Chapter 4: Changing Course

After that fight with Danny Phantom, Raphael wanted to receive his reward for going after Inviso Bill as he arrived at Vlad's secret hideout in Amity Park.

"Ah, Nightwatcher" said Vlad who was still a bit out of breath from fighting Master Splinter, "come in. I was just about to give you what you came for."

"Sounds good to me" said Raphael as he entered the building where Valerie was waiting for him.

As Raphael left the scene to follow Vlad, the three remaining turtles-Donatello, Michelangelo, and Leonardo arrived on the scene.

"This seems to be the place where Sam and Tucker told us where their friend was located" said Leonardo, "and if he's there, Raph will sure to turn up."

"Come on, we shouldn't trip any alarms around here" said Donatello as Michelangelo and Leonardo were leaping right onto the roof of the building with Donatello following close behind.

But what the three turtles didn't know was there was certainly sensors right on the roof of the building which then alerted Vlad who was checking his security cameras before he was going to give Raphael the reward he came for.

"Excuse me for a moment" said Vlad to Raphael who was quite eager to get what he came for, "I have some business to take care of."

"Fine by me" said Raphael as Vlad left the scene.

While Vlad left the scene, he wanted to search the place for himself.

"You're heading out?" asked Valerie to Raphael.

"I'm just going to do some searching of this place" replied Raphael, "just want to make sure I don't get double-crossed you see."

"Suit yourself" said Valerie, "more money for me when Vlad returns."

As Raphael began to search Vlad's place, he notice something was quite not right about it. He noticed there was highly advance weaponry, enough to probably take out an entire army, and all he wanted to do was to capture this Inviso Bill. Raphael certainly wanted to meet Inviso Bill face to face, while he continued his search for Inviso Bill throughout the complex; his three brothers were coming over to a window looking down on where Valerie was.

"That seems like the place where Raph would probably get the reward he came for to capture Danny Phantom" said Donatello to his two brothers.

"But where is Raph?" asked Leonardo.

"So that so-called bounty hunter I hired was actually one of you?" replied a familiar voice they had heard.

As the three turtles turned around, they notice it was Vlad Plasmius.

"My, my I should have notice I had a double-agent working against me if I knew this Nightwatcher was one of your kind" said Vlad.

"You don't want to mess with us turtles" said Leonardo who pointed one of his swords directly at Vlad.

"That's what you think" said Vlad as he split himself up into three and fired a ghost beam at the three turtles knocking all three right through the glass, shattering it to which Valerie quickly dodged the shards of glass falling on the floor and the turtles falling right onto the ground.

"Too easy" said Vlad as he reverted his clones back to the original and began to float down to the unconscious turtles then he changed himself back right before Valerie could tell what was going on, "now that I have the ghost boy chained up, I as an added bonus can find out just how you three tick."

"I don't think that would be necessary" said a familiar voice to Vlad as he turned around, he notice it was Master Splinter to which Valerie freaked out at what she saw to be a mutant rat and used his hovercraft and flew off in a panic, "that was unexpected."

"Alright rat" said Vlad as he changed himself into his ghost mode, "you want a piece of me, come and get me then."

"You two, find your friend" said Master Splinter to Sam and Tucker, "I'll handle him."

"Glad you thought of our safety" said Tucker as he and Sam left the scene to go find Danny.

"Do you really have a chance of beating me rat?" asked Vlad as he split himself up into three other clones of himself.

"I beat you once didn't I?" asked Master Splinter as he got into his fighting stance, "I can beat you again."

Vlad and his clones began to fire their ghost beams at Master Splinter who was able to dodge the ghost beams with quite ease. The mutant rat then leaped and gave one of the Vlad clones a good kick, and another harder kick sending the Vlad clone crashing right into the wall, making it disappear. The other two remaining Vlad clones and Vlad himself then concentrated on Master Splinter. While Master Splinter continued to fight Vlad and his two remaining clones, Raphael was getting closer to where Danny was being chained to a table. In that room, Skulcker was guarding Danny hoping to literally make him into a pelt.

"Any last requests ghost boy before I do you in myself?" asked Skulcker who was quite tired of waiting for Vlad to arrive and readied his weapons aiming right at Danny.

"I don't think that'll be a fair fight" replied a voice behind Skulcker.

"Wait, I thought you were on mine side?" asked Skulcker who notice the Nightwatcher standing right in front of the doorway.

"Not anymore" replied Raphael as he removed the Nightwatcher helmet and tossed it aside.

"It's you!" said Skulcker, "You are one of those turtles are you not?"

"Yea, so what about it" replied Raphael, "I bet I can kick your butt any day of the week, starting now."

Raphael took out his saises and aimed them right at Skulcker. He slashed some of Skulcker's advance weaponry from his suit destroying it completely, along with slicing some of Skulcker's ability to fire rockets at him. Skulcker stood back to recover from the battle and began to fire a laser at Raphael who managed to dodge the laser as it began to destroy the rest of the lab.

"Stand still you welt so that I can turn you into turtle soap" said Skulcker.

"I don't think so" said Raphael as he threw one of his saises toward the laser gun Skulcker was equipped with destroying it completely.

While that was going on, Sam and Tucker finally entered the scene and began to free Danny.

"It's about time you two showed up" said Danny.

"We better get the heck out of here" said Sam.

"But before that" said Danny as he notice Skulcker was very much into pieces thanks to Raphael who placed Skulcker whose suit was quite damaged on the floor, Sam then handed Danny the Fenton Thermos and sucked Skulcker right into it.

"You kids better get the heck out of here" said Raphael, "I think my brothers are in danger."

"Yea, no kidding" said Sam as Raphael left the scene.

Meanwhile, Master Splinter was having quite some trouble with Vlad to which Splinter had managed to destroy the two other Vlad clones.

"So old rat' said Vlad as he dusted himself off, "I do applaud you for giving me quite a fight. Even a harder one than that Danny Phantom ever gave me."

"You do not want to hurt me or my three sons any further" said Master Splinter who was getting out of breathe.

"And why is that?" asked Vlad.

"Because I said so" replied Raphael as he burst into the scene and leaped and kicked Vlad sending him crashing right into a table and into some other assorted equipment, knocking Vlad unconscious.

"Raphael" said Master Splinter who managed to eventually recover from the fight, "I am glad you finally showed up."

"Yea, sorry about the whole Nightwatcher thing again" said Raphael his helmet was given to him by Danny who appeared in front of him.

"What the heck happen?" asked Michelangelo as he got up.

"Wow, looks like Raphael kicked Vlad's butt" replied Donatello as he also got up and notice Vlad unconscious.

"Well, it was really Master Splinter who soften up him for me" said Raphael.

"Thank you Raphael for those kind words" said Master Splinter, "come my sons. We should leave Amity Park."

"Don't worry" said Leonardo, "I think we can get the heck out of here."

"And since we're going to be back as a family again" said Master Splinter, he then turns to Raphael, "Raphael since your foolishness, I'm afraid I am going to have to ground you. But on one condition, if you go out, you will have to be with your brothers and only your brothers."

"Well, we should get April to take us back to New York" said Leonardo.

"This just keeps on getting weirder and weirder" said Danny as he and his two friends look at the four turtles and Master Splinter leaving the scene, "and I'm part ghost."