This is it guys

This is it guys. I thought that after like almost a year of nothing I should finish this story so here it is. Everything in a nice little package. I hope you enjoyed the ride cause I did.


I went to Bella's house the next day at around 9 in the morning. The night had cooled her and hopefully me off too. Knowing my Bella as I do she'd have been up for the past hour or so getting ready for the day and eating breakfast so I knocked at the front door .

"Be-" I stopped as Charlie opened the door. "Good morning, sir." I amended.

"She's still asleep. I'll go get her up." Charlie said and left to door open for me to come in and close myself.

I should have guessed I suppose. We had been up late what with...

I had a plan. I was going to take her to our place. Explain to her what Alice and Jasper did and since my conscious wouldn't let me lie to her, I'd also tell her how I knew they'd been there for some of it and had let it continue.

I heard Charlie knock at her door, "Bella? You awake?"


The rap at my door woke me and I turned in my sleep.

"Bella? You awake?" Charlie's voice asked.

"No dad."

"Edward's her-"

"I'm asleep." I said quickly and buried into the covers. On the second syllable of Edwards name it hit me; the events of last night. The maelstrom of lust and desire and need, and fear and embarrassment and the pressure behind my eyes as I remembered my fantastic fuck up!

"You no-"

"I'm asleep dad and will remain so for forever."

There was a pregnant pause. I could imagine the odd look Charlie was giving me, but didn't care.

Louder I said, "I don't want to see Edward... or anyone! I'm sleeping" adding on the "or anyone" to be sure Charlie didn't think I was mad at Edward and go off on him furthering my humiliation.

"Okay, okay. Just try and be up and about before noon." Charlie said in an odd tone.


The dead organ I called a heart fell into my stomach. She didn't want to see me... or anyone... did she know about Alice and Jasper being there?

I left the house before Charlie came down and let lose the interrogation he was planning. I only had to wait a few minuets before it was safe to tap at Bella's bedroom window and let myself in.

"No, no, no, no, no" Bella was repeating over and over into her pillow, her blanket bundled around her so all I could see of her was her hair.

"Bella?" I whispered by her ear and she groaned. Her mantra became louder, but muffled as it was by the pillow was still too soft for Charlie to hear it over the morning radio downstairs.

"Bella I'm s-"

In a flurry of blankets and Bella's hair she had freed herself and was babbling over me, her face pink, eyes squeezed shut, but unmistakably puffy, with tell tail tear tracks down her cheek.

"I'm so sorry Edward I wanted to last night, but I was so embarrassed I'd just attacked you and, and I" there was a moments pause as she hiccupped and chocked on her tears, "I ruined the mood and you left and I know I should have just shut up like they say you shou-"


He silenced me with a kiss. I still held my eyes closed after it had ended. There was silence and I felt my face burn brighter as I felt his gaze on my face then his hand at my cheek. I leaned into the touch, but tipped my head down.

"Bella you didn't ruin the mood." He soothed me.

I didn't want to be soothed... I wanted to hide and never have to face what had happened and how I'm an irrevocable fuck up

"Bella you didn't." he pressed. "The mood wasn't even really there-"

I wailed out my sobs.


Fuck. Smooth move. I pulled Bella to my chest and tired to quiet her.

"Bella it was Alice and Jasper." I blurted.

He wails continued.

I continued just blurting out the situation and repeating it to her over and over until finally with a final hiccup.

"They wouldn't..."

"They did." I said with obvious relief.

For the first time Bella opened her big expressive eyes and looked at me. I gave her a tentative smile. She sat back and looked at me and gave a smiled just as hesitantly as my own, until her face went white and her eyes wide.

"You mean... they... witnessed." The last work was squeaked out and abruptly her face was as red as a tomato's.

I fought back the nervous laugh that bubbled inside me.

"They didn't stay and wouldn't have stayed and as I gathered Jasper was a little..." I stopped seeing she was blushing brighter. "I promise something especially cruel as revenge. I will come up with it on the spot and they'll have no warming I promise you." I assured.

"Oh Edward this is so..." she didn't have to finish, her face told of her feelings.

A week later

Bella had moved her stuff from one of the drawers for Edward. They'd both thought it best not to be around Alice and Jasper for the time being as Bella still couldn't look at Edward sometimes without blushing scarlet with embarrassment. She assured Edward she'd die if she had to face his brother and sister. And Edwards's temper was still inflamed from Jasper telling Emmett...

Alice and Jasper lived in fear the entire week. Edward couldn't help but plan revenge and each act of horror reached his sister in disturbing visions of the possible future.

Finally at the end of the week Edward came home to grab some new clothing for the drawer and count help but think of ways he could torture his siblings while he was there.

They had gone out to hunt that day.

"How's Bella?" Esme asked Edward that morning.

"Embarrassed and now twice as shy about... intimacies." He disclosed with reluctance.

Emmett laughed in the next room.

"Oh, well." Esme suppressed he giggles valiantly, but Edward heard her inner minds laugh as loud if not louder than Emmett's.

It was on the new weeks Wednesday that opportunity came knocking for Bella and Edward's revenge.

Alice was just coming out of her vision-fogged mind when the school bell rang.

"No." she whimpered.

"See you at home Alice." Edward said smugly.

Bella immediately picked up on the tone of Edwards voice and conspiratorially asked, "What'd you do, when'd you do it!?"

"You'll see dear." He placated her with a kiss to the temple before leading her to the car door.

Bella was seat belted in and turning to ask more questions before she noticed Alice had already ran, vamp speed, out of the parking lot.

Hearing the click that meant Bella's safety he punched it home not wanting to miss too much of the show.

It hadn't been hard to see Jasper had trained on Emmett and Rose and with this information it wasn't that hard to, over the phone, not 5 minuets ago tell Emmett and Rose how to exact his plan.

He slammed the breaks in front of the house and in a flash had carried Bella to Alice's room where the whole family seemed to be congregated.

"NO, No, No!" She wailed.

Bella looked into the room and saw sex toys, props and oils strewn about the room. Everything was ripped apart or open and handcuffs off all shapes, sizes and colours were all locked together with a pile of bent and broken keys near by.

Jasper was at the feet of Emmett were he wept without tears.

Edward and Bella's laughs joined those of the other onlookers.

The end