So I started reading Bleach, and I'm up to chapter 229. Thanks to the obsession, I've had nothing but thoughts of RukiaxIchigo in my head. So I hope you like it! I tried real hard! (And if there's facts I've missed about the series, it's probably because I've only read part of it, but I couldn't help but pump this out! Rukia and Ichigo are soooooooo cute!) Have fun! Oh, and SPOILERS for those of you who haven't read/watched the series.


When my mother died, I lost the center of my world, of my family's world. I never though I could find my center again… something that could bring together every part of my life, and give it meaning.

So when we were running together up those stairs, my heart aching at the thought of it not only being the day my mother died, but possibly the day my sisters would follow in her footsteps, I began to realize my center had been right in front of me. "You're not… going to ask anything?"

She was running next to me, her hair waving behind her. "If I ask will you answer?"

I couldn't say anything, still worrying what she was thinking after I told her what I'd done to the woman I wanted to protect the most.

"It's your problem… a deep, deep problem. I have no right to know. I don't have a method of stepping into the depths of your heart without it getting dirty. So I'll wait. When you want to talk, when you think its okay to talk… talk to me." And her dark eyes bore into me, making my heart ache the same way it did for my mother.

Or when she decided to just leave. I mean, sure I got a kick out of Kon duct-taped to the back of the toilet. Who wouldn't? But that was just about the only thing about that day that didn't piss me off. First, she up and leaves without giving me any heads-up. Okay, so she left a note, but how the hell was I supposed to find it? She should have known I'm so oblivious I'd miss it.

I was beyond mad, probably as pissed as I would be if one of my sisters decided to run away. So pissed that I didn't even question hat-and-sandals guy, er, Urahara, when he conveniently jumped through my window offering his soul separation services. All I could think about was how fast I was going to find Rukia and kick her ass for not giving me an explanation. Well, that and save her. Possibly not in that order.

But when I saw her there, those tears in her eyes, I forgot about my impending death (A.K.A. her brother standing behind me, ready to smash my skill against the pavement), all the ridiculous training, and all the bloodshed that got me there. All I could care about was the weak smile on her face and the heartfelt way she called me an idiot. I hate cliché phrases like I had "butterflies in my stomach," but there's really not another way to describe the feeling. In other words, if it hadn't been a life-or-death situation, I probably would have kissed her right then and there. Damn, just thinking about it is making me blush.

But, by far, the worst pain I ever felt was when Rukia told me she'd be staying at the Soul Society. And since I'm a moron, I shut my big trap and resigned myself to letting her go. It wasn't like she needed the hassle of saving my ass all the time anyway. I just told myself that our debts were repaid and I had hurt her enough. Yeah, I'm an idiot.

The day she popped through that window I thanked every higher power I knew. Well, maybe not all of them. She did hit me pretty damn hard and then dragged me off to fight a hollow (where she verbally abused me!). So it wasn't my idea of a happy reunion, but it still felt as if a weight had been lifted off my heart.

But enough of that shit we did in the past. Though every moment with Rukia has become precious to me, I don't feel like boring the hell out of you.


"What's wrong?" Rukia eyed me suspiciously.


Rukia sat down on the bed next to me. "Fine, but you have that stupid gloomy look on your face."

"I do not!" I went to continue my normal yelling (which eventually escalated to me getting punched and/or kicked in the face) but I stopped and sighed.


"Rukia, remember when you first came here… the first time you were here for the anniversary of mom's death?"

"Yes," she whispered. Almost instinctively, she reached over and grabbed my hand. It didn't happen often and we never talked about it, but she seemed to do it every time we were alone and I was upset, unsure.

"I'm ready to take you up on that offer, if it's still on the table."

I watched as her features softened and a smile graced her lips. "Yeah, of course."

"There's this girl…"

Every muscle in her body tightened and she screamed, "We're not going to talk about that!"

"You didn't make any specification before!"

"Well, I am now!"

"Just shut up and hear me out, damnit!" I bellowed, sure my family would now have their ears pressed against my door.

