Hermione walked through Diagon Alley stopping to do some window shopping here and there, as her parents went and got her new school books for the year, she smiled as she saw a beautiful headband that sparkled, she looked at the sickles in her hand then sighed and nodded 'no'.

She smiled as she heard Mrs. Weasley's familiar voice, "Hermione!" Ron said excitedly, Hermione smiled and gave him a hug, "Did you get your letter?" she asked smiling widely, "My Hogwarts letter, of course!" He said confused, Hermione sighed, "You didn't...you're not head boy?" She said sadly, Ron nodded no, then she though 'but who...' she was almost certain he would be head boy due to Percy, "Well, I've become head girl." She smiled, "Well, you know there are three other guys, and one of them, you'll have to share a common room with." Hermione sighed, "I know, I just wish it would've been you." she said nervously, "It'll be fine." he laughed, "Harry!" Ron said looking behind Hermione, "Hello." Harry said as he walked up to them with Hagrid, they all waved as Hagrid let Harry with his friends, "Blimey, we should get going soon." Molly said looking at her muggle watch, "You've got your books Ronald?" she said pointing a finger, Ron nodded nervously, she smiled and patted his cheek.

At the train, Hermione was still anxious to find out who she'd be sharing a common room with for a whole year, no more Harry, or Ron in the Gryffindor common room, it was almost eerie.

"Dumbledore delivered to my home specially." They heard a voice snicker, "Who's head girl Draco?" a slimey voice from Pansy Parkinson said, Hermione sighed, then shook her head, "Not Draco." she whispered, "I don't know. Just as long as it's not that mudblood Granger." Draco said laughing, Hermione cringed, they walked onto the train and got into an empty cubby, and sat down, "Malfoy?" Ron said in shock, "MALFOY, YOU HAVE TO SHARE A COMMON ROOM WITH MALFOY!" he said to himself, "Don't get killed." Harry laughed, Hermione cracked a smile, "I'm sure it'll be fine, course he can't do anything to you, you could just take points away." Ron smiled, Hermione nodded, "Enough about all of this. Tell me about your summers." she said with a shining face, Hermione loved hearing what they did the summer, poor Harry was still stuck with his Aunt and Uncle, but he always had a good story.

About an hour went by and the moment Hermione had been dreading was soon coming into view, "HEAD BOY, HEAD GIRL, AND PREFECTS REPORT TO THE FRONT COMPARTMENT!" said a women down the hall, repeating as she passed another few compartments.

Hermione sighed, Harry put a hand on her shoulder, "Go get em' tiger." He laughed and Hermione got up, something to smile about at least.

She walked slowly.

"Hello Miss Granger." Professor McGonagle said smiling, "Where's Mr. Malfoy?" she asked, Hermione shrugged her shoulders, "Snogging with Pansy I'd wager" She whispered, "I'll be back in a bit." Draco said giving Pansy one more peck before entering, "What'd you do FAIL?" Draco asked disgusted that Hermione was there, "No, Draco. Hermione is head girl, now please sit down, you're already late." She said, "Now--" She went on and told the prefects their duties, then she told them they were free to leave, " then she turned to Draco and Hermione, who were separated by two prefects but were now sharing a seat, "Now I know you two aren't the best of friends, but you both are given responcibilities, you must walk the corridors from the hours of 8:30 to 11:30, which shouldn't be a problem to either of you." she said looking at the both of them, they nodded, "You will share the Head common room, now I know you both will enjoy that iso/i much." She said sarcastically, "But, I'm sorry you two must leave these differences behind you, Dumbledore thought it fitting that you two be Head Girl/Head Boy, though it's been more than a century since a Gryffindor and Slytherine have been Heads." She sighed, she obviously was not happy with Dumbledore's desicion, she sighed and began talking again, "If I find you two shooting jinxes or using vulger words to eachother, these priveledges will be taken away, and your mistakes will be taken seriously." she went on, "I'd ask you two to share this compartment until we arrive, then you may find your way to the Great Hall, you will sit at your own tabels, but when the sorting has ended, along with the feast, I ask you to return to your quarters and wait for Dumbledore, he will have a meeting with you two about more things I'm apparently not obliged to tell you." She said standing up, "But McGonagle..." Draco began, "That's Professor." she said harshly, "Head Boy and Head Girl share a compartment, get used to it, for there will only be two times you will need to share it, now be quiet and stay. And no, Pansy nor Mr. Weasley or Potter can enter, for the Head compartment is sealed." The professor said closing the door.

