This story is based VERY LOOSELY on my life a couple of years ago. I was in a position like Spencer, but now I'm a junior and everything that was linked to how I felt back then is completely gone. However, I thought it might be an interesting story to write. Don't get me wrong this is a SPASHLEY story. Only the basis of it will be of my past, and certain occurrences and moments as well. This is just a brief start to see if people like it. Please tell me what you think. Thanks.


A young 14-year-old girl with blonde hair and blue eyes walks into the gym lobby of King High School on a late summer afternoon. With shoulders slouched and her head down, she walks over to a table with 4 different lines. She looks around bewildered by all the chaos and the massive amounts of people around her. Confused about where she should be, her head lifts when she hears someone shouting.

"Alright all rising freshmen please move to the left side of the table and form a single file line! Lines in ascending order by class up to the right with the seniors. Now, please!"

The blonde shuffled over to the left side of the table to join the freshmen line. She waited her turn to sign in and approached the front of the table.

"What's your name, dear?" A lady asked from behind the table.

"Spencer Carlin," the timid blonde answered.

"Alright, thank you, now please take these," the lady said as she handed her a thick piece of paper with a number on it and two safety pins, "attach them to the back of your shirt, find a partner, and start warming up in the gym."

Spencer walked away from the table and over to her mother, Paula.

"Mom, can you help me put this on?"

"Yes, but you better hurry up because it looks like a lot of the girls have already started practicing!"

Spencer rolled her eyes. She waited for her mother to finish and then thanked her and said goodbye as she walked over to her best friend, Madison, who had just arrived. Spencer was thankful that Madison's mother basically forced her into trying out, because now she had someone she knew to help get her through these try-outs.

"Hey Madison I'm so glad you came!"

"Yea, well I've never played volleyball before so I have no idea why she's making me try out for the high school team but whatever moms are weird sometimes."

"Haha oh well at least we can have fun together, right?"

"Right," Madison answered as both girls smiled at each other, "I guess we better get in there and start what's most likely going to be the most embarrassing three days of my life."

Both girls laughed and then entered the gym to see girls from all different grades spread around passing back and forth to each other.


Spencer jumped out of the way as a volleyball was headed right towards her head. She moved just in time as it whizzed past her forehead and hit the wall behind her.

"Haha oh my gosh! I am so sorry that was Chelsea's fault I swear!" A curly-haired brunette with dark brown eyes said as she ran by Spencer and Madison picking up the ball and once again apologizing. She gave a quick smile to both of them and headed back towards her passing partner, Chelsea.

"Wow, if all the seniors are that nice, I don't think we'll have a problem," Madison laughed as she spoke to a seemingly zoned out Spencer, "Hey Spence! Earth to Spencer!?" Spencer's eyes were still focused on the gorgeous brunette who had just walked away. "SPENCER!"

"Huh? What?"

"What is with you?"

"Um nothing I just-who was that?"

"That would be Ashley Davies. Don't you know? She's Kyla's older sister."

Kyla was a year younger than Spencer and Madison and had gone to the same middle school as them. She was actually a pain in the ass but they had known her for a long time so they were always nice to her.

"Oh. Right, now I remember." Spencer's eyes were still clinging to the sights of none other than the older of the Davies' sisters.

"Spence, seriously what the hell are you staring at?"

"Oh-well umm nothing it's just that – the seniors are really good."

"Oh yea I know we're totally going to get schooled."

"Don't worry we won't have to play with them in try-outs so you will only look like a fool in front of the other freshmen!" Spencer laughed, finally snapping out of whatever trance she was caught up in.

"Yea, yea whatever let's just go warm up."

Spencer took one final glance at Ashley before heading over to the side of the gym that the freshmen were practicing on. She shook off the funny feeling she had and began passing the ball back and forth with Madison.