"Fine," Rukia huffed. "But I don't want any specifics."

"What, is that jealousy I hear?" I smirked.

"No!" She tried to withdraw her hand but I grasped it tightly. "I just find it disgusting!"

"Fine." I took a deep breath, trying to bolster my self-confidence. "This girl and I… well, we've been through a lot. She's always there when I'm at my worst, telling me I can do it. When she's not with me, I feel like something's missing. I think… no, I know that I couldn't have gone as far as I have without her. I owe her my life. Do you think I should tell her?"

Rukia's palm had become sweaty. "I suppose you should."

"Alright." I took another deep breath, trying to move on to the next part of my plan.

She looked sad all of a sudden, her head bowing slightly. "Is it Orihime?"

"Nope." I smiled as her face started to flush red. So she isn't that dense. Maybe I should enjoy her embarrassment a little longer… but… "Rukia, can I ask you something?"

"Yes," she replied, almost inaudibly.

"Do you love Renji?" In my mind, he had always been the only one who could have her heart. He was the only one she showed that kind of affection to.

"What?" she spat out, breaking into laughter. "Renji?" She continued to laugh, tears starting to form in her eyes. "As a brother, yes, but romantically, not in the least." Rukia recovered from her giggling and became stiff again. "Why… why did you want to know that?"

I shrugged. "I just wanted to know if I was wasting my time."

"What? Wasting your time?"

"Yeah, wasting my time loving you."

"What?" She was now red from head to toe.

"Idiot, I was talking about you the whole time."

"Don't call me an idiot!" She tried to punch me with her free hand but I managed to grab her wrist. "You're the one who wouldn't just come out and say it!"

"Well, you though I loved Orihime!"

"You thought I loved Renji!"

Yes, everything between us ends with a fight. "Damnit, Rukia!" In one swift motion (and, man, can I be fast), I pinned her arms against the wall and crushed my lips against hers. If she had resisted, I would have let her go, but Rukia accepted it completely. After a while, her hands slipped from my restraints and she cupped my face, her fingers soft like silk against my skin (see what kissing her does to me? It makes me talk all girly. Shit.).

"Ichigo…" I pulled away slowly, seeing the tears in her eyes. "You're not wasting your time…"

"Yeah, I figured as much." I moved one of my hands from the wall and touched her face, clearing away her tears. "Just like Yuzu, such a cry baby."

"I am not!" She sniffled.

"Are too." I touched my lips to hers again, quieting any argument.

We eventually parted (mostly to breathe) and I sat back, almost in a daze. Without speaking, Rukia moved onto my lap, wrapping her arms around my chest. Man, did I blush. I mean, kissing was one thing, but her body was pressed against a very sensitive part of my body (I'll give you a hint: it's between my legs) and I was starting to not think too straight.

I forced myself to concentrate and hugged her closer to me. Rukia's head was nuzzled perfectly against my chest, and I rested my cheek against her hair. She smelt like strawberries. As she slowly nodded off, I smiled like I did when I was younger, and didn't stop until my eyes closed and I slept.


Now, although I am a man in my "sexual prime" as Mizuiro likes to put it, we weren't like that. So don't you dare think I took advantage of the quivering flower that is Kuchiki Rukia (like those damn romance novels she reads). We kissed, held hands, and a few other things that are none of your business, but when we slept, it was in pajamas.

So on our one year anniversary, I planned the romantic dinner, the moonlit walk in the park, and most importantly, the present. Because life hates me and I am doomed to failure, the night ended up with half a romantic dinner followed by a hollow, a quick run through the park on the way to another hollow, gathering up our bodies, and going home to lounge in bed. Well, lounging isn't the right word.

You see, Rukia gets pretty excited after killing hollows (lets just say it gets her adrenaline pumping). Back in the day, she would just meditate and bring herself back down, but now, she enjoys jumping me as soon as we get home. Not that I really object.