"I don't expect you to be anymore thrilled than I am." Hermione said sending him a bad look, "Don't talk me." He said staring out the window, "What miss you're precious Pansy?" she smirked, "It gives me something to do, now I'm stuck here, here I waited 7 years to become Head Boy, now I have to deal with sharing a common room with a mudblood, wait till my--" Hermione cut him off, "You're father the death eater? Locked up in Azkaban?" Hermione whispered, Draco sent her a poisonous look that even scared Hermione, "My father, my buisness." He simply said, "Then I suggest you don't mention him unless you'd like to hear more comments." Hermione smiled, "You really are a pest." Malfoy said glaring at her, Hermione just shook her head and tried to fall asleep, "You can't fall asleep, you'll bore me to death." Draco whined, "Well in that case." She layed down on the seat and tried to fall asleep, "So you wish me dead?" he said acting astonished, "Shut up you foul boy." Hermione said annoyed.

The rest of the train ride was silent, her last year at Hogwarts, her favorite part, watching Harry and Ron fool around like 5 year olds and eat as much candy as they could on the train was stripped from her, she was locked in a compartment with poison. The boy she loathed more than anything in the world, she loathed him more than Voldemort, and nothing would change that. bNothing./b

Getting to the school was almost dreadful, she couldn't wait for the sorting to be over, which took a little over 30 minutes, and then she'd be left to eat in peace. No Draco.

The sorting seemed like forever, Draco kept stealing glances from Hermione, and returning them, Hermione sighed as the last couple people were sorted, one a Gryffindor, and one a Slytherine. Hermione sighed and went to sit down, and smiled at Harry and Ron.

"Alright then?" Ron asked, Hermione nodded, "I just hope this is the longest welcome feast we've ever had at Hogwarts." She said as the food appeared on the tabel, she smiled, "Let's just have fun for what it's worth." Harry said glancing at Malfoy, who was joking about him, being with a mudblood all year, as if he was king, Harry went back to picking at his food. The feast went by too fast in Hermione's opinion, the talking between the three was almost awkward, indeed this year was not going to be as Hermione hoped.

She sighed and made her way to the Head Common Room Portrait, followed by Malfoy, Sir Codagon apparently was the portrait this year, "Oh...my..." Hermione said looking up, "Not this git." Malfoy mumbled, "Password!" he shouted, "..." Hermione stopped, she had not remembered the password. "oraculum" Draco said, Hermione sighed a reliefe, "PERCICELY!" the portrait said opening, they walked in, it was quite nice actually, she just wish she wasn't sharing it with ihim/i.

Draco walked in after Hermione, nudging her shoulder hardly.

"Look Malfoy, I've waited for this position for 7 years." Hermione said angrily.

"What, I haven't?" He turned around, apparently offended.

"Only reason iyou/i got it was because you probably told Dumbledore Voldemort would kill him if he didn't make you Head Boy." Hermione said, but then feeling stupid seeing as Dumbledore never feared Voldemort.

"Wrong for once Granger, I got this spot because Dumbledore felt it fit for me. Obviously, he was wrong about you." He said looking her up and down.

"Bull." she laughed, this wasn't going to be an easy year.

Dumbledore finally walked into the room, "Good Evening!" He smiled.

Hermione smiled, Dumbledore was the most peaceful man she'd ever seen, "Now I trust you two understand, I've chosen you both carefully for these positions, now you will have much to do these first few months, but as the year goes on, you shall fell you're job, how to say, lightening?" he said taking a seat next to the fire, motioning for the two of them to sit.

They both nodded, "It is extremely important that you two begin to get along someway, at least learn to be civil, already you'd been in this very common room, bickering." Dumbledore said smiling at the two, they bowed their heads, "Now I know both of you can find yourselves on some terms, for this will infact be your home this year." They both nodded, "There is something else I must warn you two about, oh but look at the time, perhaps the next time we meet" Dumbledore smiled, he always had a habit of leaving them on the edge of a cliff, but it was the way he said it i'warn you two about'/i but they dared not to ask anymore questions, they knew they wouldn't get anywhere with it.

