Pokemon Adventures: The Novelization

Authors Note: I own nothing. I am doing this novelization of the Pokemon Adventure Manga to improve my pathetic writing skills. Any help with grammar and spelling would be appreciated. If you enjoy this novelization I strongly suggest buying the Pokemon Adventures Manga.

Thoughts are in italics

Chapter 2: Bulbasaur Come Home!

Bing! Bong! Bing! Bong! Bing! Red had walked to the door of Professor Oak's Pokemon Research Lab, and was currently pressing the door bell. "Anybody home?" he called out. He then grabbed the doorknob and turned it. To his suprise the door opened, revealing a large room filled with numerous machines and bookshelves stacked with information on pokemon. Ignoring his senses, Red entered the building.

After walking several metres, he saw some shelves, full of pokeballs containing numerous different pokemon types. "Oh Wow!" Red exclaimed as he saw the endless shelves, "I never new there were so many different types of Pokemon". He turned to his right and saw a pokeball by itself on a bench. Filled with curiosity he picked up the pokeball, "What's this one" he wondered. Red looked through the transparent red-coloured top of the pokeball and saw a four legged green creature with a large green bulb on it's back. His eyes lowered to the label, 'Bulbasaur'. Red picked up his own pokeball containing Poliwhirl and showed it the Bulbasaur, "Look at this Poliwhirl".

Suddenly a shadow loomed over Red's back causing the startled boy to rapidly turn around. Professor Oak was an old tall man wearing a white coat and he was furious. "You...You pokethief!" he yelled at Red, as he walked towards the boy. "W...Wait n-no I...I...I...I mean 1..." Red nervously stammered his defence while retreating. Professor Oak continued to walk in his direction, Red tripped over and fell on the shelves. "You Idiot!" roared Professor Oak, while all the pokemon where released from their pokeballs.

"Now look what you have done" shouted Professor Oak as he towered over the trembling Red who attempted to defend himself. "I didn't mean to" he stuttered. However while he spoke, A Pidgey swooped over their heads and unloaded it's breakfast on Professor Oak's face. Yuk thought Red but he was to scared to say anything to the furious Professor. "Just get them back!" roared the old man.

Later (Much later)...

The weary, panting Red dropped a large pile of pokeballs in front of Professor Oak who had by now cleansed his face of the Pidgey's waste products. "How huff many huff more?" Red managed to ask. Professor Oak looked at the window and saw that it had been smashed. "Don't tell me that some have escaped" he said while ignoring Red's question.

Red raced to the door saying "I'll go out and get them!" but was grabbed by Professor Oak. "Ohhhh! No you don't poke-thief!" exclaimed the Professor. "Ouch!" yelled Red in pain, before he began to defend his reputation "But I'm not, I'm sorry I came into your lab uninvited, I'm sorry I let your pokemon loose!, but we've got to get them back or...".

"It is too late for that" replied Professor Oak,as he let go of Red "It will be dark before we find them all". "We can't just give up!" Red argued, "I'm going after them", with that he ran out the door. After he had ran several metres he heard the door open behind him. Professor Oak was riding out on a bicycle, "You think you can do it yourself?" the cyclist demanded, "You won't know what to look for" and he again grabbed Red's arm. "And after we get them all back, you'd better believe that I'm turning you in" reprimaned the Professor.

Viridian City

Meowth was standing near the outskirts of Viridian City while Red and Professor Oak crept up, Red with a pokeball in hand. "Here Kitty, Kitty" said Professor Oak causing the Meowth to turn towards them. "Now!" he ordered, Red threw the pokeball at the cat pokemon and sucessfully caught it. "Gotcha!" Red proclaimed with pride, "Now we only need to get one more".

Red wheeled Oak's bike while walking next to the old man in the streets of Viridian City. "Phew!" the Professor exclaimed, "If I had known we would be chasing them all the way to Viridan City. I would have said that I was to old for this". "Well Bulbasaur is the only one that we have to get" said Red. Professor Oak froze and replied with concern, "Yes...But that one...".