Though the romantic stuff was slightly ruined, Rukia brought me to bed (rather roughly) and proceeded to take out her pent-up energy on my mouth. "Hey, Rukia, hold on," I managed to murmur between kisses.

"What is it?" she said breathlessly.

"I have something for you…" I reached into my pants pocket (yes, I still had my pants on, perverts) and pulled out the little box. "Here, happy anniversary, Rukia."

"Ichigo…" She sat up, straddling me, examining the box in her hand.

"Don't just stare at it, open it."

"Jerk!" She huffed and popped open the lid. The air hitched in her throat, making the cutest squeaking sound. "Ichigo, it's beautiful."

"Here." I reached into the box and took out the necklace. I had it special ordered through Urahara (who I threatened with death if he tried anything funny with the necklace); a hell moth hanging on a silver chain. Maybe it wasn't the most romantic thing (since it would most probably remind her of our job), but every time I saw those black butterflies, I thought of her. I sat up slightly and clasped it around her neck. "Looks good."

"Thank you, Ichigo…" Rukia fingered the necklace and smiled brightly at me. "I have something for you, too."


"Really." Rukia reached to her waist and undid the sash of her dress. I swallowed hard as it fell off her shoulders.

"What the hell are you wearing?" I practically screeched. I have two words for you: red lace. Bra and panties. I almost died.

"Rangiku helped me pick it out! What, you don't like it?" She looked down at herself quizzically.

"No… I… Uh…" Holy shit. How was I supposed to answer that question without sounding like a pervert? Fine. Okay. I took a deep breath and reached up, sliding her dress the rest of the way off. I threw it to the ground and placed my hands on the sides of her arms. "Come here, Rukia." She lay back on top of me, her body pressed tightly against mine. "It's beautiful, but then again, if you're wearing it, it has to be." I smiled, confident that I had said the right thing (this time).

"Good answer," she smiled softly. Rukia rolled slightly the side, slowly unbuttoning my shirt. "Ichigo…"

"Yeah?" I squeaked. It was almost too much.

As she finished the last button, I began struggling out of my shirt, still watching her intently. "Thank you."

"How many times have I had to tell you that you never need to thank me?" I finally squirmed out of my shirt, bringing her back on top of me.

"I can thank you if I want." She sounded almost indignant, and it took everything I had not to laugh. "Anyway, it was a very nice evening that you put together. So, thank you."

"Yeah, aside from the hollows at every turn." I rolled my eyes.

"But you tried, Ichigo…" She cupped my face and brought me back into a kiss. "And I was with you… that is all the matters." Rukia kissed me then like she never had before. It was amazing how forceful such a petite woman could be, though, after seeing her fight, it shouldn't have been so surprising.

I can't remember how or when, but our clothing ended up strewn across the floor, our warm and very naked bodies fitting together perfectly. I paused for a moment, my hands clutched in her hair. "Rukia… you're sure…"

"Yes, but… there's just one thing I need you to promise me."


"If I die… you have to promise that you won't do something so foolish as to avenge me."

"What?" If anyone knew how to kill the mood, it was Rukia. My heart, which had previously been thundering, had frozen in my chest.

"You already risked your life with your pride when you tried to destroy the hollow that killed your mother, and I refuse to let you do that with me." She placed her hands on my chest, her fingers pressing into my skin. "Please, Ichigo…"

I took the deepest breath of my life. "You have to promise me something first."

"What is it?"

"That you'll do everything in your power not to die."

She nodded, taking in a shaky breath. "I love you, Ichigo."

"I love you, too, Rukia." I pulled her into a quick kiss. "But are you sure you're alright to do this…"

"It's the only thing I want to do right now."


I sat up in bed, watching the sun glisten on her skin, her hair splayed across the pillow. Today was the day. As quietly as I could, I crawled out of bed, slipping on my boxers and t-shirt. I crept into Yuzu and Karin's and picked Kon up, dragging the sleeping stuffed animal into the hallway. "Kon, get up."

He groaned and yawned to attention. "Ichi, let me sleep!"