"I'm going to bed." Draco said after Dumbledore had left.

Hermione nodded, she watched him walk up the stairs, then stared at the fireplace, a few moments later she heard a faint,


Draco walked out of the upstairs room, "Yes?" she said, straining to not insult him or talk to him like she was used to, "We share...a bathroom." Draco said disgusted, "...WHAT." She said running up the stairs, she walked into Draco's bedroom, noticing there was no bathroom, but there was one in the middle of the hall upstairs, "That's terrible!" She said angrily, "Oh please. You have no idea." Draco sighed, then walked in. Hermione went back down the spot she had been and took a book off the coffee tabel that read 'Prophecy's And Their Secrets' she smiled, sounded interesting enough, she began to read.

Draco walked over to the sink, and brushed a hand through his longer blonde hair, it had grown and changed quite a bit, nothing like it once was, slicked back, Draco snorted, he let the water run out of the faucet and rubbed it on his face, and looked around, it was a nice bathroom, but sharing the mirror in the morning would be hard enough, "You'd think they'd have a bigger mirror for this bathroom." He said looking around, he took his pants on revealing a nice pair of grey boxers that hung thigh length and took off his shirt "AHHH..." he hissed.

Hermione's eyes began to open and close as she read 'Cannot...be broken...by...' she sighed and put it down, "I'll finish you tomorrow." she yawned standing up, she knocked on the bathroom door, she heard something fall on the floor, "DAMNIT GRANGER!" He muttered, "Sorry...just..." he opened the door, "Night." He said walking towards his bedroom.

She walked into the bathroom, and did her 'buisness' "Oh...fiddlesticks." she said as she looked at all of the shelves, none seemed to be closable. She had no where to put her 'girl things' she sighed "Oh well, I'll just keep you in the bedroom." She laughed to herself, she stood and looked into the mirror, she went to wash her hands but noticed some orangish substance lingering near the drain, it looked like blood...she let it go and continued to wash her hands, "Draco probably had a shaving accedint." she said laughing, she walked to her bedroom, she yawned, and got dressed.

Slid into her bed, last year she had been sleeping in a slightly small bed, now she had resided in a queen sized, she had remember seeing Draco's, which looked like a King, she let out a "pfft" and fell asleep.

Hermione's Dream

"I cannot change this Lucius. It is meant to be." Dumbledore said infront of what looked what a podieum.

Lucius seeemed to be much younger, hair shorter, he looked much like Malfoy, he must've still been in school, he did look about 16 or 17.

"Coddeswallop." Lucius hissed, then put his wand to Dumbledore's chin, "You can't hurt me Lucius." Dumbledore smiled, "I would if I could." he said calmly.

"My son will do no such vowe. His only vowe will be to the Dark Lord." Lucius said pacing around.

"I'm sorry Lucius. I didn't make the rules." Dumbledore said simply.

Lucius took one last glance at Dumbledore, "This isn't the end of this." he said leaving Dumbledore's office of what it looked like.

iEnd Of The Dream/i

"Granger!" Malfoy said opening her door, "What?" she said covering up, "Would you stop your whining? It's getting annoying, and smart one, you didn't put the fire out." Malfoy said angrily. "So--sorry." She said restraining from any insults once again, "I know how hard this is for you, because it's just as hard for me, but please...keep quiet." He said slamming the door behind him. Hermione fell back into a deeper sleep.

Draco's Dream

"He will not Lucius!" Narcissa yelled.

"I talked to Dumbledore." Lucius snickere, "The old fool...such a pathetic person, he said he can't change anything, I just think he doesn't want to, he told me 'let the future unwravel.'"

"It will not be done, I cannot allow it, my only son, NO." Narcissa repeated.

They paced around their living room, the boy began crying upstairs.

Narcissa ran up, along with Lucius.

"Our son...destined to ithat/i." Narcissa said sounding disgusted.

"Don't worry...it won't be done." Lucius smirked.

End Of Draco's Dream

Neither of them could sleep that night.