hair, still trying to comprend this new information. His body was trembling with uncertainty and his palms were sweating like he had the flu. It was just Roxas was definitely not expecting this from Axel Gako's mouth, that's for sure. Maybe some completely weird ass secret like an embarrassing Christmas photo or maybe even a secret fetish of some sort but nothing like this. Well, it wasn't like he didn't want those words to spill from his mouth though but still (here comes the cliché ness…goodness).

Through some mighty force of God, Roxas had developed an oh-so-not-very-tiny-wittle-crush on Axel. Mr. Mihara, of course, was frightened by the thought of being "bisexual" because of what society and some of his other companions would say. Dealing with being attracted to the same sex is something that you can't just automatically say, "I'm ok with it." It takes time and effort to get comfortable with being "Bi" or "Gay". Even though his cousin and his silver haired lover already discussed this matter with him, he still had to come to terms with it.

So, Roxas, wall-ridden young adult, was preoccupied with thoughts of thoughts of more thoughts. Eventually, after several minutes, Axel continued with his conversation.

"You know what, maybe I should just tell him how I feel so we can get pass the awkward shit now." Axel said, with puzzled expression emphasized within his voice.

"Maybe I should just get this over with…" Roxas thought to himself, as he raised his self from the ground.

"What would I say though? 'Hey Roxas, look, I like you as more than a friend, ok? Want to go fuck like bunnies?' Ha, yeah right." Axel said, before realizing that his blond friend had spun around the chair.

"Oh shit…this is incongruous. Wow, I didn't know I knew that word!" "Roxas, hey! Uh, when did you get home? I didn't even hear your loud mouth coming in." Axel said, trying to come up with a playful insult to keep the subject off-

"Axel, are you in love with me?" Roxas said, with an inexpressive tone. Talk about getting straight to the point. And now, I have popcorn for watching.

"Hey, what the fuck, Roxas? Where would you get that idea from?" Axel replied, with his trademark "I'm lying through my teeth and hopefully if you are a dumb ass, you will not notice" smile. This is getting us nowhere fast.

"Keep going, Roxas. You can do it!" Roxas told himself, trying to stay as calm as possible, although he was going to blush any moment now.

"Axel…I heard what you were saying in here just now…about the stories and your muse…" Roxas said, looking away.

"Sherlock Holmes is in the building, damn." Axel told himself, sighing. Well, as unexpected as this is, he decided that the game was over and the truth would set him free (hopefully).

"Ok, you got me, Roxas. I do like you, a lot as in more than a friend." Axel said quietly with highlighted hand motions, with a hint of "I am an ass."

"And yes, as embarrassing as this is, I use you as my muse in my stories." He also said, looking directly into those loving blue eyes of his roommate. "Of course, I wasn't expecting you to figure it out so soon, especially when my conscience hasn't given me advice yet."

"Well, if it helps, I'm glad." Roxas said, shyly. "Roxas, don't start acting like a girl now."

"Wait, what?" Axel said, trying to understand if he heard right. He sure wasn't deaf, confidently.

"Well, dumb ass…" 'Nice one, Roxas!' Was what he told himself before he grabbed Axel by the chin and lowered himself down so he close the gap between him and his crush. It was a short and simple kiss, nothing too passionate but sweet enough to give someone something to be happy about.

"I can honestly say you have aroused my interest, Axel. For a long time, I've been trying to come to terms with my bi-sexuality and I'm not entirely comfortable with the whole idea yet. I can't explain it but I am not entirely sure of what I want if you can understand. That doesn't mean there can't be possibilities though. It makes it easier on my part to know that I have the affections in return however." Roxas said, with a small smile.

"Ok but what did that kiss mean exactly? What does it tell me?" Axel asked, with a smirk as he stood up to his "soon to be lover" (yes, because Axel is a persistent jackass).

"Whatever you want it to. Use your imagination, bastard." Roxas said, turning on his heel and walking out the room and into his before falling on his bed like a blushing schoolgirl. Axel, in turn, decided to turn back to his computer.

"Hmm, my imagination…eh?"

How did you like the story? Loved it? Hated it? Drop a Review!

And as I said above, I will not make a sequel unless persuaded and if I decide to. (Drop reviews, folks!)

Anyway, thanks for reading!

ARi NAi 07