The Other Side Of You

A/N This is my first fanfic. Enjoy!

Chapter 1: Home Sweet Home +--+

It was her last year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Hermione had transformed into an elegant young woman with many curves. Her hair had become wavy, her thighs were very round and her bust had increased in size.

"Oh crap my baggage just burst." Hermione thought. Her personal belongings were all scattered all over the platform. She rushed to pick them up.

She dived towards her toothbrush.

"OUCH" Hermione looked up as she was rubbing her head. A mane of white silky hair was all that she could see. But it was more than enough to tell her who it was. Draco Malfoy. He had changed a lot since she last encountered him. He had a perfect toned body from his Quidditch practices. His arms were muscular, yet not too the extreme extent.

"All right there?"

"Yes I'm fine so why don't you just buzz off."

"Now Granger, no need for the sarcasm."

"This is my problem Malfoy, so just leave."

Draco saw no point in persisting, and left.

"There's something in his eyes that I've never seen before..."

"HERMIONE!" Hermione whipped around. It was Harry, Ron and Ginny. She gave each of them a quick peck on the cheek and a bear hug to Ginny.

"Long time no see 'Mione!"

"Yea Gin, we have some catching up to do woman."


The Great Hall was filled with splendour. The enchanted ceiling was a clear blue. Candles were floating everwhere, making the hall seem romantic. The four tables were draped with gold silk sheets. A red capret had been placed in the middle, leading to the stage. As usual, the Sorting Hat was on it. Everything had changed since the Great War.

The First years were sorted into their houses, causing Hermione to smile. It reminded her of the time when she was sorted. She had been so terrified of the sorting hat, thinking that it might harm her, A flash of silver caught her eye. She looked at saw Malfoy winking at her. She frowned and he smiled. Not a smirk, a genuine smile.

"Settle down settle down. I have a few announcements to make." Dumbledore quipped.

"May I present the Heads of the year, Miss Hermione Jane Granger and Mr. Draco Lucius Malfoy." Cheeers erupted from both houses. Harry patted Hermione on the back, congratulating her. The staff clapped enthusiastically, clearly happy with the selection. Malfoy flashed Hermione a smile. She rolled her eyes.

"Oh I cannot believe I'm stuck with Malfoy for the rest of the term."

After the feast Professor McGonagall sent for them. She showed them to their dormitory. The password was "unity". A portrait of a beautiful lady was in front of them. She said "My name is Ila" and bowed down deeply.

Hermione gave the password and waited for Malfoy to get in. He smirked and whispered "Ladies first". Hermione didn't object and stepped in. The common room was wood panelled everywhere. A cozy fireplace had been lit for them.

Hermione gasped at the wondrous sight. She had not expected this. Malfoy sneered and said "This is tiny." Hermione frowned at him. She went to her room. It was painted a deep maroon and had a king-sized four poster bed. It was bigger than her own room.

She explored the dormitory. She was shocked to find out that they were sharing a bathroom.

"Malfoy! We better set some rules here."

Malfoy plopped himself down beside her and said "Fine".

Hermione turned to look at him straight in the eye. She saw that his icy blue eyes did not contain hatred, but sadness and compassion. She softened and asked, "You look sad."

"Things have been happening in my family. My father died under the Dark Lord."

"I'm so sorry, I should not have asked."

"Its fine. I just feel so lonely". He looked at her expectantly but she didn't seem to catch his drift. He realised that and just looked away. "I better unpack now. I won't hold you up any longer." As he walked out of the door, Hermione said "Wait, can you stay?"

Malfoy turned, a look of surprise was on his face. "If its fine with you." He walked back to the bed and sat down. Hermione said, "So its because of your loneliness that you have stopped hating me? I remember a certain time when you used to call me a mudblood..."

"Not really. I know I was harsh at those times. My dad made me believe in his own thinking. It was all crap. I've never believed in all this prejudice. I just didn't appreciate you."

Hermione was taken aback by the comment. "Appreciate me? What are you trying to say?"

"Nothing. I didn't appreciate you as a friend. That's all. No stings attached." Malfoy raised both his hands up in surrendence.

"So can we be civil to each other? If that's ok with you.." Hermoine enquired.

"I guess since you are stuck in the same dorm as me, we have no choice. And the name's Draco." Draco replied with a smile.

"And you can call me Hermione." She smiled back. Her judgements of him seemed to changed drastically. She now thought of him as a warm and friendly person even though he could still piss her off sometimes.

"So I guess we better start unpacking now. See you at Potions."

"Yeah alright. Nice knowing you, Draco." She smiled inwardly.