(Disclaimer: Dont own Harry Potter)

(Chapter 1 Start)

Allow me to tell you a tale. A tale of lies, betrayal, and secrets; a wondrous story of adventure, love, and the search for meaning in one's existence. A story of change, where all hope can seem lost and yet a glimmer of chance slides in to save a lost cause. That story is the legend of Harry Potter and the Order of the Templar.

Like most stories fraught with adventure, this one starts on a stormy night where a regular meeting would be the start of a long series of irregular circumstances…


The biting rain of a passing storm pelted the poor residents of Hogsmeade. The town wasn't in a state of poverty nor were its residents hurting for money. For just over a year a man who proclaimed himself as, Lord Voldemort had seemingly come back from the dead and was once again terrorizing the wizarding society of Great Britain.

Lord Voldemort was a man feared by many and defied by few. Those with the courage to defy him were always the victims of some of his more nefarious schemes and met with a bitter end. His very name was unspoken due to the fear brought by his persona.

The threat of his existence brings us back to Hogsmeade and the fear they lived in. For Hogsmeade happened to be next to one of the most crucial strongholds in all of Great Britain, the School for Witchcraft and Wizardry, Hogwarts. Hogwarts was considered an impregnable fortress and was controlled by Lord Voldemort's greatest enemy. The Leader of the Light and Headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore.

With such a powerful stronghold controlled by the Light, in order for anyone to make a mounted offense they would need a base of operations located near Hogwarts, hence Hogsmeade. While the fight between the Light and the Dark was far from over the people of Hogsmeade had to always be prepared to flee their homes if necessary. And once again this never ending spiral of fear and aggression bring us back to the little stormy town where a solitary figure made their way to a dingy little pub.

The figure held their cloak close to their body for warmth and moved with a sense of urgency that seemed unrelated to the freezing cold rain pouring down on them. It was unclear why this person would be out this late, or why they would be heading to a seedy bar such as the Hog's Head. What was certain was that they had a job to do.

Pausing at the entrance, the figure took a deep breath before stepping in. A bell chimed overhead and drew the attention of a few of the bars patrons, including the bartender. Many of the patrons were dressed in cloaks similar to the one worn by the latest arrival and seemed to be the universal dress code. The bar itself had a history for catering to the more unsavory type of individual and was a commonplace for some rather suspicious characters. It was the rumor of one such character that led to the stranger coming to the bar. Searching out the bartender the strange made there way up to speak with him.

"I've been told you've been serving a suspicious person as of late, the stranger questioned in a feminine voice.

Aberforth, the bartender of the Hog's Head replied in a bored voice, "Missy I serve countless individuals, all of which can be deemed suspicious in one way or another. So if you are looking for information, I suggest you elaborate about your "suspicious person"."

The stranger raised their hood to reveal a young heart-shaped face with shoulder length purple hair and eyes that radiated annoyance. "The name's Tonks not "Missy". Albus was the one who sent me."

If Aberforth was surprised, he didn't show it, "Did he now? Well I never expected my brother to send someone so young, Ms. Tonks. In fact I half expected to see that grizzled Auror of his, seeing how he would be much more likely to be seen in a place such as this."

"Moody is busy with his own tasks at the moment. Besides who better to send…" she paused as she let her face shift to a different appearance, before changing back. "…Than someone who could easily blend in if needed."

Aberforth hmphed and discretely pointed to a corner of the pub. Turning slightly to gaze at the indicated direction, Tonks saw a stranger dressed in odd clothes, which was saying something for a society of wizards and witches.

The man or at least the individual looked like a man was dressed in a tattered grey cloak with black runes going up the edges. His robes were a plain grey that matched the cloak, but stood out much the way the cloak did. For his pants, if they could be called that seemed to have no pant legs. Instead it resembled more of a dress, but at the same time lacked a feminine appeal. She was unable to make out a face and was certain that even if she could it would be cast in shadows. The final part of his ensemble was a belt that held two gladius on either side. While it wasn't against the law for an individual to carry a sword it was quite uncommon.

"Sure is dressed oddly," Tonks stated aloud.

Aberforth nodded in agreement, "Yeah, he's been coming here everyday for the past week. Always at the same time and he even sits in the same place."

"Has he caused any trouble?" she inquired.

"Girl that is by far the dumbest question of my night. I may cater to the more…unpopular members of wizarding society, but even I won't tolerate mayhem in my bar. If he was a troublemaker I'd kick his ass out in the rain."

Tonks had the decency to flush in embarrassment, "So then why did you call, Dumbledore? He doesn't seem to be a threat and by the looks of things minds his own business."

