Chapter One: The peaceful night that wasn't


It was a dark and dreary night… Colonel Jack O'Neill U.S.A.F. headed toward his truck, intending to pick up a movie and some pizza for a peaceful night of relaxation after a not so relaxing day of fighting aliens and saving the planet once again. That's when it all started… (which, of course, means that his night won't be as relaxing as he had hoped for)

Doctor Daniel Jackson P.H.D. was expecting a quite time at home, as well. As he walked to his car, pulling out his keys from his pocket, he noticed O'Neill just a few cars down and waved. He then got into his car, turned the key and… BOOM he jumped three feet off the seat, bumping his head on the ceiling. As he rubbed his head, he quickly turned in the direction he was sure the explosion had come from, seeing that it had been Jack's truck that had blown. Worried for his friend's well-being, he got out of his car and slowly approached the truck.

"… Jack? You OK?"

"I…think so." came the reply. Relieved, he looked down. Sitting on the ground, a few yards from where his truck had once stood, Jack sat, staring at the huge pile of rubble that used to be his trustworthy vehicle.

"What the hell?" Jack said, breathlessly. As the shock slowly changed into anger, he stoop up and said, "What the hell happened?"

"I don't know," Daniel replied, "did you see anybody?"

"No. But when I find the bd that did this I'm gonna…"

"O'Neill!" Teal'c had heard the loud noise and was quickly walking towards the two very confused men. "Are you injured?" he asked.

"No, I'm fine… but my truck…"

The Jaffa observed the wreckage and raised his eyebrow. "Do you know who has caused this?"

"No!" Jack was starting to get annoyed. "I don't know who did it! I was just heading for my truck…" he waved his hand from the entrance of the base to the now useless hunk of metal, "and it just… blew up!" he threw his arms up towards the sky in demonstration, his eyes wide with annoyance.

"Well," Daniel said after a few seconds, "we should probably get someone to look into this, right? So…"

"Of course we do, Daniel…" Jack said sarcastically. "But, not now."

Daniel frowned in confusion and folded his arms. "But…"

"Look," Jack interrupted, "we've done a lot today and I just want to go home and watch a movie… and maybe The Simpsons, if it's on."

A moment passed, as Daniel thought it over. "OK." He said. "I guess I can drive you…"

"Which movie were you planning on viewing, O'Neill?" Teal'c questioned.

"Hadn't really thought about it."

"Might I suggest St-…"

"Oh, no you don't!" Jack interrupted again. I've watched those way too many times since you first made me."

"Then what do you want to watch, Jack?" Daniel asked as they headed for his car.

"Hmm… how 'bout The Wizard of Oz." said Jack as more of a statement than a question, getting into the driver seat. Daniel held the key up, about to say something, then decided to just go ahead and hand it to Jack, who was already holding out his hand to take it.

Walking towards the passenger seat instead, Daniel said, "Wait, you're not going to watch Teal'c's movie because you've seen it too many times, but you are gonna watch a movie you've seen even more?" as he got to the door, he saw that Teal'c had already taken the passenger seat, so he hopped into the back.

"It's a classic!" Jack whined.

"So is Star Wars, O'Neill." Teal'c interjected.

"Yeah, but…" Jack couldn't think of anything to counter Teal'c's statement, so instead, he threw his cell phone to Daniel and said, "Call Carter, tell her to meet us at my house for pizza and a movie… which we'll decide on when we get to the video store." Glaring at Teal'c, he pulled the car out of the parking lot and they headed off.

Little did they know that the mysterious person who had placed the bomb in Jack's truck was following them…

Jack's house

After having called Sam and the pizza place, and then picking up some movies (which had taken a few hours of arguing about what to get) they reached Jack's house.

As Jack walked up with his key, he saw a not-very-happy pizza delivery guy standing on the porch. "T, Daniel, go get the paper plates and napkins and stuff. Don't worry, I'll pay for the pizza."

Well, isn't that thoughtful… thought Daniel, it is YOUR house. He rolled his eyes, smiling slightly, and heading for the kitchen with Teal'c.

