Author's Note: Sorry that it's so short but it'll get interesting real soon! I promise!!

Episode 1

Santiga (or San as her friends called her) raised her sunglasses and looked around at the crowds. She gave a smug grin. "Well, ladies, I do believe that we have arrived." A giggle answered her as she turned, wearing an orange sleeve-less shirt and pants, both with white striping (think Amy's Sonic Riders outfit) and looked at her friends. Sam, wearing a red sleeve-less shirt with two yellow fox tails on the front, red shorts and red shoes, all with white striping (think Cream's Sonic Riders outfit) as well as a white bow in her hair, was giggling up a storm. Kee-le smirked, her purple sports top, purple pants as well as purple and white shoes (think Rouge's Sonic Riders outfit minus the flowers) looking very smart as well as complimentary on her body. "We should go and check in at the hotel." Sam piped up. "Yeah, " Kee-le said "'cause the sooner I find Knuckles the sooner I'll learn if he knows anything about my past." San grinned as she walked over in her orange and white shoes to the hotel that all the riders were staying at for the 1st Station Square Ex World Grand Prix. "And the sooner I get to prove myself as the fastest." She thought.

Sonic paced and tapped his foot impatiently. "How long does it take to sign in to a hotel?" Amy grinned slyly and grabbed a hold of Sonic's arm and said, "Why don't we go for a stroll, Sonic?" Sonic desperately tried to wriggle free of Amy's grasp. Knuckles and Tails, coming back from the hotel desk, snickered at Sonic's panicked expression. Sonic turned to them with a glare and said, "I suppose you think this is sooo funny, don't you?" Knuckles grinned, "Of course."

San and co. watched the scene with amusement. "Should we lend him a hand San?" asked Kee-le. "Hmm… No, this is too amusing." She chuckled. Then she saw the other mobian that she wanted to test herself against… "So, that's Jet the Hawk…"

When Jet's group arrived, a few familiar faces instantly greeted them. "Hey! Now the gangs all here!" Sonic got away from Amy's grasp and came over followed by Knuckles and Tails. Knuckles grinned and said "I've been looking forward to settling the score with you thieves." Storm puffed out, "You won't find us so easy to take down, chump! We're gonna wipe the floor with ya!" Wave grinned at Tails, "I hope your gear skills have improved Shorty, otherwise this will be no competition at all!" Tails grinned back, "You should worry about yourself, Wave."

"Oh yeah!" Amy suddenly said. " Have you guys heard about the new team this year?" Knuckles frowned, "New team?" Amy nodded, "Yeah, everyone's talking about them… oh what's their name again, oh yeah, Team Bubble." Sonic started laughing, "You're kidding, right?" Amy frowned, "no, that's their name but I don't know why they're called-". "It's because we all like bubble gum." A quiet voice stated. Everyone turned and saw a blue female hedgehog, a red female echidna and a young yellow female fox with two tails!

The female hedgehog, who looked like Amy but with longer spikes that were tipped in yellow and with a confident smirk on her face, grinned and said "Here's a warning: hope you like dust, 'cause you'll be eating mine." Having said this she turned and said to her teammates "Let's go get settled, Ladies!" and then she walked away. The echidna smirked at Knuckles, then winked and followed her friend, calling "Come on Sam, before San takes the window bed." The vixen, now known as Sam, giggled and replied "Coming Kee-le." And then she skipped off after her friends, her two tails swaying gently.

A/N: I'll only post the next episode if I get two or more reviews! So review people! Come on!!!