Nine Tales Of Naruto

A/N WARNING: This one's pretty damn corney!!

(Tale) My Heaven Is With You (Nine)


"There is a way in which you can enter them."

The words replayed themselves in his mind, over and over again. All he could hear was her lulling voice, reminding him that there was a chance for them. However, she had also told him the price that their happiness would come at, and for a while, he couldn't conjure an answer.

Could he leave everything he had behind, for her?

His sandals slapped against the pavements of Konoha, he strolled around all day, just thinking, and finding his friends, wanting to spend some last moments with them if he chose the demon over them. It was funny, none of them ever seemed to be alone… Sakura spent all her time with Lee, Hinata and Kiba always seemed joined at the hip, and it didn't seem as though Neji and Tenten wanted to be disturbed by the blonde either.

Naruto's brows arced into a sorrowful facial expression….If he disappeared tomorrow, would they notice?

Years ago, they might've done, infact; they almost certainly would've noticed. He was the loudest in the group, he even liked to think of himself as the leader at one point…even when everyone would eventually decide that Shikamaru was probably the better person to pay attention to, Ino especially thought so…

But after meeting the Kyuubi for what she truly was, Naruto felt himself withdrawing from his friends, from his ambitions…Now, his only ambition in life felt like it was to be able to embrace her.

At the moment, it simply felt like he was trying to find excuses to stay, when really, there were none.

So that was it, he was finally going to be with her.

Eventually, when he got home, Naruto made sure he left a note on his door, if someone eventually noticed his absence, at least they would know where he'd gone.

At least they would know that he was dead.

With a shaky hand, Naruto opened a drawer in the kitchen… Before, the blonde had never believed in folktales and spirits and the afterlife. But the Kitsune was something of a folktale herself, and he believed her when she told him how they could be together.

They could be together in the afterlife, both separated from his body, and living together as nothing more than spirits.

It sounded radical, but he believed her.

In the drawer, he found a long, sharp knife. He hadn't ever been good with making decent knots, so this seemed like the easiest next solution.

It gleamed under the small amount of light in the room, for some reason, looking at the very object that would kill him didn't scare him. His body might die, but he would be given a new life, with her.

He made his way to his living room, and there he sat, with a knife in one hand as the other was clenched in anticipation. Soon the knife it made its way to his neck, and lightly he pressed the cool metal against where his main artery was hidden beneath his skin…he wanted to make this quick…

Soon, a silent cut was made, as a warm liquid tricked down the Uzumaki's body. His limbs began to tremble, but only from a lack of blood rather than from the fright. He wasn't frightened, and it was clear by the smile on his face that he wasn't beginning to regret his decision.

"Soon, I'll…" He chocked for a moment, the air was quickly escaping his lungs. "Hold…you." He whispered, before he closed his bright coloured eyes, he didn't want anyone to see them when they would become dull and lifeless…he didn't want to be remembered that way.

The knife fell to the seat beside him, by now, his hands that were doused in blood were too weak to hold it.

His breaths stilled, the final one had been made, and now there was no-one sitting there; just a body.

Aka had felt the whole ordeal through his being, from her eyes, all she saw was the water at the bottom of her cage turning red, and her eyes witnessed the doors of her cage rust until the metal was so weak that eventually the lock fell of. She slipped out of the door, her soul meeting Naruto's there.

She walked across to him, her hand soon found his and she held it tightly.

"I told you it would work."

He stayed silent, slowly his spirit walked over to hers, and he held her in his arms. A tear soon began to make a trail down his cheek…he was just a spirit, and yet he could feel the warmth, and the softness of her skin. He could finally feel the ends of her hair tickling the sides of his face.

Finally, he could feel her gentle lips caress his.

"Where are we?" He whispered, his callous hand cupping the side of her face, as his eyes looked into hers. They were no longer by the rusty gates, all he saw was her, and what seemed like a sheet of white all around them.

She smiled widely, the whites of her teeth showing as though she were trying to surpress a laugh.

"Heaven." She told him, as she stepped onto her tiptoes and planted a kiss on his cheek. "We finally made it to heaven."


A/N Well, that's it! And yeah, I told you it was corney!!! XDDDDD Remember to R&R!

Ja ne!!!