So, the Sorting Hat gets to sing its little ditty at the start of every new school year - but what about the Maurauder's Map? I imagined if it had a song to introduce itself it might go something like this:

Song Of The Marauder's Map

Hogwart's student pay attention!

If you wish to avoid detention.

Information you can't miss,

Tap my parchment and say this:

"I solemnly swear I am upto no good"

Your sly intentions I've understood!

Are you tired of being detected?

Feel your free time's been neglected?

Have no fear, for now you see,

Having funs my cup of tea!

Is it your wish to ignore,

A classmate you find such a bore?

Spot them on my useful map

And dodging them becomes a snap!

Have you homework overdue?

Is your teacher stalking you?

Make quite certain they don't find you

With the knowledge I'll imbue.

All manner of tricks may be performed,

Now you are so well informed.

Although we hope you'll be educated,

We think lessons are overrated!

So have your own adventures,

Write your own tales and songs!

Courtesy of Messers Moony, Wormtail,

Padfoot and Prongs.

Lest someone should see you try,

"Mischief managed" is the cry!