The night started out just like any other day and the guys were on their training run.
"Catch me if you can." Mikey said as he jumped to the next roof top.
"Come back here you twerp!" Raph yelled as he ran after him with Leo and Donny close behind him.
They came to a stop and Leo said, "This is were we are going to practice. So let it begin."
Leo drew out his katanas and the other drew out their weapons too. They began their practice and all of a sudden Hun came out of the shadow with the Foot Ninjas. They attacked the guys. The battle seem to lasted for hours and the guys grew tired. Hun walked over to Raph and grabbed him by the neck. He threw Raph across to another building and Raph hit his head on a roof fan so hard that it knocked him out.
"Our work is done. Let's go." Hun said as the Foot Ninjas and him took off running.
"Cowards!" Leo yelled as he put his katanas in their sheaths. They ran to the edge of the roof top and flipped off to the building that Raph is at. Leo walked over to Raph and slowly picked him up. Raph woke up and looked at Leo.
"My angel." Raph said as he passed out again.
Leo lifted Raph up and carried him.
"Let's get back to the Lair." Leo said.
"Yea." Donny and Mikey said in unison.
They ran and jump from roof top to until they made it home. Donny walked to the hidden panel and opened it up. He punched it the secret code key and the Lair door opened. Donny closed it back up. They went inside. They arrived into the living room and Master Splinter greeted them.
"What happen to Raphael?" Master Splinter asked them.
"We were out practicing and Hun & the Foot Ninjas jumped us. Hun threw Raph over to another building and he hit his head hard Sensei." Leo explained to his father.
"Take him to the infirmary at once." Master Splinter ordered.
"Hai Master Splinter." Leo said and bowed to his father.
Leo and Donny took the knocked Raph to the infirmary. Once in Leo took Raph off his shoulders and laid him on the cot.
Donny walked over to Raph and removed Raph's bandanna as Leo watched close by.
"Need any help bro?" Leo asked.
"Yes I do. Help me sit him up." Donny said.
"Will do bro." Leo said as he sit Raph back up.
"Hold him still Leo." Donny told him as he exammed Raph's head.
Raph started to come around and said,"Ow what hit me."
"Take it easy bro." Leo said.
Raph looked Leo and smiled.
"What are you smiling at Raph?" Leo asked him.
"I'll be right back bro." Donny said.
"Ok take take your time." Leo said as he watched Donny go get the bandages and medicine.
"Are you my Angel?" Raph asked his brother.
Leo looked at him and yelled, "Raph are you crazy or something?"
"Calm down Angel." Raph said.
Donny came back with the clean bandages. He walked over to Raph and Leo.
"Good you are a wake Raph" Donny said.
"Who is he Angel?" Raph asked Leo.
"Raph he is our brother Donny. Don't call me Angel!" Leo said mad.
"Leo you can let-" Donny started to say but Raph interrupted him.
"Her name is Angel not Leo. I don't know who this Leo person is." Raph said.
"Something is wrong with Raph's head." Leo said as he let go of Raph's arm and walked away.
Raph grabbed Leo's wrist and pulled him back to him.
Leo looked at him and yelled,"Raph what the big idea?"
"You are not going nowhere Angel." Raph said not letting go of Leo.
"Raph what the shell do you think I am?" Leo asked his injured borther.
"My Angel." Raph replyed.