Disclaimer: TPTB didn't, despite all the hints so I am doing it for them.

Rating: PG-13

Title: Picard Women.

Summary: During a trip to Labarre, Jean-Luc finds himself completing with another Picard for Beverly's affections.

A/n: A huge thank you to my beta, Jamie. Now this story was only meant to be a short-ish one shot but it morphed into something a whole lot more. I have broken it down into parts.

Time line: Takes place somewhere after the episode, Brothers but before the TNG films.

Picard Women.

Part 1

"And Marie, I'll be bringing company."

"Will that be just the one bedroom for you and Beverly?" asked Marie Picard, her face lighting up at the prospect.

"Marie," warned Jean-Luc.

"By that tone," sighed Marie, "I'll make two up."

"I'll see you soon," he said, bringing their communication to an end before she could pry anymore.

"Bon," replied Marie.

Jean-Luc watched the vision of his sister-in-law disappear and be replaced by the Starfleet logo. He had waited till the end of their conversation before dropping in that he was going to bring someone to Labarre. If he had mentioned it any earlier, Marie wouldn't have let the subject go until she had found out all that she could. He loved her dearly, but she always thought she knew best for him, especially when it came to Beverly Crusher. The two women had never met in person, but they knew of each other anyway. Marie knew about her from Jean-Luc and occasionally she had caught a glimpse of the infamous doctor when she called Jean-Luc during breakfast. According to Marie, that made her an authority on Beverly Crusher. Jean-Luc had known Beverly for twenty years and he was still learning things about her and when he had told Marie this, she shrugged him off and told that him 'women knew women'. He smiled to himself as he thought about the assumption Marie had made about the someone he was bringing would be Beverly. The assumption had been correct because he had always told his brother and sister-in-law that he would only bring someone who was special to his family home. They both knew who he regarded as special enough to accompany him on a rare trip home.

Jean-Luc was still surprised that Beverly had accepted his invitation to join him at Labarre. They had been sharing breakfast and taking about their upcoming shore leave when the words had slipped out before he could stop them. He still remembered the sparkle in her eyes as she accepted his invitation to join him. She hadn't even needed time to think about his offer, her answer was as spontaneous as his request. Even as they finished their breakfast, Jean-Luc's mind was already planning activities for them both to enjoy during their stay. His thoughts had only been broken when Beverly had planted a soft and chaste kiss on his cheek on her way out of his quarters. He remembered the feel the kiss and the emotions it stirred in him. After that simple kiss, Jean-Luc had finally come to a decision. He was going to tell her how he felt about her. He could think of no better place than Labarre to reveal his feelings to Beverly.

Jean-Luc rose from his chair and made his way over to the replicator.

"Earl Grey. Hot," he ordered.

He stood there and watched as his favourite drink materialised in front of him. The delicate aroma assaulted his senses as he picked up the cup and made his way back to the desk. Sitting back down, he quickly sent a communiqué to Beverly, informing her of their arrival and things to pack. They would be beaming down to the surface that evening and he only hoped he had given her enough time to pack if she hadn't packed already. Jean-Luc rose from his seat again, taking his drink with him as he made his way over the viewport The Earth would be a welcome sight when she came into view. The whole ship buzzed with excitement at returning home and engineering was looking forward to loading up the new range of torpedoes and running ship wide diagnostics. Draining the last of his tea as he made his way to the bridge, he placed the empty cup into the replicator before the doors hissed open and he stepped out on his bridge.

Will Riker stood up from sitting in the command chair as soon as the doors to the ready room hissed open. He quickly delivered his report of what had been going on while Jean-Luc had been in his ready room and also gave the ETA of Earth.

"As you were, Number One," said Jean-Luc as he headed towards the turbo-lift. "You have the bridge."

"Enjoy Labarre, Sir," said Riker.

"I will," answered Jean-Luc. "Enjoy San Francisco."

Riker nodded and then returned his attention to the screen in front of him as the turbo lift doors hissed shut on his captain and mentor.

"Deck nine," Picard commanded as soon as the doors had shut.

Moments later, he stepped out into a deserted corridor and made his way towards his quarters. The doors hissed open as soon as they recognised his presence and he retreated into his own private space. A space which only a chosen few were allowed to enter. Will Riker and Deanna Troi had been granted access, as had some of the past women he had dated. Yet Beverly was the only one Jean-Luc had programmed the computer to recognise, so his doors were always open to her unless he locked them.

Jean-Luc was looking forward to spending a few days at Labarre; he last visit had been for respite after his encounter with the Borg. It was on that visit he had been able to put to rest the demons that had followed him since his childhood and set his differences aside with his brother. Getting to know his nephew Rene had been one of the highlights of returning to Labarre, and to know that the young boy respected him, looked up to and wanted to be like him gave Jean-Luc a sense of achievement. He had last felt like that when Wesley had been accepted into Starfleet Academy.

"Computer, play Picard 417," commanded Jean-Luc as he wandered into his bedroom.

As the strands of music floated throughout his quarters, Jean-Luc pulled out the small rucksack that had accompanied him on many adventures. Setting the bag on his bed, he made his way over to the wardrobe and began pulling items of clothing out. Most of the clothes he planned on taking were the ones that Beverly had commented on. He knew she liked the black, slightly snug fitting black trousers that he wore. He had overheard her mentioning them to Deanna Troi during one of Data's poetry recitals. Soon, his bag was packed with everything he needed and if there was anything he had forgotten, he could go into town and buy it.

