One Gleaming Night

Chapter 1:

The Coming Visitors

"Everyone," said the Hokage, "I have some every important news."

"NEWS?!" screamed a very excited Naruto, "What kind of news, Tsundae-baa-chan?"

"SHUT UP, NARUTO!" yelled Ino and Sakura at the same time, "so ALL of us CAN find out!"

"I don't want to SHUT UP! I'm way to excited!" yelled Naruto.

"Hey, Naruto," said Sasuke. Everyone looked at him thinking the same thing. 'What happened to dope?'

"Wait a minute! Baka-teme!?! You said that!" yelled Naruto.

Sasuke nodded his head.

"OH NO!!!!!!" yelled Naruto.

"What?" asked Ino.


"Baka." Mumbled everyone except for Sasuke, because he mumbled: "Dope."

"Anyway…What do you want baka-teme?" asked Naruto.

"Shut Up!!! The more you are loud the longer I have to stay! So be QUIET!!" Sasuke (A/N Yes, Sasuke!) said.

"Humph! Fine!" said Naruto, shutting up.

Sasuke had a triumphant smirk on his face, while everyone else had shock written all over their faces.

"Thank-you, Sasuke. Finally, someone shut him up!" said an annoyed Tsunade.

"Now as I was saying, I have some very important news." Said Tsunade.

"All of you have probably heard that we are going to have some visitors. Well-" said Tsunade.

"Yup! We've all heard about the visitors!" yelled Naruto.

"SHUT UP, NARUTO!!!" everyone except Sasuke, Neji and Hinata yelled (Hinata didn't yell at Naruto- besides, she likes him).

"Anyway, the visitors will be coming tomorrow at 5:30-"

"At 5:30 a.m.!?!" yelled Naruto.

"NO! Naruto!! At 5:30 P.M.!!" yelled Tsunade.

"Okay! Never mind." Said Naruto.

Tsunade took her hand and hit Naruto over the head!

"OW!!" yelled Naruto, "That HURT!!!" Naruto had a puppy face on- from pain.

Everyone started laughing.

"Okay, you are all dismissed. And make sure that you are all at the front gates at 4:50 p.m." said Tsunade after she stopped laughing.

Everyone left. Except NARUTO!

"Hey, baa-chan?" asked Naruto.

"What?" asked Tsunade.

"What time do I have to be here?" asked Naruto.

"Well, since the visitors are coming at 5:30 p.m., probably around 4:55p.m." said Tsunade.

"Okay." Said Naruto, and he started to leave.

"Naruto, koi." Summoned Tsunade.

"What?" asked Naruto after he looked back at Tsunade.

"You will not be coming here. You will need to be at the front gates at 4:55 p.m., not here." Tsunade said.

"Understood?" Tsunade asked.

"Hai." Said Naruto.

Later That Day – At Sakrua's House – At 7:00 p.m.

"Hey, Sakura-Chan!" yelled a happy Ino, Hinata, and Tenten.

"Hey, guys!" Sakura replied.

"I wonder who the visitors are." Wondered Tenten.

"Hey, maybe they'll be some more Kunochis!" exclaimed Ino.

"That would be cool!" said Hinata beaming.

"Yeah, it would!" Sakura said thinking.

"Sakura-Chan?" asked Ino.

"Mm?" Sakura replied.

"Are you okay? You looked like your daydreaming." Ino said.

"I'm fine, Ino." Sakura said. "I was just thinking."

"'Bout what?" Tenten asked.

"Oh, I was just thinking about a girl that I used to know." Sakura answered.

"Really, Sakura-Chan?" Hinata wondered. "What happened to her?"

"Yep." Sakura said. "And she moved."

"Why?" asked Ino.

"Oh, um…I think it was because her clan was moving." Answered Sakura.

"Oh." Said Ino, Hinata and Tenten.

Sakura sat on her bed while the rest of the group looked around her room.

"Hey, Sakura-Chan?" Hinata called.

"What?" Sakura asked.

"What's this for?" Hinata asked, holding up a necklace that was a heart and had an "A" in the middle.

"Oh, that's one of those necklaces that you give your friends. Like those Best Friends Forever necklaces." Sakura explained.

"Oh. So what does this one say?" asked Hinata.

"Okay,'s...oh, yeah….it's….Ino?" Sakura asked.

"Yeah?" said Ino.

"Can you hand me the paper and pen you are by?" asked Sakura.

"Sure." Ino got the paper and pen and handed it to Sakura.

"Okay, one of the necklaces is a picture, so I'm going to write it down, okay?"

"Okay." Said the three girls.

"K." Sakura said. "Here guys."

Ino, Tenten and Hinata read the piece of paper.

"Oh…that's cool." Said Ino.

"Yep." Agreed Tenten.

"Guys, I think that we should go to sleep now. It's 3:00 a.m.!" said Hinata.

"Okay." And the girls got ready for bed and laid down for bed.

Ino, Tenten and Hinata fell asleep, but Sakura stayed up a little longer, looking at the piece of paper. It Read:












Then Sakura added a few more things and went to sleep with the piece of paper folded up in her hand.

It Now Read:

Best Cama Uchiha

Friends Kaede Uchiha

Love Mikata (Mika) Uchiha

Each Kikkya Haruno (Sakrua's Cousin)

Other Tenten

A Sakura Haruno (Me)

Lot! Hinata Hyuga

Always Hannah Hyuga (Hinata's Cousin)

And Mia Uchiha

For Maya Uchiha

Ever Ino Yamanaka

! Alicia Yamanaka (Ino's Cousin)

The End of Chapter 1!

Please Let Me Know If You Have Any Ideas For The Story!!
