Burnout (rated G)

Aang continued to fidget and Zuko sighed for the hundredth time. His uncle had forced him to take the young Avatar off into the woods where they could meditate around a small fire, but the boy just could not keep still.

"Aang, you're doing it again."

"Sorry Zuko. It's just…I can't clear my mind. The fire…it's too much for me. Whenever I try to concentrate and meditate with it, my insides feel like they're heating up and about to explode!"

Zuko opened his eyes to find Aang looking nervously back. "How do you do it, Zuko?"

"You just have to think of something calming…something nice. You focus your inner flame on desire, love, passion…not fear or anger."

"What do you think about?"

"I use to think about my mother."

Zuko realized his mistake as soon as Aang questioned, "use to?"

He looked at the younger boy with a dubious expression not sure if the Avatar would appreciate the knowledge of what he now based his meditations on.

Aang picked up on the look, but he had to know.

"Please Zuko; I can't do this on my own."

"Fine, but it's our little secret…got that?"

Aang's smile beamed at Zuko from across the fire. "You got it Zuko!"


Aang looked around for their companion. When he didn't see her he gave Zuko a questioning look, only to be met by Zuko's serious face staring back.

After a moment, Aang's eyes widened in understanding. Seeing this, Zuko closed his eyes and continued his meditations.

Aang studied the firebender, his head tilted slightly. He had been weary of spending time with him, even if they were just meditating. It seemed that the two were exact opposites. He was afraid that he wouldn't be able to accept Zuko into their group as easily as he desperately wanted to.

'Katara', Zuko's utterance of her name played again in his mind.

Aang smiled and closed his eyes. Maybe they had something in common after all.

And now, they also shared a secret.