"I need you to take my body for a while. And stay away from Rukia for the day."

"No way! I can't leave sister!"

I put him in a choke hold and shook him for a second. "Keep your voice down, idiot. All I'm asking is for you to help me out for one day, damnit, so just shut up and do it." For once the ball of stuffing shut his mouth and did as he was told. I smacked him and watched the ball pop out of his mouth and roll around the floor. I separated my soul from my body and shoved the ball into my body's mouth.

"Ichi… what are you up to?"

"It's just something I have to take care of. I'll tell you when I get back. Now get out of here." Kon stared at me for a moment, but I guess my face was so serious that he actually ran off, dashing out of the house.

I hurried out of the house and into the street, going directly to Urahara's. As always, Ururu and Jinta were lounging outside, not getting their work done. I didn't bother with them, ignoring Jinta's usual loud-mouthed banter, and went into the store, seeing Urahara waiting for me. "You ready to go, Ichigo?"

"Yeah." I followed him into the basement and to the gate.

"Good luck, Ichigo. You're going to need it!" He sung happily.

Ugh, I could almost punch him. "Thanks." I rushed through the door and into the dangai, avoiding it with ease. Really, I could have taken a more conventional route to the Soul Society, but I always enjoyed a challenge. I finally made it into the Soul Society, heading for the west gate and Jidanbō. Sadly, I wasn't much in the mood for greeting and chitchatting, so I ran in past him, waving. "I'll catch you on the way out, Jidanbō."

Although I really didn't need to, I kept running through the streets, only waving to the people who called my name. I could only guess where he would be, so I went to the first place I could think of, the 6th Division headquarters. I stopped at the door, waiting to catch my breath, but it slid open. "Hey, Byakuya."

As per usual, he narrowed his eyes at me. "What are you doing here, Kurosaki?"

"I need to talk to you."

"Come in." Byakuya moved out of the doorway, showing me in. I walked in slowly, all my muscles tight as possible. "What is it?"

"It's about Rukia."

Byakuya couldn't hide the shock and worry from his face. "I hope that nothing has happened to her, Kurosaki." In other words, if she's hurt, I'm going to be hurting.

I chuckled, much to his annoyance. "Last I saw of her, she was A-Okay and sleeping."

He recovered, reverting to his regular cold self. "Then why are you wasting my time?"

"I came here because you're her brother and I think you should be a little clued in on her life." I crossed my arms on my chest, smiling coolly.

"You mean your relationship."

"What?" So, I lost my cool. "How the hell do you know anything about that?"


"What? How does he know anything?"


Damnit! Rangiku and her big mouth! She was probably drunk and blabbed everything. "Well, our relationship… Damnit."

"I'm not interested in knowing about your puppy-love situation with my sister, so if that's all you came to tell me, please leave."

"That's not it," I growled. "I love your sister. I've probably loved her since before you and I even met. I came here because of how she feels about you, and because I know she would want your blessing."

"My blessing for what?"

"I'm going to ask her to marry me and I want you to be on-board with this."

"What?" His eyes went wider than the day I beat him. "Marry her?"

"Yeah. This isn't some half-assed high school romance. I want her, and only her, for the rest of my life. And I really couldn't give less of a damn if you're happy about it or not, but I want you to suck it up for her."

Byakuya stared at me, making goose bumps rise on the back of my neck. "Kurosaki, you are most definitely the most irritating, idiotic man I have ever met."

"Thanks," I smirked.

"And you think I'll agree to this?"

I shrugged. "I want you to agree to Rukia being happy. Remember, I'm here for her, not me. I'm not afraid of anything you could do to me."

Byakuya walked to his desk, sitting on the ground. "Does she love you, Kurosaki?"

"That's what she says, and I'm inclined to believe her."

"And you swear that you love her?"


"I have little to no faith in this, Kurosaki, but… if my blessing is what you need, then have it. I hope, for your sake, you make her happy."

"Thank you, Byakuya." I bowed my head, the relief rushing over me in waves.

