Okay so this is my first fanfiction that I've started on(Kids don't procrastinate it's bad). So please be kind. Reveiws are warmly and gratefully accepted as well as flamers(you know everytime I hear someone say that I think of gay men on fire being flung out of catapaults)

Disclaimer: If given the choice of owning Wicked, I would be a happy little fat elf...but I don't so I wrote this.

1: Mistakes

The trip to Pfannee's summer house turned out to be a complete disaster. Galinda was upset, but it wasn't because Elphaba had come. Honestly she didn't mind it at all. No, she was upset with the Misses ShenShen and Pfanee because of the cruel trick they played on her green friend; however, no one else seemed phased by it.

At dinner time everyone sat around the table: The Ama's, Boq and Fiyero, Pfannee, ShenShen, and Galinda. Elphaba had not showed up.

Everyone, with the exception of Galinda, was involved in a joyfully intense debate on Animal Rights. Ama Clutch and Boq seemed to be on the "Animals should have equal rights" side, and Everyone else was on the "Who cares they're animals." side. Galinda merely ate her food silently with her eyes trained on the potatoes.

"Man, Elphaba would love to be in this conversation." Boq said after the intensity died down a bit. It was not until then that Galinda looked up.

"You've been hanging around the greenbean a lot lately haven't you?" Averic said from across the table taking a swig of his champange.

"Yeah," ShenShen suddenly agreed. Galinda saw Boq go red in the face.

"Wh-what are you implying?" Boq asked nervously.

"What do you think we're implying, Boq?" Averic returned snidely.Pfannee and ShenShen were in a fit of giggles as Boq's face grew a deep red.

"I don't LIKE her, If that's what you're implying." Boq shot at them rather offensively.

"Sure you don't, mate." Averic said with a grin.

"Shut up." Boq said flinging olives and bits of potato at him.

"Well," Pfannee started a few minutes after the whole ordeal. "I don't see how anyone could like her."

"She's not that bad," Boq said. "I mean once you get to know Elphie she not such a bad person after all."

"Sticking up for your girlfirend, mate?" Averic smirked. Just then Boq threw his bread at him.

"Master Boq is right you know," Ama Clutch said. "Elphaba is a really bright young woman."

"In more ways than one." Averic said. The table erupted in a roaring laughter. Galinda who had said anything to defend her green friend looked down in disgust.

'What kind of friend am I?' Galinda thought sadly. Suddenly she slammed her fist on the table and stood up, silencing everyone on instantaniously.

"How dare you," Galinda said silently,deadly. "You think you all know her so well. Like you've been life long friends, don't you?"

No one answered.

"DON'T YOU?!" She shouted.

"Come on Galinda, we're just having some laughs." Averic said.

"I'm not laughing." Galinda crossed her arms over her chest.

"Will you relax," Pfannee said. "It's just harmless banter."

"I will not relax. You, of all people, have no right to talk about Miss Elphaba after what you did."

"You're still on about that?" Phannee said with shock. "Miss Galinda, I'm afraid you've gone serious on us. That was just us playing. No harm done."

Galind shook her head. "You're dispicable." she said to Pfannee. "And YOU," she said turning to Boq. "You should be ashamed of yourself, laughing at her like she's some sort of wounded animal. You're supposed to be her friend." With that said, Galinda stormed out.

Everyone looked at eachother with concerned faces. "What's eating her?"