Out of the corner of his eye, Red saw a green shape moving, he rapidly turned around and yelled excitedly, "There is is". Startled, the Bulbasaur's velocity increased as it speed down the streets with Red and Professor Oak chasing after it. They followed the Bulbasaur around the streets of Viridian City until it headed towards a building labeled 'Viridan City Gym'. "It's going in there" cried Red.

"Hurry!" yelled Oak, "We don't want to lose it", but it was to no avail, when they entered the dark, dirty, cobweb ridden building the Bulbasaur was not in sight.Red stopped in front of a golden stature of a middle aged man, not knowing that he was staring at the stature of his future nemesis. Meanwhile, Professor Oak was kneeling down looking for his pokemon, "Where would it go?" he asked himself. Suddenly he saw the green creature, "Oh ho ho! There you are!" he remarked, "Just come to daddy little", a green blur ran towards him, colliding with his stomach and knocking him to the floor. "Now really!" I am your owner" the old man exclaimed while clutching his stomach.

The Professor looked up and was suprised to see Red approach the pokemon without been attacked, what is he doing Professor Oak wondered. Red crouched down to the same level as the Bullbasaur and said, "Of course your nervous, It's the first time you have been outside", the Bullbasaur still did not attack. He is successfuly reasoning with it thought the old man. "You were kept seperate from all the others in the lab, weren't you? I'll bet you have never seen another living thing besides old Professor Oak, huh?" Red continued, the Professor was suprised to see the Bulbasaur lie down and allow Red to stroke it's bulb, "Yeah that's a good boy. Are you hungry" Red asked the pokemon.

Suddenly a massive shadow towered over the three figures, "It's a wild Machoke!" yelled the Professor, "Run!". He managed to escpae but Red fell over. Red lay sprawled on the ground, looking fearfully at the gigantic pokemon. However the Bulbasaur would not allow it's new friend to be eaten and unleashed vines from it's bulb, grabbing the Machoke, allowing Red to stand up. "Professor! Did you see that?" Red asked "What is Bulbasaur's best attack?", he turned around to face the Professor only to see that the excitement had caused the old man to faint. "Oh great. What's next?" he groaned, before he had a brainwave "Wait...if it has got a bulb". Meanwhile the Machoke escaped from Bulbasaur's gripped and smashed a hole in the wall, allowing light to seep through. Wait thought Red, What if I guess I gotta try, "Bulbasaur use Solar Beam" he ordered, a massive beam of light hit the Machoke causing it to faint.

The commotion had caused Professor Oak to wake up, "You knew...About the Bulbasaur's solar beam?" he asked Red. "Naw" Red admitted, "But I figured, you know, that plants turn sunlight into energy and this guy has a plant on his back so...". Professor Oak looked at him bemused before bursting out laughing, "Oh you just figure? Ha ha ha ha ha!" he picked up the Pokeball and handed it to a confused Red, "The Bulbasaur is yours" he said, "It seems that he has taken quite a liking to you anyway.

"You mean really? Cool!" Red happily exclaimed, "But first I have got to make this clear. I did not break into your lab to steal Pokemon. I only wanted you to teach me to be a better trainer. You see yesterday I ran into a Pokemon called Mew and it beat my Poliwhirl". "I see" replied Professor Oak, "But do you know what it means to be truly great? Does it mean knowing a lot of clever tricks? Does it mean having a poke-powerhouse in your arsenal? Is that what you think makes a great pokemon trainer? If you think so you are wrong. What counts is your heart. That connection you had with that Bulbasaur is the key to becoming a great pokemon trainer." Professor Oak put a hand in his jacket, "What is your name son?" "Red sir", "Here Red" he said, giving him a crimson computer, "This is called a Pokedex, a pokemon encyclopedia. Whenever you meet a pokemon, enter your data here. By the time you have imput all pokemon data you may be one of the greats".

Red walked home staring at his pokedex. Wow he thought One of the greats.