"But there are two conditions."

Shit. I sighed, readying myself for the worst.

Byakuya reached into his shirt, gripping something in his hand. "You'll give her this ring." He held it out to me and I took it, a simple silver ring with small white diamonds.


"Though it's none of your business, it was here sister's engagement ring. And I think it best that she has it."

"Alright. And the second one?"

"I accompany you."

"What?" Had I lost my mind? Did he actually say that?

"I want to be there for the proposal."

My jaw dropped. "That's private!"

"It doesn't have to be."

"And that's the way Rukia would want it to be, anyway," a very familiar voice chimed in.

I turned around quickly. "Dad? What the hell are you doing here?"

"It's not every day that my son turns into a man and shows some responsibility!" The tears started to stream down his face, pissing me off.

I immediately punched him, sending my dad reeling. "Ass, how could you follow me like that? You're such a stalker!"

"Ouch, it's not nice to hit your daddy, Ichigo!"

Byakuya cleared his throat, stopping our antics. "Isshin is right."

"So, let's go, Ichigo. I think it's about time I got myself a daughter-in-law."


So… this wasn't uncomfortable at all. Walking through the door of my house with Dad and Byakuya was as normal as taking a piss. Yeah right.

And, I managed to give my girlfriend a heart attack. "Nii-sama?" Rukia stared wide eyed at Byakuya.

"Hello, Rukia." He moved to her, touching her arm lightly. "Are you doing well?"

"Yes, very well, thank you, nii-sama." Rukia turned her eyes to me, the confusion obvious. "Um… Ichigo, where were you today?"

"I… uh… went to the Soul Society to see your brother and he thought he'd come back with me for a visit."

Her forehead wrinkled. "And oto-san went with you?"

"Yeah, of course, I had to make sure Ichigo stayed out of trouble!" Dad smiled goofily, making me consider hitting him again.

Byakuya cleared his throat. "Ichigo."

"Oh, yeah, um…" I walked past Byakuya and took Rukia's hands in mine. "Rukia, I love you."

"Ichigo," Rukia hissed at me. "Not in front of nii-sama."

"He knows thanks to those loud-mouths Renji and Rangiku, so there's no point." Rukia instantly turned a bright shade of red. "So just listen to me for a second."

"Ichigo… no, all of you, you're scaring me."

"Just listen, Rukia." Byakuya stole my line.

"I went to see your brother because-"

"Ichiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!" Kon, in my body, busted through the door.

"Kon! I told you to stay away!" I bellowed.

"Don't yell at me! Urahara sent me home! He said you were here!"

Oh, for the love of God, who else is going to show up?

"What's all the racket about?" Karin plodded into the room, Yuzu right behind her.

"Fine! Now that everyone in the world is here, can I please finish?" I looked at each and every one of them, seeing that all mouths were shut. "Alright. Rukia!" I turned my gaze to her, seeing her completely in a daze. "Everyone; my dad, Yuzu, Karin, they all love you. I'm sure if my mom was around, she'd feel the same exact way." I waited for a second to see if Dad would break into another mom-poster-worship moment, but he stayed quiet. Thank goodness. "You are already a center to our family. You make sure I stay out of trouble, you help Yuzu with the house, you actually make Karin laugh, and when you're around Dad knows the house will never fall apart."

Rukia's eyes wandered to Yuzu, Karin, and Dad. "Really?"

"Yeah," chimed the chorus, causing tears to well up in Rukia's eyes.

"What I'm saying is that I can't imagine this house without you anymore." I squeezed her hands. "And the only way I can really guarantee that you stick around is to do this." As tradition dictated, I knelt down on one knee, stealing away one of my hands so I could reach in my pocket for the ring Byakuya had given me. "Kuchiki Rukia, will you marry me?" I held out the ring, my hand shaking like crazy.

"Ichigo…" The tears started to stream down her face. Rukia seemed unable to speak and simply nodded her head, displaying her hand for me.