"Call it a hunch. With You-Know-Who back I felt it necessary to report anything that seems odd. And considering how close we are to Hogwarts that makes it all the more important."

Tonks nodded her head in agreement. Aberforth quickly checked on his other patrons before returning to the young woman.

"So what are you planning to do?"

Grabbing the top of her hood and pulling it further down, she replied, "Find out if he's a threat or not."

Aberforth grunted in response before telling her to be careful. Ordering a drink, so as not to be suspicious Tonks discretely made her way to a nearby table to keep a careful eye on the "Greyman" as she called him. Doing her best to be subtle, she took the time to get a more detailed view of the man sitting less than ten feet away.

There was hardly anything to add to her prior observation. However, she was able to confirm that the man's face was indeed hidden by a false shadow from the cloak. Every time she attempted to get a look at his face she felt like she was staring into a black abyss. A second thing she confirmed was the fact that his lower robe did in fact lack pant legs and the dress-like garb was loose enough to prevent movement restriction.

Ten minutes passed by without incident. Greyman ordered another drink and quietly sipped at it. Tonks had also ordered another round to remain inconspicuous. Five minutes more and the door chimed; signally a new arrival and Greyman showed his first signs of interest when it came to his surroundings. Glancing at the door, Tonks assumed that the new arrival was most likely an acquaintance of her target, especially since he had showed no interest in any of the earlier newcomers. Patiently she sat waiting for the newcomer to approach so she could get a better view of them whilst maintaining the illusion of disinterest.

The new figure was dressed in the darkest shade of black and Tonks had to force herself from drawing her wand. Her first thoughts screamed that this new figure was a Death Eater, but upon close inspection she started to note some vast differences. Like Greyman, he wore a tattered cloak with the only difference being its black color and a crimson crescent moon, in-between the tips of the moon was a circle of the same color. The upper part of his robe had a circular tribal design and the lower robe, which she noted had pant legs had two matching crescent moons on each leg extending from the just below his waist down to his ankle. Both designs were in the same red color has the ones on his cloak. The last part of his ensemble was a belt, which held an ornamental looking dagger.

As he approached, Greyman he said in a raspy voice, "When the light from the sun fades from day…"

Greyman replied in a young, yet deep voice, "…The moon and stars will light the way."

Darky, as Tonks labeled him nodded and took a seat across from Greyman.

"First things first, what do we do with the rat?" Darky asked looking straight at him.

Greyman waved his had dismissively, "The rat isn't a threat to us, by the time it realizes what's going on it won't matter."


Tonks thought to herself,

'Are they talking about Wormtail?'

Darky paused to consider his options before agreeing, "Very well then, if that is your decision Jericho, then so be it. What do you have to report?"

Greyman, or Jericho as Darky called him, took a drink before answering, "This will be day seven since I've been stationed here and there have been no signs of any activity nor has there been any proof that the rumors we've heard are correct. I'm starting to think that we may be wasting are time with this."

"I see…," Darky said with a nod. "Alright, your new orders are to return to Headquarters tonight."

Jericho spoke with confusion and surprise, "I was uninformed of this. Is the council aware-"

"The order came directly from Ferres," Darky interrupted, ceasing Jericho's questioning. "He informed me that if you have yet to encounter any trouble, then this was a false alarm and to return to base immediately."

Jericho digested his new orders before replying, "…Fine, I shall leave tonight."

Darky stood up and turned to leave. Looking over his shoulder he said one final thing to Jericho, "Be sure to report to the council upon your arrival. They will be waiting."

Jericho calmly took a sip of his drink and waved Darky off, acting as if he had heard that line a thousand times. While Darky left, Jericho remained seated, silently finishing his drink.

'What the hell is going on?'

Tonks pondered,

'What were they talking about? Council? Rat? Ferres? None of this makes any friggen sense!'

Silently the young auror rolled the conversation around in her head trying to find anything that could clue her in on what the two men had spoke of. However, nothing seemed to connect and the thought of a possible third party in the war between Voldemort and the Ministry brought mixed feelings. Having nothing else to go on, she calmly waited for Jericho to leave. At the very least she could either tail or interrogate him.

Nearly a half hour passed since Darky's departure and Tonks was amazed with how long Jericho seemed to nurse his drink. The storm that had been raging earlier had passed some time ago so it wasn't like he was waiting for the rain to stop. Finally, Jericho put down his empty glass and stood up. Leaving some money on the table, he made his way to the door. Tonks sat at her table for a few moments before getting up to follow.