Jack took the pizza, but as he pulled out his wallet, the delivery guy lost control of his obvious anger…

"It's about time, dude!" he said. "I've been standing out here for, like, TWO HOURS! It's cold and windy and I've got to get home to play video games!"

He then pulled out a squeaky inflatable bat (the kind you get from carnivals) and hit Jack over the head repeatedly with it.


"ALL RIGHT!!" Jack yelled. "I get the picture! I'll give you a BIG, HONKIN' tip, OK!?"

Satisfied, the delivery guy put the bat away, took the money, and left without another squeak – or word, for that matter.

Fuming, Jack walked inside and threw the pizzas on the coffee table in the living room.

"What has transpired, O'Neill?" asked Teal'c. "DanielJackson and I heard a series of 'squeaking' noises and two angry voices."

"Ah, it wasn't anything important… " he replied. "You got everything? Is Carter here yet?"

"Yep." said a certain blonde A.F Major. "Just got here. Who was that guy driving out of your driveway in a hurry, Sir?"

"Just the pizza guy…" Jack said, grumbling slightly.

"I see…" said Sam, not really seeing. "So, what movies did you get? Star Wars? The Wizard of Oz?"

"Neither." replied both Jack and Teal'c at the same time.

Sam looked confused.

"That's why the pizza guy was mad, see." Jack explained (furthering Sam's confusion). "We took a long time… discussing which movie to get, so we eventually decided to let Danny boy pick."

"I still don't see what that has to do with the pizza guy... What movie did you pick, Daniel?"

Daniel held up two DVDs. "The Mummy and the Mummy Returns." he grinned.

Sam had made her way to the couch and already had a plate and a slice of pizza. "But Daniel… you're an expert on everything ancient Egypt. Why would you want to see these completely unrealistic fictional stories about it? Wouldn't you get a little annoyed at how off they are?"

It took a little while for Daniel to answer. "Well… um… you see… I kinda… um… I kinda find…"

"He finds the girl extremely attractive?" Jack supplied with a wide grin.

"Um… yeah." Daniel said sheepishly. He quickly added, "But it's not just that! Even though you're right, Sam, I've been studying Egypt a very long time. Ever since I was a kid, I've always been fascinated by the ancient myths and legends, as well as learning about the factual aspects. Obviously, I don't take the movies seriously, but they're still very entertaining, regardless of how unrealistic they are." He felt that they'd be satisfied with that answer… until Jack said,

"It's the girl."

"Uh huh."


Defeated, Daniel just popped the movie in.

ooo ooo ooo

"Alexander the Great sent troops in search of it."

"Great for him."

"So did Caesar."

"Yeah, look what happened to his career."

"And Napoleon."

"Yeah, but, we're smarter than him. And taller, too."

"Exactly. That's why we're the ones who are gonna find it."

"Because we're taller?"

Jack grinned. I like this guy… he thought.

It had been a mostly uneventful evening (except for when Jack and Teal'c wrestled for the last slice of pizza, knocking a cup of soda on Daniel). But (naturally), that was about to change…

Just as the Scorpion King dramatically showed his face for the first time as a hideous monster, there was a crash of lightning and thunder, plunging them into darkness. Then, there was a knock at the door…

"Crap…" said Jack. "I'll get it."

The rain had started to pour as Jack slowly walked towards the front door. For some reason, everyone was tense, wondering who on Earth could be at the door at this time of night.

Jack finally reached the front door, pausing slightly as he reached for the handle, his heart pounding, he opened it.

Looking out, he couldn't see very well, since the power was out all along the street, until a flash of lighting lit up the sky.

He gasped, recognizing the dark, tall figure before him. It was…

To be continued…


A/N: This is my first fic!!! Be nice, please:)

Also, I'd like to know if people are reading it. PLEASE review! I don't think I want to continue if nobody wants me to.

Disclaimer: Stargate SG-1 and all related is owned by MGM, Star Wars and all related is owned by Lucasfilm, The Mummy and the Mummy returns… I don't know who owns them, but it ain't me. :(