As quickly as I could, I slipped the ring on Rukia's finger. The moment it was on I leapt to my feet, engulfing her in my arms. "Sh, stop crying, you big baby." Rukia clutched to me tightly, my shirt wrapped between her fingers. I leaned my head closer to her, my lips next to her ear. "Come on, we'll cry later. Right now, I think you need to give some other people hugs."

"Yeah." Rukia pulled away and cleared her eyes.

Just as I took a step back Byakuya took my place, actually clutching his sister to him. "I'm very happy for you, Rukia."

"Thank… thank you, nii-sama." I could see she was doing everything she could not to cry.

Byakuya detached from her, taking her hand that held the ring. "Hisana would be very proud of you, Rukia. That's why you are the only person who deserves this ring."

"It's… Hisana-sama's…?" She jumped up and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Oh, nii-sama!"

You could tell Byakuya wasn't used to that kind of treatment, but he came out okay. He held her for a second, rubbed her back, and then let her down gently. I was almost proud of the guy for actually touching his sister.

Rukia composed herself again and started to cuddle with my sisters.


"Hey, Dad." I rolled my eyes, awaiting some idiot banter.

"I'd like to congratulate you on making the best decision of your life." But his voice was actually serious this time, so I turned and looked at him. "She's the only one that ever made you stop acting like an idiot."

"Dad!" Though this was supposed to be a happy moment I couldn't help but punch him in the face. Hey, I'm sorry.

"Come on, beardo." Karin grabbed his fallen body and dragged him away, Yuzu and Kon following on her heels. "Congrats, Ichi," the two echoed as they disappeared.

"Kurosaki." Byakuya was next to me, a hand on my shoulder.

"You heading out?"

"Yes, for now."

"For now, huh?"

"I'll see you tomorrow." Byakuya walked past me towards the door. "Ichigo."

I couldn't help but smirk as he left. He actually used my name. Amazing. But tomorrow? What's tomorrow? I turned to see Rukia standing there, a ridiculously huge smile on her face. "Hey." I walked to her and wrapped my arms around her waist. "Sorry about all that."

"Don't be. It was… nice." Her smile turned softer as she laid her head against my chest.

"You okay?" I kissed the top of her head, breathing in her scent.

"Yeah." Rukia took a deep breath. "Ask me again, Ichigo."

I smiled widely. "Hey, Rukia, will you marry me?"

"Of course, Ichigo." She raised her head and planted her lips firmly against mine.

"Well, then, care to tell me what tomorrow's about?"

Rukia shrugged. "Just a little get-together."

I raised an eyebrow, starting to get worried about what this would entail. "Oh yeah? With who?"

"You, me, nii-sama, and a couple other people." Rukia waved her hand, dismissing my worry. "You'll see tomorrow."


We strolled into the Soul Society, hand in hand, getting a couple odd glances. Luckily word doesn't get around fast in the spirit world. Rukia's excitement was obvious; she was practically bouncing around. As we walked into the main hall, where I was assuming we were having lunch, my heart practically fell straight out of my body.

Izuru, Hanatarō, Momo, Byakuya, Renji, Shunsui, Nanao, Shūhei, Tōshirō, Rangiku, Kenpachi, Yachiru, Ikkaku, Yumichika, and Jūshirō all sitting there, smiling like a bunch idiots as we walked through the door. A little get-together?! My eyes darted around the room and then to Rukia. "What is this? A captain's meeting?"

"No, it's our get-together." She yanked my ear so her lips were right next to it. "We need to make the announcement."

"But to all of them?" I tried to keep my voice down but it still happened to come out as a shriek, sending everyone's eyes to me.

"Yup!" She took a quick step behind me and before I knew it, her foot connected with my ass, sending me jutting forward. "Go ahead."

"What?" I turned to her and pointed. "You do it!"

"No way." She crossed her arms. "The man always declares it to the family."

"That's bullshit and you know it!"

"Ichigo." Her voice was so harsh, so demanding. Ugh, what had I gotten myself into?