Doing her best to be discrete, she trailed her target. He didn't seem to have a clear destination in mind, going through various alleys, cutting through the main street, and retracing a few of his steps. If Tonks hadn't known any better, she would have assumed the young man was lost. Making his way to the main street for a third time, he walked to the center of Hogsmeade and stopped. He looked up at the sky before taking a cautious glance around the town.

Quietly he spoke two words, "…They're here…" Glancing at Tonks, he added. "You best be careful or you'll get caught in the cross-fire."

Tonks's eyes widened in shock at being discovered. Before she could ask any questions a series of pops alerted her to a group of people apparating into the town. Glancing from left to right as quickly as she could she saw Death Eaters were everywhere. Without a word, Jericho drew his twin gladius'.

Crisscrossing his blades Jericho funneled magic into them and set them ablaze in a golden aura. As the bright glow from the swords dimmed a second burst of light came, this time from under his hood. Two fiery auras emanated from under the hood right where his eyes were located. Tonks hopped the light from his eyes would illuminate his face but was disappointed to see that not even the powerful glow coming from his eyes could light up his face.

The Death Eaters looked at Jericho with a mixture of shock and surprise. From off to the side one of the assailants raised their wand and spoke two words that made Tonks's blood run cold.

"Avada Kedavra!"

The green light from the spell raced towards the swordsman, who showed no signs of moving. At the last second Jericho rose one of his glowing swords to meet the deadly spell. As the spell connected, Tonks closed her eyes not wanting to see a man killed in cold blood. However, a series of gasps forced her eyes back on the scene.

The green lightning from the unforgivable ran up and down the length of the blade fighting the golden light surrounding the sword. Ever so slowly the green light started to dim and was finally overtaken by the blade's aura. Jericho remained motionless, showing no signs of the spell having any affect on him.

"Best not underestimate me. I've killed hundreds of men all of which were more powerful than you!" Jericho taunted.

Before the Death Eaters could digest his words, he moved. Three quick, long strides and he was in front of the man who cast the spell. Raising one of his swords he thrust it into the man's chest and with a savage twist, pulled the blade back out. When the man's body hit the floor it acted as the signal for the fight to be under way. The Death Eaters were quick to train their wands on the new threat and started hurling any and every spell they could think of.

Jericho for his part weaved in between spells and occasionally diving to the side when necessary. As he dodged spells he made his way to another Death Eater. The Death Eater in question saw the swordsman charge him and quickly leveled his wand at the incoming threat. Before he could cast a spell a sword cut through the air and severed the wand in two. Following up with his first swing, Jericho spun and used his second sword to decapitate the man.

The remaining Death Eaters took advantage of Jericho's stationary position and let off a volley of spells. Stabbing one of his blades into the ground, he used his free hand to grab the still standing corpse and moved it into the incoming spells path. The corpse quickly turned into a mass of bloody chunks as each spell did its damage. Grabbing his blade, Jericho continued his rampage.

Tonks for her part was amazed with what she was seeing. However, it didn't take long for her auror training to kick in and soon enough she was participating in the battle, taking potshots off any unsuspecting Death Eater. At the same time she made certain to keep one eye on Jericho in case he were to mistaken her for an enemy and wisely kept her distance.


Jericho was running through another volley of spells enjoying the adrenaline rush. He didn't necessarily have a death wish, but everything he lived for revolved around combat. He was trained for it, raised with it, and dreamed of it. His whole purpose for existing was to combat the darkness in man and he was good at it.

As he avoided another spell his mouth twitched in annoyance. The Death Eaters were starting to learn how to fight him. There had been a substantial increase with blasting curses and it was making the fight all the more difficult, or in Jericho's case, enjoyable. Diving to avoid one blasting hex he saw another aimed where he would land.

'Shit! Won't be able to dodge that one,'

He cursed. Hitting the ground with a roll he stood up quickly to face the oncoming spell.

Focusing more magic into his blades, the aura grew brighter and the edges took on a wicked gleam. Raising the blade over his head he slashed downward and once again shocked his viewers. As the blade hit the spell the aura seemed to cut through the magic that held it together effectively destroying the spell. Nodding in satisfaction, Jericho returned to the offensive. With his latest trump card revealed he no longer had to waste as much time dodging.


Tonks who had seen the entire thing happen stopped attacking entirely. She couldn't believe she just saw someone cut a spell in half! A blasting curse at that!

'Who the hell is this guy!? More importantly what the hell is he!?'

