A/n: Gin here! Ha! Bet you all thought we forgot about this. Truth is, it's been sitting on my computer for about three months as the holidays rolled around. But Drache is busy writing the next chap. She should be sending it my way when she's done. In the meantime, enjoy this little snippet. It's not much, but she should have the section with much more plot, can you wait that long?
Auron noted that for several days Rikku had not been herself. Though to be honest, he can't say it surprised him. After hearing about what happened down in the Omega Dungeon, she had said nothing more then a total of six words.
"Does it hurt? Are you hungry?"
She never even looked at him when she asked. If it had been the day he had first arrived that she acted like this, it may not have bothered him so much, but after getting to know her more it tore at his soul. This was not the young woman he grew attached to. It was time he spoke up to ease her burden.
It wasn't until dinner when he got the chance to say anything. She arrived alone tray in hand. Setting up for him, she was about to leave him when he called her name.
"Rikku." She turned with a look of questioning on her face, but said nothing. Auron went on to tell her of his ruminations. "You have been silent. I understand it has to do with the failed mission to Omega, but you have to remain upbeat. Others look up to you."
Rikku scowled as she placed one hand on her hip. "Look, buster. You don't understand anything that I am feeling. So don't even try and act like you do!" She was about to storm off when he called her once more.
"Wait, Rikku." She had been taking great care of him to the point that he was feeling better then he had in a long time. Maybe it wasn't just his body that needed cured, but his mind as well. He tilted his head about an inch to the side as he thought about what he was about to do. "Why don't you go?"
Rikku scoffed at him. This man was impossible! First he told her to wait, now he wants her gone? What was up with him anyway? "Look, just forget it, okay? I'm fine, really. Since you obviously can't stand me here, I'll just be on my way. I'll get one of the other girls to take care of you from now on." She stomped her foot and turned away. "And this is the same man that drove me crazy with lust only a few days ago? Boy was I ever insane."
"That isn't want I meant. You want to know what happened. I can tell. You're worried for your friend. In fact," stretching his arms wide, Auron turned his body and stood next to the bed he had been laying in. "You have done an excellent job in caring for me."
Rikku faced him once more and gawked as she saw the muscles flex on his bare chest as he moved before his arms settled at his side once more. "Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait! You're not supposed to be able to get out of bed yet! You haven't even had practice walking again!" Her hands paddled the air in front of her as she tried to protest to his sudden recovery.
"As I have said, you have done an impressive job in caring for my well being. I think it is time I take my leave. In fact I believe I shall be heading into Bevelle." He smirked when the fear on her face increased.
"You-you're going back? But I thought you couldn't go back!"
"I don't plan on going alone." He answered with a hint of teasing in his tone. To be honest, he never wished to step foot in that city again, but if it would help Rikku to gather the answers she needed, he was willing to take that risk. "You may come with me....if you wish."
Rikku opened her mouth slightly as if to respond only to close it once more unsure of what she wanted to say to begin with. The seconds ticked by as he patiently awaited for her response. Her hand slowly rose to her mouth where she chewed on the nail of her index finger before she answered him. "I-I want to know what happened to Lissa. But how are we supposed to get out of here undetected? They have sensors everywhere! I know, pops had me help install them."
Auron's single working brow shot up. New information was always good. "We leave tonight. Tell me one thing, what do you do with your dead?"
She stared at him confused for only a moment before it connected.
Night fell early in the complex. Everyone was still disheartened after the Omega mission that none had the will to work for very long yet.
Rikku strolled through the halls pushing a cart in front of her. A sheet covered the bed shaped thing from top to bottom. There was a faint outline of a body hidden under the covering. Those she did pass quickly jumped out of the way when they saw her. None wanted the dead person under the sheet to reach out and touch them if they turned before the burial.
Trying to act between relived yet saddened, Rikku had to drop her head each time she encountered them. If she didn't they would have seen the tight lips of a hidden giggle on her face. The plan was working thus far.
She pushed the bed out a side door and into the desert air. The chill sunk deep into her bones as if it knew she was not to be returning anytime soon, if at all. The sand outside the courtyard would not allow her to go any farther, and she had to hide behind a desert palm for some shelter.
"Ok, we made it," She whispered before pulling back slightly on the sheet.
The rest of it fell away as the figure under it sat up. A red arm entered her vision making Rikku momentarily pout that he insisted on wearing the jacket again. "It is time then. You were not suspected?"
"Ku," She answered before reaching down and pulling two sacks out from under the cart. She passed one of them over. (No.)
Auron nodded once before searching the landscape. "Then we should take our leave now while we still can. They will not wait long before they come searching for you."
Crossing the desert was no easy task. There were many dunes to climb and the sands would fall away after each step forcing muscles to work hard to continue on. Rikku was almost ready to give up and turn back, but she could see Auron was struggling almost as hard as she was. Maybe even more. His bulky frame did not allow him to settle on top of the sands like hers, he had to push off harder and with more force to take each step.
"Why don't we rest for a bit? You look tired." She suggested as soon as the sweat broke out on his brow. The moon's light shone down on him making it seem like tiny crystals.
"No, we cannot stop yet. When the sun begins to rise, then we will make camp. We must put as much space between us and Home."
"How do you know where to go anyway? Didja visit the island on some spy mission or something?"
Auron chuckled lightly at her innocent question. He shook his head no in reply. "A friend of mine was married to an Al Bhed. I learned much by talking to her." He left it at that giving her no other information.
Rikku groaned wishing he would say more. Oddly, she liked the sound of his voice. Pressing to hear more, she asked another question. "How did you plan on leaving the island anyway? It's not like we can board a ship heading for the mainland."
"I don't plan to." Forcing another foot to take the next step, Auron plodded on. Rikku sighed before running to catch up.
They rested for the day under the fabric of a tent that had been packed before leaving. It was too hot to try and continue on under the blazing sun. Auron slept fitfully trying to keep the demons from his dreams, but they followed no matter how hard he tried to chase them away. He woke several times only to look over and see Rikku curled on her side still asleep. Each time he would breath out in relief that she had not heard his cries.
His hand reached out at least twice as if he wanted to run it along her sleeping form, but he stopped just short of touching her. It hovered over her cheek before settling on pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. Pulling back, he reprimanded himself. "What am I doing? Only a fool would act so rashly." Closing his eye, he attempted to get some more rest while he was able to.
When the sun began to set, they rationed some food and water before moving on. They still had another day before reaching the sea. Auron said little as they walked knowing he needed to reserve as much energy as he could. Rikku, however, seemed unbothered by the long walk. She bounded ahead and fell back many times to join him again.
Auron wondered on a couple occasions why they had not been accosted by fiends. He knew here on Bikanel, they grew many times larger then other places, so he should have seen at least one by now. He shoved his hand into a pocket randomly before it settled around a round coin. It was then that he realized just what other good the crest had. It was a good thing he had not thrown it out like he wanted. The Yevon symbol must repel fiends!
"Hey, Auron! I think I see something!" Rikku stood at the top of yet another dune and was pointing to something in the distance.
Quickly joining her side, Auron followed her finger to see what she had found. He could see the sea in front of them (they must have traveled faster then he thought), but there was a dark shape settled on top of the water. It was difficult at best to make out what it was from this distance, but Auron knew just what it was.
"Our ride awaits for us." He spoke flatly before wrapping an arm around her waist to encourage her to move on.