Disclaimer: I do not own Yami no Matsuei. But I can dream.

A/N: Because you asked for it...Enjoy!


A cool breeze ruffled silver hair obscuring equally silver eyes. Annoyed, the pale man flicked it back refocusing his sight once again on his lover who, at this moment, seemed quite determined on a certain patch of grass.

Digging in the dark soil, the brunette yanked at clumps of green vegetation, tossing them in a small pile behind him.

The weather was overcast and chilly, not the best sort of conditions to work outside but the brunette was resolved to, as he put it, "get a jumpstart on spring" so pulling at weeds was first on his morning agenda.

The tall man smiled. However, his further musings were interrupted by the high pitch whistle inside the house. Walking to the source of the noise, he pulled the kettle off the stove and set about preparing afternoon tea.

So much in such a short time. Even Muraki marveled at the swiftness at which his life had changed.

Definitely for the better, he realized.

The manor had proven to be much too big for just the two of them. So it was agreed to be used periodically while the one-bedroom cottage would be their permanent residence.

The quaint little house and surrounding property had been in Muraki's family for years and somewhat neglected of late. But the doctor had used all his resources to bring it back to life.

However, Tsuzuki had insisted that the garden be left to him. When he first laid eyes on it, he had been absolutely enchanted with its lush greenery and multitude of bright colors, the babbling brook and koi pond and little shrine nestled in the alcove.

He declared then and there that he would tend to it himself, all of it. Pulling weeds, planting all varieties of flowers, cultivating the roses, feeding the koi, tilling the soil for vegetables in the spring months. The list went on and on. It would be his pet project and it would make him happy.

Muraki, on his end, had drastically cut back his hours at the hospital. No more night shifts, no more weekends. Now it was a 9 to 5, Monday through Friday schedule. His nights and weekends now belonged to his lover.

After setting down a plate of lemon cake on the lacquered tray, the doctor made his way back to the porch.

"Asato!" he called, amused to see Tsuzuki tackling a particularly stubborn weed with a vengeance.

Tsuzuki waved and pulled off his work gloves, tossing them on the ground.

Bounding up the cobbled path to the porch, he looked gratefully at the refreshments.

Muraki reached for the brunette's hand, laying a gentle kiss to his cheek.

"You've been working quite hard, ne?" his pale lover observed, handing Tsuzuki his tea.

Settling into the loveseat, Tsuzuki nodded in agreement.

"Well, I hadn't realized the weeds had overgrown so much on that side. Once I clear that area, I can start planning what flowers can go there. Oh! And I wanted to figure out what kind of vegetables can be planted next month as spring will be here before we know it."

"Quite so. Neverthless, beloved, it is much too cold to be outdoors. I don't want you to catch a chill."

Tsuzuki sipped his hot tea.

"All right. I'll just clear up the pile. I did want to go over the flower catalogs and check out the new arrivals."

Muraki smiled at his lover's obvious enthusiasm. Tsuzuki was much more relaxed and happy. Something his co-workers couldn't help but notice. And a happy Tsuzuki at home made for a diligent and hard-working Tsuzuki at work.

The doctor gently brushed back a strand of dark hair from the brunette's vibrant violet eyes as Tsuzuki continued to talk of his latest idea.

"Do you think that would work, Kazutaka?" the dark-haired man asked pointedly.

"Hmm?" the pale blonde responded, his mind still on his musings.

"Hmph. You haven't heard a word I said," his lover retorted, annoyed. He snapped at a bit of cake, chewing sharply.

"Forgive me, beloved," Muraki cupped Tsuzuki's jaw, pressing his lips against the warm cheek. "I was distracted by your beauty," he whispered, quite serious.

Tsuzuki blushed, lowering his eyes.

"Kazutaka..." he chided, embarrassed.

"Am I forgiven?" the doctor asked, contrite.

The brunette took a deep breath, set his plate down and turned to the doctor. Wrapping his arms around the slim waist, he turned his face up.

"Give me a kiss and I'll think about it," he teased, violets dancing mischievously.

Muraki groaned softly, gathered the smaller man into his arms and delivered a bone-melting kiss to his beloved. For several minutes, both men's lips played against one another, neither one ready to come up for air anytime soon.

When at last they parted, Tsuzuki leaned weakly against the broad shoulders, his breath shallow.

"Forgiven," he gasped.

Muraki's lips quirked. Swallowing hard, he entreated.

"Beloved, why don't we retire early this evening, hmm?" the pale man drawled. "If I remember correctly, we were up to page 11, ne?"

This time, Tsuzuki blushed crimson, yet, a smile tugged at his kiss-swollen lips.

"Well, I did want to go over pages 8 through 10 again. Just to make sure I understood it," he said lightly.

Muraki laughed, holding his lover tight, shaking both their bodies.

Soft grey clouds made their way across the dreary sky and the smell of rain was heavy in the air. A storm loomed on the horizon.

"I'll make a fire tonight," Muraki murmured into his lover's silk hair.

"I'll make lamb stew," Tsuzuki offered, snuggling deeper into his lover's embrace.

Thus, the two lovers quietly enjoyed each other's presence and the surrounding peacefulness of the afternoon.

Hmmm. Asato's birthday is in a few days. What to get him...



A/N: Thanks so much for the lovely reviews and encourgement! It's been fun and I'm so glad that Muraki and Tsuzuki are settled and happy, at least in my world!