so this it is guys. 20 chapters, 150 reviews, 37381 words have been leading up to this moment. enjoy! you guys have been amazing, thanks for all the reviews, and for everyone reading it. this was my very first fic. so it's special :)


Two years later...

Brooke stood nervously in the room the church had designated for the bride. She walked over to the mirror and looked herself over for the fiftieth time.

"You look beautiful Brooke." she heard a voice behind her. She turned around to Karen standing behind her.

"I just feel like something is missing."

Karen looked her up and down. Brooke did look gorgeous. Of course, she always did, but today she looked absolutely stunning. Her hair was in soft curls, and her beautiful white gown fit her perfectly.

Karen reached into her purse, and pulled out a string of pearls. She slipped it around Brooke's neck, and secured it tightly.

"I want you to have these, Brooke." She said smiling.

"Karen, these are beautiful. But I can't-"

"Don't tell me you can't take them. They can be your something old."

Brooke looked at her.

"Keith gave me these the day Lucas was born." Tears filled her eyes.

"Karen, I'm so sorry he couldn't be here today. I wish he could be here to watch his son be married."

Karen looked up and smiled at Brooke. No one had ever officially labeled Keith as Lucas' father, but everyone knew that he had been the only father Lucas ever had.

"Thank you Brooke. But he is here, we just can't see him. Now let's not cry anymore, it'll ruin our make-up." She laughed. She pulled Brooke into one final hug, before leaving.

After she left, Peyton and Haley came in, followed by Nathan.

"You ready Brooke?" Nathan held out his arm.

"I am more than ready." She smiled. She linked his arm, and all four walked out of the room.

Brooke stopped Nathan before they got to the aisle. Caleb and Keira had begun walking down the aisle, Keira throwing flowers on the ground and Caleb holding a pillow that held the rings.

"Nathan, I can't thank you enough Nathan for walking me down the aisle."

"Brooke, it's my pleasure. Besides, you're family now, why wouldn't I be walking you?" He smiled at her.

Brooke smiled thinking about what he had just said. She finally had a family. Sure, she had always had her parents, and while they were currently sitting in the front row, she didn't acknowledge them as family anymore. She just couldn't face them after what they had almost done. Lucas was her family now, and his family was her family.

She looked up and saw Peyton, her maid of honor, begin walking down the aisle. Suddenly she heard the bells of the Wedding March chime out.

"I think that's our cue." Nathan joked. "I mean, you can still run while you have the chance."

Brooke laughed, and together they stepped through the door way.

Everyone stood up and turned when Nathan and Brooke emerged. Lucas' heart practically stopped when he saw Brooke. She was more beautiful than he had ever remembered her. He smiled as she locked eyes with him.

As Brooke and Nathan approached the altar, she hugged him, and kissed him on the cheek before parting. He took his spot next to Lucas as best man.

As the ceremony came to an end, Lucas sent a silent prayer to God, thanking him for his wonderful life.

"You may now kiss the bride." The minister told them, and Lucas happily did so.

"May I now present Mr. And Mrs. Lucas Scott." The couple joined hands, and walked down the aisle with smiles on their faces.

Karen watched her son go, tears in her eyes. They weren't sad tears, however. For as the saying does, she wasn't losing her son, she had just gained a daughter. And she really felt that way. Brooke had always held a special place in Karen's heart, and had always been family to her. It was just official now. Karen had the best family any woman could ask for. She looked up and smiled. "I love you Keith." She whispered, before leaving the church.

Brooke and Lucas were in the limo on their way over to the reception hall.

"I love you, Lucas Scott." She said to him.

"I love you, Brooke Scott." He smiled at her. She cuddled into his arms, and smiled.

"I like that."


"Brooke Scott."

"Yeah, me too." he leaned down to kiss her.

Finally, their lives were going the ways they both wanted them too. It had taken a long time to get to where they were now, and there were many bumps in the road.

But one thing as definitely for sure – they were always better together.