A Phantom and the Nightwatcher

Chapter 1: A Broken Family

It had been at least a month since Leonardo had returned to the sewers of New York City after reuniting the turtles. Not long after the defeat of their new nemesis, Raphael hasn't been seen since the event and the other turtles have been quite worried about Raph missing in action.

"Where could Raphael be?" asked Michelangelo to Master Splinter.

"I do not know my son" replied Master Splinter, "Donatello, have you hacked into Raphael's e-mail address yes?"

"I'm almost through with hacking through it sensei" replied Donatello as he was on his computer.

"I think despite Raphael giving up being Nightwatcher, the Nightwatcher suit was missing" said Leonardo, "he must have taken some sort of anonymous offer of some sort."

"Well, don't worry" said Donatello, "I managed to hack into his e-mail address. Seems like someone was watching his activities as being this Nightwatcher character in New York City, he has various website links to this billionaire known as Vlad Masters."

"Do you think Raph might have left New York to work for him?" asked Leonardo.

"I'm not sure" replied Master Splinter, "Donatello, what other articles Raphael has stored?"

"Well, there seems to be a lot of Internet links on Amity Park and some fugitive known as Inviso Bill" said Donatello.

"Then that's where we'll find him" said Leonardo.

"Yes my sons" said Master Splinter, "I'll accompany you on your trip to Amity Park. I think it's possible for us to get there through the sewer system."

"Oh, we could get April to send some items this Vlad Masters plans to buy and hitch a ride to Amity Park" said Donatello.

"Excellent" said Master Splinter, "inform April immediately on the whereabouts of where Raphael just might be in Amity Park."

"Say April" said Leonardo as he picked up the phone.

"Yea, what is it guys?" asked April on the other line.

"We were wondering if you have any room for your shipping company to take us to Amity Park" said Leonardo, "you see, we believe Raphael is disguised as Nightwatcher to catch this Inviso Bill fugitive."

"Well, I do have my schedule that says to make a stop in Amity Park" said April, "I'll get you there ASAP."

A few hours later at nightfall in Amity Park, a strange figure was overseeing the landscape of the city. It was none other than Nightwatcher who really wanted to ensure the capture of Inviso Bill.

"Are you sure you can do this?" asked a voice on the communicator Raphael was carrying.

"Yea, yea" replied Raphael, "I have done this sort of thing before. I know what I am doing."

"Well, it seems to me that Inviso Bill is chasing one of my other clients down and she is coming your way" said the voice on the communicator, "go about and help her in capturing this Inviso Bill."

As Raphael looked down at the city, he notice Valerie on her hovercraft attempting to fire at Danny Phantom.

"You ghosts are nothing but trouble!" shouted Valerie as she fired her weapon at Danny.

"That seems to be my queue to step in" said Raphael.

As Valerie came right under Raphael, he leaped right down onto her hovercraft.

"Who the heck are you?" asked Valerie to Raphael who was standing on her hovercraft taking out some sort of a chain-like weapon he once used in New York City.

"I was sent to help you deal with this Inviso Bill character" replied Raphael as he turned around to her.

"Well, just make sure he doesn't hit my back then" said Valerie as she concentrated on steering the hovercraft.

"Oh great, now I got to deal with another weirdo Vlad sent" sighed Danny as he notice Raphael in his Nightwatcher suit wielding the chain-like weapons.

Raphael then threw the chain-like weapons at Danny to which he managed to dodge the attacks and fire his ghost beam at the chains destroying them.

"Alright, now that makes me mad" said Raphael.

"Okay, if you are so tough" said Danny, "why don't you come and attack me yourself?"

"Fine by me" said Raphael as he leaped up toward Danny and gave him a good punch.

"Oh great, now I got to play catch and pick up" sighed Valerie as she directed her hovercraft to where Raphael was trying to fight with Danny.

As Valerie directed her hovercraft to where Raphael was fighting Danny Phantom, Raphael was having quite some trouble fighting Danny in mid-air. Despite he being a ninja, and by giving Danny several good punches, the ghost boy was still giving him quite some trouble. Danny finally had enough with the Nightwatcher as he fired his ghost beam attempting to make a dent in Raphael's armor which then sent Raphael falling right down to the ground, that is until Valerie came just in time and Raphael grabbed part of her hovercraft by using one of his sais to cling onto the hovercraft.

"Hey, watch what you are doing with that weapon" said Valerie.

"Where did that Inviso Bill go?" asked Raphael as he managed to get up onto the hovercraft as he began to look around.

"Seems like that ghost boy is gone" replied Valerie as she was checking her scanners.

"Well, I'll be back to face him again" vowed Raphael.

After a few minutes after the fight, Valerie landed her hovercraft on the roof where Vlad Masters was waiting for her.

"Ah, Ms. Gray" said Vlad, "I see you have met my new client here."

"Well, I would have been able to take control of the situation if he hadn't shown up" said Valerie.

"I could have taken on this Inviso Bill by myself" added Raphael.

"Please, please" said Vlad, "there will be no conflicts between my clients. You two will all get a chance to take down Inviso Bill."

"So what do I do about my weapons that were lost?" asked Raphael.

"Oh those old things?" replied Vlad as he brought into a table and revealed new special chains, "these chains are enhanced with anti-ghost technology quite similar to Valerie's. Do you think you need your suit to be upgraded?"

"Uh, no, no" replied Raphael as he didn't want his identity to be revealed, "my suit is just fine. I like it the way it is."

"Well, have it your way" said Vlad then he took out a map of Amity Park with white and black pins on the map, "now here are the details of where Inviso Bill might hang out. Since you Nightwatcher are new here, I think you should work alongside Valerie before you decide to go back and be a loner."

"Fine, I'll take the punishment for now" sighed Raphael.

As Raphael and Valerie overlooked what parts of Amity Park Danny Phantom might hang out, Vlad Masters went back into his private chambers.

"I can't believe these two haven't a clue of what I am planning" said Vlad as he changed himself into Vlad Plasmius, "that foolish outsider Nightwatcher has no clue what I have in store for him."

The scene then ends with Vlad making an evil laugh.