Glancing over at the chronometer, Jean-Luc noticed that he had an hour till Beverly would arrive. He made his way into the bathroom and had a long, refreshing sonic shower before getting dressed in his civilian clothing. He had intended to beam down to the surface in uniform but Beverly had said that if he did, she wouldn't be joining him at Labarre because she wanted to enjoy shore leave with her friend and not her captain.

Right on time, the doors to Jean-Luc's quarters hissed open and in walked Beverly, a travel bag slung over her shoulder. She was wearing her favourite off the shoulder blue jumper with fitted black trousers. Her hair flowed effortlessly down, framing her delicate face and her blue eyes sparkled brightly.

"Hi," she said as she walked in and put her bag down on the table. "Ready?"

"I'm ready," he said. "Did I give you enough time to pack?"

"Plenty," she answered. "Deanna tried to help but she kept getting herself into a panic because of what I wasn't packing. Anyone would have thought she was the one going away today."

It was well known amongst the senior staff that Deanna didn't travel light. She needed to have an outfit for any possible activity, function or occasion. She was just like her mother in that sense though nobody had mentioned that because Deanna would be devastated if she thought she was turning into her mother. Will Riker was usually the man conned into carrying her bags when shore leave was granted. It didn't seem to bother him though.

Jean-Luc swung him bag over his shoulder and retreated back into his bedroom to collect his saddle from the saddle rack. He planned on riding a lot once they got to Labarre and hoped that he could convince Beverly into joining him.

"Do Robert and Marie have horses?" enquired Beverly as Jean-Luc strode into the main living quarters with the saddle resting on his out-stretched arm.

"Robert and Rene have," he answered. "Marie doesn't ride, though. She says just watching Rene makes her feel sick."

Jean-Luc made for the doors and stepped out into the corridor with Beverly following close behind. As they made their way to the transporter room, they spoke about Labarre and its neighbouring town. Beverly's eyes lit up when he mentioned the healer's market that came to town once a year and would there during their stay. Beverly knew of the market from her grandmother, but she had never been to it. They reached the transporter room and were greeted by Miles O'Brien, who wished them a good time as they stepped on to the pad. As the transporter locked on to them, the captain couldn't help but wonder what rumours would be flying about after O'Brien mentions something about their destination. Jean-Luc wasn't one for ship's gossip but he usually got to hear it from Beverly who, in turn, had heard it from Alyssa. Sometimes the gossip amused him, but other times it hit a little too close to home for his liking.

As the blue haze cleared before them, Jean-Luc grinned to himself as he eyes fell upon the farmhouse in the distance. It had been two years since he was last here and it looked exactly the same as it had then. So welcoming. His mother, Yvette Picard, had been the only welcoming presence in that house for him as a child and young man. After her death, the house became cold and unwelcoming. He had dreaded walking up the cobbled path that led to porch after a day at school. He had dreaded returning from the Academy to face his father's wrath. But it was different now. The farmhouse was welcoming again. A hand coming to rest on his arm broke into his thoughts and steered him back into the present.

"You left me for a bit then," Beverly said as she squeezed his arm. "You okay?"

"Yes," he replied. "Just caught up in a memory."

"Want to talk about it?" she enquired.

"Maybe later," he replied as he slipped his hand into hers and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Let's get up to the house."

They made their way towards the house and as they reached the porch, the door opened and a young boy flew out followed by two adults.

"They're here!" cried the boy. "I told you I saw them."

"Rene!" warned the woman as she placed her hands on his shoulders to calm him down.

Jean-Luc felt Beverly move closer to him as they came face to face with his family. He opened his mouth to begin the introductions. "Beverly, this is my brother, Robert and - "

"Welcome, Beverly," cut in Robert, "This my wife Marie and my son, Rene."

"A pleasure to meet you all," answered Beverly, smiling brightly at each of them in turn. "I have heard much about you,"

"As we have you," said Marie, coming forward and kissing her on both cheeks. "Come in and I'll help you get settled into your room."

Beverly looked over her shoulder at Jean-Luc as she felt herself ushered into the farmhouse by Marie. The way Beverly had already been welcomed by his family already made him feel warm inside. He looked around for Rene and saw that he was carrying Beverly's travel bag for her as they went into the house.

"You never said she was a redhead," said Robert as he clapped his hand on Jean-Luc's back.

"It never came up in conversation," replied Jean-Luc.

"It's good to see you." Robert smiled at his younger brother and then reached out to take the saddle from him. "I'll take this into the tack room and you go get yourself settled in. Your lady friend is in your old room and you are in mine. Marie was hoping to put you both in the back room. She has made it up still, just in case."

Jean-Luc paled slightly when he realised that Beverly and Marie would be alone and there was no way of him knowing what his sister in law would say his best friend.

"You don't need to worry," said Robert, noticing the change in his brother's complexion. "I've told her to be discreet."

His brother's assurances did nothing to quell his fears. Discreet wasn't in Marie's vocabulary. The chuckle that erupted from Robert moments later only worsened Jean-Luc's fear and made him dart into the farmhouse quickly. As Jean-Luc climbed the stairs, he came to the conclusion that he would not let Beverly out of his sight during their stay. It wouldn't always be possible, and when it wasn't he would need to make sure that he was with Marie.