I know I know I just really feel like writing another story cuz Im going to finish up another one.And Im a loser that gets turned on by a missing naruto that returns XP

I don't own Naruto or the nickname chibi I just stole it from Trunks and Goten...I think...

"Naruto...you look...worried."

"Worried...I am..." Naruto looked over to his secret lover. Sasuke looked back at Naruto and gave a light kiss.

"Naruto, talk to me. We don't get to see eachother much since I'm in the Sound, tell me, what's wrong?" Naruto turned his face away. Sasuke's eyes narrowed and he forced Naruto to look at him again. "Naruto... dobe, don't cry..."

Naruto sobbed onto Sasuke's pale chest. He constantly muttered 'I'm sorry's, fisting Sasuke's open shirt.

"Shhhh...shhhh...there's nothing...nothing to be sorry about, chibi." Sasuke looked through the window in which moonlight poured through, devouring his everythought just as Naruto devored his every emotion. The feeling of this pleasure of being in this place alone with eachother slowly fading even more as the two lover's leaders gained suspisions of the full moon escapades. "Does it mean..."

"I'm sorry, Sasuke, so sorry...ghuah...but I can't any..."

"No...no...it's not...not at all your fault..."

"Yes...yes it is...I can't, I can't, I can't even..."


They sat their, basking eachother as they knew they would not see eachother for a while if ever. Confusing eachother like no other could, they held eachother until the sun made it's way into ending their time.

They left eachother, walking their seperate ways. Going different paths to different roads, of different villages. Their different lives consumed them. Broke them. Tossed them aside.


It was two years later Sasuke returned to Kohona gates, falling against them. Sasuke let the two heads roll a meter and captured his breath.

He looked at the dark haired girl that walked infront of him and crouched down to his fallen eyelevel.

"Where is he?" She said sternly, not like before where she stuttered.

"Who?" Sasuke breathed. The look in her pale eyes almost frightened him. The sterness that could match almost Itachi. But...Itachi was scarier...no Itachi was scary. Period.

"Naruto." Her eyes narrowed, waitingly for Sasuke's answer.

"I...don't know...he left two years ago..." Sasuke stared at her, showing the superiority he still held. He gave her his arm and she injected the needle into it. Sasuke fell limp.


It had been eight-teen years since he was given birth to. It had been two and a half years since he last saw Naruto. It had been three months since he killed Orochimaru and Itachi. It had been three months and a day since he had returned to Kohona.

And he hated all of the fricken ANBU that wouldn't leave him alone. Couldn't he be watched by someone like Hinata who had no problem putting him out of his misery and his little Naru-chan wasn't there to cheer him up...

He had been through alot of hassle but life was beginning to become normal and in repenance he had to teach little kids to be ninjas (while being watched by ANBU). It was actually kinda fun. No wonder everyone thought Orochimaru was a pedophile (Sasuke concluded he wasn't cuz Orochimaru certainly didn't touch him).

Sasuke left his house to go to the training ground, taking his time to admire the fresh bloomings of spring. (albeit he was late...extremely late, Sasuke blamed Kakashi for it all.)

As Sasuke walked through town he grabbed a sub from weary shop owner. He paid and took a bite before something ran into his legs.

"Fawer!" The creature cried and lifted it's arms to be held. Sasuke raised an eyebrow and went around the thing in attempt to get away. No such luck.

The thing attached itself to his leg. "Fawer!" It said again and looked up at Sasuke. Sasuke looked at the thing to discover it to be a little girl. She couldn't of been older then two and she had short (boy cut) dark unruly hair that laid against her head. Her face had two scars under her right bright blue eye (and both features reminded him of Naruto) that oddly constrasted with her moonlight pale skin.

Sasuke looked her and said nothing. Scooping in his one arm he took another bite from his sub. "Alright kid," He said, "let's go play with my mini-ninjas 'kay?"

The little girl giggled and nodded. Sasuke started on his way again, taking another bite of his sandwich.

The little girl opened her mouth and went "Aaah." Sasuke looked at the little girl in his arms questioningly. Experimenting he led the sandwich to her face where she took it in her grasp and bit off a piece to fill her mouth.

Sasuke chuckled and they took turns eating his sandwich on the way to the training grounds.

"Sasuke-sensei, your late!" His chibi-nins shouted together.

"Sorry, I had a bit of trouble." He motioned to the girl in his arms. The three minis looked at her and the only girl on the team cooed.

"Aww she so cute."

The two boys grunted and looked away. Sasuke chuckled again and waited for the new arrival, a chuunin, to make his way over.

"Sasuke-san, you really shouldn't be so late." Konohamaru said and looked at the girl. "I didn't know you had a kid."

"One sec Konohamaru, alright team, warm up." Sasuke commanded and the three genins went over and started to stretch. "In all honestly I didn't either. She just come up to me and calls me father."

"Fawer!" The little girl stated to make a point and wrapped her chubby arms around Sasuke's neck.

"See, and she ate half my sub too." Sasuke pouted and the girl giggled and placed a sloppy kiss on his cheek.

"Sasuke-san...you're scaring me." Konohamaru stated.

"Sorry." Sasuke apologized and looked at the whining girl. Konohamaru looked at the girl before freaking out.

"No, no oh no. Sasuke-san! You like her because she reminds you of Him! Don't you!" Konohamaru exclaimed.

"I told everyone I won't deny my feeling for him or sneaking off and having sex with him when I was in Sound, so why would I deny that."

"Sasuke-san if anyone finds out-"

"Sasuke-sensei we're done!" The more hyper one of the three shouted and Sasuke smirked.

"Be there in a minute. Now, " Sasuke ignored Konohamaru's furious looks, " what to do with you." Sasuke looked at the little girl. She shifted in Sasuke's arms, reaching toward Konohamaru.

"Uncoo Kohomowu!" She stated and Sasuke gave the chuunin the girl.

"Watch her for me." Sasuke went off to the kids..


"Alright today..."

Konohamaru looked at the giggling girl and sighed in defeat. "I bet Sasuke didn't even bother to ask your name."

"Nywa." The girl said.

"Nyra?" Konohamaru confirmed. The girl nodded. She slipped out of his arms and toward the kids. Konohamaru went after her, catching her a few moment later. "Slippery aren't cha?"

The little girl pouted. "Fawer!"

Konohamaru looked her, and said "Sasuke-sans not your father silly."

"Fawer," Nyra repeated. Stubborn ain't she? It confused Konohamaru why she insisted on calling Sasuke 'father'. Konohamaru examined her again.

"Mawer!" Nyra said.

"Mother, now, who?" Konohamaru watched her for her reaction. Nyra looked off in the distance and made a understanding 'oooooh' face before she put her finger to her lip and went 'shhhhhh' no doubt copying someone. Konohamaru looked to where she was but saw nothing. Heck, he didn't even sense anything but the ANBUs. (They didn't even try to hide it).

Konohamaru sighed and gave up. He continued to entertain Nyra til Sasuke's session was over.

Yes I like the name Nyra I will explain why in later chappie. Plus that my sig OC name.