Fandom : Yuu Yuu Hakusho (The White Book on Ghosts.)
Character : Mukuro
Mukuro is known as one of the prior three demon lords, which of course has now been disbanded. Mukuro is a character many try not to identify with because she represents the darker side of society in some cases. She is both deeply respected and like, but she is also immensely disliked. Mentioning her is almost a guarantee to make a yuu yuu fan tense, whether in pity or anger. Let us delve now into the one tortured.
Mukuro stories starts out remarking that she was once beautiful. With long, and flowing reddish-orange hair one could remark why this is. She has dark blue eyes, though one is hidden beneath talismans and cloth. Mukuro stands about five feet four inches and weighs about a hundred and four pounds. She has a semi-pale complexion and a diagonal scar gracing her face above her nose. However, that which is hidden behind clothes, and talismans is a network of metal and machines. Her whole right side was disfigured by acid, that which she replaced.
Mukuro does not have a favorite food nor is her birthday described. No, instead her personality is shaped completely by her earlier experiences in life. When Mukuro first arrives on the scene she is cold and calculating, becoming a ruthless killer. This killing is to stem the anger, pain, and fear that has kept her shackled along with the physical representations of her past.
Her past is what makes Mukuro who she is, and it make sense. For a youkai, she has had a very troubling childhood and youth. She was abandoned at birth and then adopted by a sadistic man. He would abuse her in the worst ways, and for her birthday he would rape her. Mukuro shattered at the age of seven, and pour acid upon herself to scar and hopefully stop her second father's advances. After seeing what she did he became angry and imprisoned her, she eventually escaped, but she could not break the shackles around her wrists. These served as a constant reminder of what she wishes to forget. Mukuro also killed the man that did that to her, and survived living off the streets.
The thing about Mukuro when she is first introduced as a demon lord, it's hypothesized that she is a he. Mukuro represents all we wish to avoid, and it's a conscious cycle of hate. Some believe her reactions to what happen to her are wrong, and she's just making it worse. Also, she becomes merciless as a demon lord, but that is all to survive all the world has given her. She's mostly hated for almost killing Hiei, whom she healed and revealed to him who she was. This proves that she can still care after everything that has happened to her.
The turning point with Mukuro is the returning of the tear to Hiei, and then fighting in the tournament afterwards. It showed she was willing to surrender her power for the greater of her people, even though she was planning on attacking Yomi...However in the Ankoku Bujuustkai tournament, Hiei freed her from her physical shackles. Having this done, Mukuro felt a sense a of peace and freedom she has not had. However, she loses, and it is stated that since she lost her hatred, she was no longer at her peak.
Mukuro's story is one steeped in tragedy and small triumphs. Perhaps the reason most hate her is because of the closeness she shares with Hiei. One of the most liked male characters in the series, as at the end it even hints at a relationship. Also, because she made Hiei go through several trials before she even allowed a final fight. Being that her name means corpse, it quite surprising to see her so animated even though it's with anger.
She is also the counter-balance to the Hiei character. As they were both betrayed and grew up harshly. Both had to survive on their own, but they came out a little different from each other. Mukuro's basically the yin to Hiei's yang.
Mukuro's character was just to heavy to be taken in for the little screen time she actually got. Especially when we are first introduced to her, it is not in a favorable light. She's just had a horrible life growing up and it has had various repercussions. Mukuro is a character we need to come at with an open mind set to truly understand her. Though most of her actions stem from motivations of revenge, she reminds us to much of what we might do if we had to suffer the same fate. We don't feel secure with her character, because she's just close to some of the extremes we've seen done, and would be done in that situation. No, the Mukuro definitely needs an open heart and mind to truly be appreciated.