Battle of the Wills

A/N: Here's chapter 1 in my brand new sequal! Woot! I'm kind of at a standstill and I'm still waiting for a response from my hopefully soon-to-be co-writter. I can't promise a regular posting schedual as the story is very much under construction. I need an editor! And the computer I'm using right now has a crappy key board. So if you see any missplaced caps, it's not me. Any who... Rei is turning fifteen. That means she's been without her mother for almost 14 years! You gotta wonder how everyone's holding up. Well, read and review. Chapter 2 in a week. Chapter 3? No idea. It's not done yet.

Rei's fifteenth birthday was approaching. She was lying on her bed listening to the radio. Rei smiled when her favorite band, L.O.V.E. came on. It was their latest song, Sacrifice, a song that was topping the charts. They only had on CD out but the next one, yet to be named, was scheduled to come out sometime next year.

The song ended and the D.J. announced that L.O.V.E. was coming to London. She sat up and looked intently at the radio. The D.J. said nothing more on the subject, which frustrated Rei. She grabbed the phone off her bedside table and dialed in. She wasn't really paying attention to what the D.J. was saying. She figured it was a load of crap, as usual. The phone gave off a loud beeping. Busy. She tried again. This time her call went through. Rei almost passed out when she heard what the D.J. told her.

"Congratulations! You're caller 10! You just won two tickets and two back stage passes to L.O.V.E."

She quickly gave the address of the Hellsing mansion and was told her prize would be there in three days. She hung up in a daze. She would get to meet her idol, Aiya Paige, the lead singer of L.O.V.E. Aiya was strange in the sense she had no past. Records showed she had been in a coma for about fourteen years, and then just woke up one day. She had no memory of who she was or where she had come from. She adopted her name and started her career as a singer. She was found by a hotshot music company and was set up with L.O.V.E.

Rei blinked then sighed. She had no one to go with her to the concert. She had no friends, and she suddenly thought that Integra might not even let her go. Unless… Rei grinned. She ran out of her room and down the stairs to the basement. She raced over to a large door and knocked. Silence. She put her hands on the door, focused her powers, and pushed. She passed through the door without a sound. Alucard was sitting on the only chair in the room. He was looking slightly agitated with whatever he was reading.

Rei vaulted onto his lap nearly causing the chair to tip over.

"Hiya Dad!" Rei said with a large grin.

Alucard looked at her from over the paper. "What ever you want, the answer is no."

Rei pouted. "Why do you always have to rain on my parade?"

Alucard made no comment.

"Besides, you didn't hear what I wanted to ask," Rei said giving a stern look.

Alucard sighed lowering the newspaper down a little further. "Go ahead."

"Well, I just won a couple of tickets to a concert-" Rei started but was cut off.

"Hell no!" Alucard exclaimed.

"DAD! PLEASE!!!" Rei whined.

"The answer is no," Alucard repeated.

Seras walked in. "Master, what's with all the noise?"

"Police Girl will take you," Alucard said, shoving the teen off his lap.

Seras stared. "Take her? Where?"

Alucard continued to read the paper. Suddenly it combusted into blue flames. Seras backed out of the room. Apparently she was dead set on whatever she wanted this time. Mostly, Rei was pretty cool when she didn't get what she wanted, which was quite often. But whatever she wanted this time must be really big.

There was a lot of yelling. Rei was beginning to whine which everyone knew got on Alucard's last nerve.

"Dad, it's my fifteenth birthday, I wanna do something fun. What's better than getting to meet my idol?" Rei demanded.

Alucard was beginning to give and Rei could feel it.

"Why me of all people you could ask?" Alucard said.

"Seras doesn't like rock or heavy metal and Integra's too busy. Walter is too old and I don't have any friends who would go with me," the girl explained.

Alucard sighed. "And if, mind you, if, I take you to this concert, what do I get for it?"

Rei stared at him. "My pleasure isn't enough?"

Alucard took a lazy swat at her. Rei dodged, laughing. "Alright, I'll tell the answer to that riddle I gave you last year."

Alucard's eye twitched. Damn that riddle. It was in German and was some stupid play on words, but nevertheless, he had been unable to solve it. This of course, amused the teen to no end.

"Fine," he growled.

They shook hands and Rei skipped out of the room. She passed Seras on her way out.

"Hey!" Rei said with a bright look on her face.

Seras gave her a curious look. "What was that all about?"

"Dad's taking me to a concert," Rei said with a grin.

"Oh, that's… he's what?" Seras looked at the teen in amazement. Alucard? A concert? Someone was going to die.

"We're going to see L.O.V.E. live. I'm so excited!" the teen was practically glowing. "I won tickets and a couple of backstage passes."

"That's really cool," Seras said, smiling.

"I just gotta get it cleared by Integra first. But I think I got the hard part out of the way," she said with a wink.

Seras watched as Rei ran back upstairs. Integra would probably let her go if Alucard would be with her. Seras smiled at the thought of her Master going to a rock concert. She hoped Rei took pictures.

A/N: This promises to be fun. Can you even picture the King of Darkness at a concert of any sort? (Other than a classical performance...) Anywho, you don't have to be my co-writter to "donate" ideas. I'll be sure to credit you. Inori is still mad, but she's coming around. I told her I might still let her come back. I didn't promise her anything... (gets hit in the head with a book) Right, like I said, I promoised she could come back. Like I said before, PLEASE REVIEW!