The Holiday

I was just sitting in bed thinking about this story and thought, why the hell not? Here we go then!
Disclaimer: I don't own CSI. Not even the DVD's. Sobs quietly into the pillow

Chapter 1

"Cath, can you come here for a sec?" Gil said as the blonde woman walked past his office door.

She came in and sat in the chair opposite him.

"Sure, what's up?"

"Well, as you know Sara's on vacation as of tomorrow for 10 days." He began, taking his glasses off and placing them on the desk. "I've just come from a meeting with Ecklie and he's told me that I've clocked up too much overtime so I have to take a week off. I'll be gone in three days for a week. You'll be acting supervisor while I'm gone. That ok?" he finished.

"Yeah sure, so you'll be off for the same amount of time as Sara? Where you planning on going? If you don't mind me asking?" she asked.

"Hawaii, a nice hotel in the city." He replied.

"Hawaii? Huh. Isn't that where Sara's going?" Catherine asked before she exited his office, leaving him confused.

Three days later, Gil Grissom was sat on a plane bound for Hawaii. The journey took little over an hour and before he knew it, the plane had touched down in the airport. Once he'd collected his bags, he made his way to the taxi rank and on to the hotel. He got to his hotel room and flopped down onto the bed. It was getting late so he decided to turn in for the day.
He awoke the next morning refreshed. He got dressed and made his way to the breakfast bar in the hotel.

He entered and saw quite a few people mulling around the bar. He strode over to the food, but something, or rather someone caught his eye, sitting down at a table near him.

She was wearing a yellow tank top and a thin white skirt showing her long legs and sandals with her sunglasses in her hair while she drank her orange juice and read a magazine. It was Sara.

Grissom grabbed some toast and without thinking, made his way over to the table. She was about to take another sip of juice when he asked "Excuse me, is anyone sitting here?"

She recognised his voice and nearly choked on the juice. She looked up at him, just to make sure. It was Grissom. She could feel the heat beginning to rise in her cheeks. Man did he look hot. He was wearing long, deep blue shorts that showed his sexy legs and a really tight vest top, showing his muscular arms. He'd been going to the gym regularly with Brass and it showed. For an older man, he had an adequately defined chest and abdominal area.

"Grissom?" she asked.

"It's me." He said, bringing back the memory of when she'd first moved to Vegas. "Can I sit down?"

"Yeah, sure. What're you doing here?" Sara asked as she laid down her magazine.

Grissom sat down, took a bite of toast and said "Ecklie. He said I've been doing too much overtime so he gave me a week's paid vacation. You staying in this hotel too?" he asked her, and then he thought 'why else would she be here dumbass?'

"Yeah, room 217." She said.

"We're on the same floor, I'm in 256. Are you staying here the rest of the week too?" he asked.

"Yeah. It's nice isn't it?" she replied.

"Mmm." He said, taking another bite of toast. "You had and breakfast?"

"Uh, no. the hotel food goes straight through me. I was just gonna finish this drink then go to a café or something, you wanna join me?" she said, crossing her legs and accidentally-on-purpose brushing against his leg. She was pleasantly surprised to find that his legs were not that hairy.

Gil's head was screaming 'Hell Yes!' but he managed to toe this down to a simple "Yeah. This toast didn't fill the gap at all."

She smiled, finished her drink and they stood up. They made their way out of the hotel and into the town.

"You know Griss, you've got a damn nice body, I'm serious," she said as his head snapped to look at her. "Look at all the women looking at you. You should wear tight clothing more often, no wait; you'd probably distract all the females in the lab, maybe even some of the males." She laughed, but she was right, nearly every woman who walked past them was turning to look at Grissom's butt.

"Uh…thanks Sara." His heart was pounding in his chest. Sara had just complimented his physique. "You've got a nice body too. You should show off your legs more often." Two can play at this game. She blushed and turned to look at the sea view.

They stopped at a small café near the sea and Sara went to get them drinks. She returned a short while later with a sullen face.

"What's wrong?" Gil asked her.

"The guy at the till keeps flirting with me. I came in here yesterday and he wouldn't leave me alone, kept giving me free refills. I told him I wasn't interested but he just kept doing it." She sat down next to Gil.

"Do you want me to talk to him? I'll ruff him up with my new muscles if you want." He said, making her laugh.

"No, its fine. He'll get tired soon enough."

"Maybe he'll stop when he sees you're here with me." He said without thinking.

To his surprise, Sara nodded and smiled. They ordered their food and talked while they ate.

"Um…do you have any plans for this evening?" he asked her as they headed out of the café.

She turned to look at him and said "Not really, I was just gonna hang about by the pool." She wanted to add "and think of how much I wanted you there with me" but she didn't. "Why?"

Grissom rubbed the back of his neck nervously and cleared his throat. "Well I was just wondering…if you're not busy…I wondered if you'd want to go for a walk on the beach this evening and watch the sun go down…if you're not busy that is." He felt like a teenager asking a girl out for the first time.

Sara smiled and said "Gil Grissom, are you asking me out?" he blushed and was about to speak when she cut him off "I'd love to. What time?"

He smiled, relieved and said "Um, I'll pick you up about 8 o'clock? Room 217 right?"

Still smiling, she nodded and they walked back to the hotel.