This contains spoilers for the episode "Torrent of Terror" so if you don't want to know before you see the episode don't read it. It's on Tucker's point of view from a very small part of the episode which I thought that needed to be expanded. R&R please.

I was looking through my stuff the other day, and I just couldn't help myself to take a peek at my Virtual Reality Helmet. Yeah, it was the one that Danny used to destroy Vortex with his emotions. What he didn't know is that it had a recording function, which I knew that would come in handy someday.

I played rewind and waited for it to turn back patiently, leaving it on top of my bed while I looked for my PDA. It was, as always, in my pocket. It didn't have much battery left so I plugged it to the wall. I heard a small "ping" sound, and I knew that the Virtual Helmet was done playing back.

I placed it over my head, waiting for it to properly turn on. When it did, I saw the first thing that appeared when I was testing it, all the girls in Casper High in their bathing suits at the water park. It was when the heat wave started to hit, so I guess I needed to refresh myself.

The image changed and I could see two girls, playing volleyball at the beach, with me as the head. Yeah, I made that one too. As they kept bouncing my head over and over, there was a drop of rain that fell on one of their head. Later it was raining harshly and waves were coming out of nowhere. You could say that I was angry, can't you.

Once again, the image changed, into not too long ago when I was in Danny's house doing my homework, for once. Of course, Danny was out fighting ghosts and I had no idea of what I was supposed to do so I went to his sister's room, Jazz, to ask for her help. So she appeared on this helmet, smiling and helping me with my schoolwork, and I actually understood it. I'm not quite sure what I was thinking, but whatever it was I'm glad I did.

Everything started spinning and the image of the beach appeared once more, and I guess this is when Danny wore it. It didn't last long though, when it was once again changing images.

This time, it was about many Paulina's running in the beach, inviting Danny to run with them.

"That's it, this is Danny's emotions." I say to myself as I stare at the many beautiful teens that are running.

Not too far from behind, they were many Dash's. This is probably why he was so annoyed. I guess anyone could be annoyed at this, especially him and his mood swings that day.

If I'm not mistaken, next he was sad. He did say something about animals, so I just waited for the image to transform into his next emotions.

"Yup! That's Danny alright." I mumbled as I could see many dogs and cats staring at me sadly. This is probably what made him sad, I don't know why; maybe he was a little too moody. Of course, just as many others, it faded into nothing and I could clearly remember his grin after the rain hit Vortex.

He was smiling widely, almost stupidly if you asked me. When the image changed again, I couldn't help but laugh.

"This explains his sudden mood change!" I said between laughs not believing what I saw.

There was a small paradise with a rainbow and trees, everything was very nice. Then I saw Danny sitting under a tree with some blanket under him. A hand offered some soda and well, it was Sam.

He thanked her and said that it was an excellent day for a picnic. I know that it doesn't mean much, but I really needed to know what made him so happy lately. Apparently my bets are safe, the lovebirds will be together soon and here's the proof.

Now to work on some blackmail.