A stray blasting curse from the battle hit the ground near her position and Tonks cursed. She had been warned to be careful and not get caught in the cross-fire and she paid for it. Knowing she was a sitting duck she tried to push herself up but one of her arms protested and forced her to bite her tongue to keep from crying out. As she put all her weight on her one good are she saw a shadow loom overhead.

A lone Death Eater had seen her get blasted and came to finish the job. Raising his wand he began to say the words that would be Tonks's end, "Avada…"

Hearing the incantation that would kill her, Tonks shut her eyes and waited for the spell to hit.

"Keda-" The Death Eaters words ended abruptly before he could finish. Noticing the unexpected pause, Tonks looked at her would be murderer. The pause for the mans sudden silence was made abundantly clear when she saw a glowing blade protruding from his chest. Tonks looked about as shocked as the Death Eater did. Jericho was a few yards behind the man with his arm still in the throwing position.

The man tried to speak but only the gurgling sound from the blood coming out of his mouth could be heard. His eyes rolled to the back of his head and he fell to the ground.

Jericho glanced around at the now silent battlefield. All the Death Eaters were either dead, unconscious, or pussed out and ran away. Looking back to where he had thrown his blade, he calmly and silently walked over to the corpse. Upon reaching his destination, Jericho savagely ripped the blade free. He was still riding his battle high, as the magic was still flowing from his swords and eyes.

Taking a few deep breaths to calm himself, the glowing auras slowing faded away. With the magic vacating his blades, he sheathed them. Taking a passing glance at the young woman at his feet, he nodded his thanks for her assistance in battle. Her help wasn't needed, but appreciated nonetheless. Another series of pops alerted him to more visitors and he quickly reached for his blades. However a quick cry of "wait" from the woman next to him made him stop.

'Must be the good guys…whatever, my job's done.'

Jericho thought.


An old man with a long flowing beard quickly glanced at the carnage around him. He was Albus Dumbledore, leader of the light and the main opposition against the Dark Lord Voldemort and his followers. News of Hogsmeade had quickly reached him and he was quick to round up his followers and lead the counter-attack. However, when they apparated in, it seemed that the battle had already concluded.

The little town was in complete ruin. Buildings and terrain showed signs from multiple blasting curses, bodies littered the street, though they all appeared to be Death Eaters, and at the center of it all was a man in grey robes with a wounded auror at his feet. The man's dark presence intimidated many of Albus's followers and it was quite understandable. The man was strong, his whole boding oozed confidence with no signs of arrogance, his tattered blood soaked robes added to his dangerous appearance, and the way he coolly regarded them added fuel to the fire.

'It isn't possible! How did

they learn of Voldemort's return? Better yet why are they even here?' Albus thought as he looked the man over.

From behind him, he could hear the sounds of some gagging and even a few losing their dinners. For his part, Albus remained strong an unaffected. The scene did leave him feeling sick, but he couldn't loose the image of strength that he represented. There were questions to be asked and Albus deemed himself the only one capable of asking them.

"What is a Templar doing here?" he asked with respect. This person he spoke to was not just a man, he was a Templar and judging from the scene around them; a damn good one.

Jericho's eyes widened in surprise, not that anyone could see that. He hadn't expected anyone to realize just who and what he was. Feeling compelled to answer he gave the old man a diplomatic response, "That is no concern of yours. Instead be thankful that I saved you the trouble of dealing with these…insects."

Everyone was shocked by his response. Not only did he blow off the Albus Dumbledore, but he also spoke of killing a human being as if he were dealing with some pest. Not caring about their opinion of him, Jericho clapped his hands together and focused his magic. Soon his arms were enveloped in the same golden energy that had once surrounded his blades. Slamming his hand on the ground, he disappeared in a flash of golden light.

Albus walked up to the injured auror, intent on figuring out just what happened. In a strong commanding voice he ordered, "Tell me everything."

Tonks looked at Albus with a great amount of fear. She had gone from spy, to warrior, to near victim of a fatal curse, and now she was being asked to relive the events by one of the most powerful men she ever knew. Albus saw the look on her face and took pity on her. Lowering himself to her level, he cast a numbing charm on her swollen arm and put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

With the kind and gentle atmosphere that he was renowned for, he said. "You're safe now, Miss Tonks. But I must know what happened.

Tonks swallowed hard and took a shuddering breath before opening her mouth to speak. The best place to start would be from the beginning.

(End of Chapter 1)

This is the first chapter of the rewrite special thanks to Some1Else2 and The Gallant Ranger for betaing the chapter. For returning fans I hoped you enjoyed the revamped chapter 1 for new fans the following chapters are being rewritten but feel free to read them