The morning after by Melfina Lupin

Author's note: This might be part of the bigger story but for now it's a fun little drabble

Warning: Sex talk, implied incest

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

The handover was a bitch to deal with in the morning but Kankuro downed his bitter coffee in silence, praying the pain in his head would go away soon. Last night had been one of the wildest party he had been to in a while but it wasn't every day his little brother turned 18.

On the other side of the table Temari was eating her cereal as loudly as possible.

When Gaara entered the kitchen, his was practically beaming. With a smirk he sat down and casually announced, "I got my first blow job last night."

Temari squeaked with laughter behind her hand as she tried not to choke on her breakfast and Kankuro was very glad that he had swallowed his drink or else if would have been sprayed across the table.

"What!?" Temari asked, eyes bright and smiling. It really didn't hit her that a sister smiling over her brother's lost virginity was not very normal. "Really?"



A slow smile spread across his lips and his eyes lower until he looked like a cat. Kankuro caught his eyes for a moment before looking away to cough innocently. "Which time?"