I turned back to the crowd, seeing the sweat-drops hovering over everyone's heads. "Yo, everybody." I waved my hand pathetically. Greetings popped up all around.

"Ichigo, how about you get to it," Kenpachi smirked. "We ain't got all day, and Byakuya said it was important."

"I'll tell you when I'm damn ready!" I walked to the table and sat in a huff. Rukia giggled softly and sat next to me. "Well, I guess you all would eventually find out anyway, so I'll tell you all. Rukia and me, we're getting married."

Everyone went into a flurry of congratulations. I don't think I've hugged and/or shook hands with so many people in one day. That and death threats (from friends!). Though all of them were said very sweetly, Renji, Byakuya, and Jūshirō all happened to let it slip that one wrong move would mean certain death. Again, I asked, what had I gotten myself into?

As specified by Rangiku, lunch consisted of more drinking than eating. I ended up sitting on the side with Tōshirō, watching the gaggle of people fooling around. "So, Momo's okay now?"

"Almost. She still… gets upset sometimes."

Boy, was I close to being drunk. That's the only way I'd bring up such a bad subject with Tōshirō. "I bet you're not helping much, huh, midget?"

"What are you talking about?" he hissed.

"Well, it's obvious you like her."

"Keep your voice down!" Tōshirō punched me fairly hard.

"Damn, you're violent for a little kid." I leaned in closer to him, ignoring the pain from his hit. "I think it'd do her some good if you were a bit closer."

"Just because that worked out for Rukia and you doesn't mean-"

"Stop making excuses."

Tōshirō stared at me, his mouth slightly agape. "She doesn't… I'm nothing to her."

"Bull. Shit."

"Did she say something to you?"

"Nope, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see she wants to be closer." I nudged him. "Go talk to her. This mess is almost over, so no one will notice if you two left early."

"I can't do that," Tōshirō sighed.

"You're full of it. You really are. Get the hell out, already. And you better have something to tell me the next time we see each other." I pushed him this time, sending him rolling to his feet.

"Shit," I barely heard him spit out under his breath. He walked stiffly over to Momo and Izuru, asking her something and helping her to her feet.

"What was that?" Rukia knelt down next to me.

"Nothing…" I smirked.

"Ichigo, are you drunk?"


"Yes, you are." Rukia laughed softly and grasped my hands. "I think we should go."

"The party's not over yet." I motioned towards the people still mulling around.

Within minutes, Rukia had all our good-byes in order and we were walking (well, me stumbling) out the door and into the street.

"Well, that was loads of fun!"

"That better not be sarcasm," she shot a look at me but the sake wasn't really letting me notice it.

"How'd Renji take it?"

She stopped and turned to me. "Are you really still worried about that?"

I put a hand behind my head, running it through my hair. "I don't know. I just…" I sighed. "I always expected him to be worse than your brother about this."

"Ichigo," there went that demanding voice again, actually scaring the shit out of me even though I was drunk. "I don't really care what Renji thinks, or anyone for that matter. No matter how anyone reacted, I was going to say yes anyway, because it is my life, and I am positive I must spend the rest of it with you in order to be happy."

My smile went ear to ear and I leaned in, kissing her roughly. "You're amazing, Rukia."

"Oh, I know."

"And beautiful, and loving," I made a list between kisses.

"Ichigo, stop it." A strange smile came across her face. "Let's go home." She grasped my hand tightly and started pulling me along, practically yanking my arm off in the process. She was excited again, so I guess I had said the right thing. But, damn, was she pulling hard.

"Rukia, slow down! What are you in such a hurry about?"

"I just want to go home."

"Well, home will be in the same place that we left it even if we don't sprint back."

"I know that, but I want to be there now."

"Why?" I whined.

"Because if we make it home quickly, we'll have two hours of the house to ourselves."

"And…?" Yeah, I was being dense, but not on purpose. I blame the sake.

It all hit me at once. The excitement, her happiness. How did I miss her usual signs? And then she opens her mouth. "And we're going to have lots and lots of sex."

"Oh, okay."