AN: And here we are, my Kats and Kittens. The very last chapter of the very first part. I know it's slightly short (it's far too short for my taste, anyway), but it just seemed like the place to end it, you know?Anyway, on to the review replies!
SpArKyCoLa77 - Glad you like the story! You'll just have to read to find out how everyone reacts ... It might not be what you're thinking ...
snow887 - I know what you mean. It does seem a little rushed. I just can't seem to find a way to keep it from being ... un-rushed. But I'm glad you still like it. :) So, on with the rushing!
Elise Davidson - LoL! I hope Mr. Elise was able to get back to sleep, what with your "squee-ing" and all. I'm so very glad that you like it, even with the Dresden Files crossover. I've only recently just finished watching the whole first season online, and I love it love it love it! I hope you'll enjoy the second part as much as this one!
mcmuffins - Yay for Perry! You have to love him. I'm glad you're enjoying the story so far! Enjoy the rest!
fourthfreakyferret - Glad you decided to review! And no begging is necessary. I'm just busting to get this last chapter out so I can start with part two! I hope I'll have a decent idea for a part three ... Hmmm ...
psychotic KAT - Yay! Glad you liked the chapter! I'm glad JD is awake too. Now, Perry can be not so grouchy, eh? Heh heh. :)
XAngst-PrincessX - Yes! JD's alive! I couldn't believe it myself, and then I told myself ... "Oh yea, I wrote it." ... I'm such a dork. Please, do forgive me. ;) Glad you like the story so far! Hope the last chapter doesn't disappoint!
Melidona - I'm so sorry for being mean! Here's the next chapter, as promised!
just me - Wow! I love you too. :) Thanks so much for the amazing compliment! I can't tell you how much it means to me!
bug0112 - Too much sugar, indeed. Haha! No worries. I know about having too much sugar. I work the overnight shifts sometimes, and sugar is the only way I make it through the night! Thanks so much for your awesome review! I'm glad you're liking the story. Enjoy the last chapter, yea?
Well, I hope that's everyone. If I missed someone, I am so terribly sorry! My email doesn't update as often as it should. So, here's a shout out to all of you who haven't yet reviewed or the ones that I've forgotten: THANK YOU! I LOVE YOU ALL! Anyway, on with the story! Enjoy the last chapter, yea?
Chapter Ten:
Suddenly, JD jerked, his eyes opening wide as he took in a breath that threatened to burst his lungs.
Color returned to his face, and any signs of deterioration disappeared. Perry nearly choked grasping JD's shoulders tightly as the young man began to cough violently. His breaths came in short, sticcatoed gasps, his gaze shifting this way and that as he attempted to find his bearings.
"JD?" Perry asked softly, but the younger man continued to squirm in the confining space, grasping the sides of the casket and beginning to hyperventilate. Perry grabbed the back of JD's head, forcing the young man to look him straight in the eye.
"JD," he whispered, "it's me. It's Perry. You're okay. You're back." JD coughed a few times -- full, body-shuddering coughs -- and his gasping soon turned to trembling sobs. He grabbed at Perry's shirt, fisting the fabric as the older man hurriedly pulled him to his chest. JD cried for several minutes until all that was left was terrified whimpers, Perry rubbing his back soothingly and whispering into his ear.
"Coxy?" A timid voice said from beside them, and they pulled apart to find Dan kneeling in the dirt near the casket and staring wide-eyed at JD. He glanced over at the older doctor. "He's okay? He's back? He's really back?" Before Perry could answer, JD had pushed himself out of the casket and into his brother's lap, snaking trembling arms around the older man's waist and burying his face into the crook of his neck. Dan choked on a sob, tightening his grip on his younger brother and rocking back and forth.
"Johnny, you're okay, you're okay," he chanted. "You're here, you're all right. Everything's going to be okay now. I promise. Never again. Never, ever again." He pulled the young man from him, staring straight into his eyes and shaking him slightly by the shoulders. "Don't you dare ever do that again. Not fucking ever, do you hear me?" JD sniffled, closing his eyes and nodding.
"Yea," he croaked with an attempted smile. "Yea, I promise."
Suddenly, a bright light shone into the grave, and JD cried out, hiding his face against his brother's chest as his eyes burned.
"Hey!" A weathered voice called out. "What're you guys-" He stopped mid-sentence, his flashlight growing dimmer and dimmer until it, finally, shut off all together. The four men in the grave sat perfectly still for a long moment before someone appeared from behind the old grounds keeper.
"Dad?" JD asked quietly, standing with Dan's help. The man dissipated into a fine mist, reappearing in the pit beside them and smiling.
"Johnny," Sam sighed, looking at his son with admiration. "I am so proud of you." He looked at Dan. "Both of you."
"You're . . . not going to take JD, are you?" The eldest Dorian son asked worriedly. Sam shook his head.
"No," he replied to the relief of the other. "No, he's earned his right to be here." JD sidled up next to Perry, pressing himself against the older man and wrapping his arms around his torso. Perry put an arm around the young man's shoulders and squeezed tightly.
"I've just come to . . . fix things," Sam said with a curious smile. "It won't do for JD to all-of-a-sudden come back from the dead, will it?"
"Will we remember this?" JD asked timidly, looking up at Perry. "Any of this?"
"Three of you will," Sam said, looking to Dan apologetically. "I'm sorry, son, but we have to keep this between as few people as possible."
Dan looked to JD, who gave him a reassuring smile. He wiped his dirty hands on his pants and sniffed with a nod.
"As long as JD is still around, I'm okay with that," he said. Sam nodded and gave them all one last glance.
"Ready?" He asked with raised eyebrows, receiving four nods in response. "All right then . . . See you boys on the other side."
0 o 0 o 0
JD opened his eyes, coughing and spluttering as he looked around to find himself in the bathroom of his apartment, fully-clothed in his bathtub. Water spilled over the porcelain edge, pooling on the floor. A harsh knock sounded on the door, and the muffled voice of his brother drifted through.
"JD? Johnny, you okay in there? Your bath water's soakin' up the carpet out here." JD stared at the door for a moment, his gaze slowly drifting to his left hand, where a razor blade rested, poised and ready to cut into his right wrist. He gasped, dropping the metallic object into the water and shuddering the temperature finally registered in his mind.
"JD? Little brother?" Dan's voice was a little more persistent, the knocking becoming almost desperate as the door handle jiggled against the lock. "C'mon, buddy, open the door." JD sniffed, leaning forward and turning the water off with a trembling hand. With a few more coughs, he stood carefully, placing one soaked sneaker after the other onto the tiled floor and pushing himself to his feet. Shuffling to the door, which seemed almost about to fall off its hinges with the force of the knocks, he slowly reached forward, unlocking it and cautiously turning to the knob. The door jerked open with the next knock, and JD was thrown back a step. He peered through the opening at the two worried faces on the other side. He brushed his wet bangs aside -- they were sticky from his hair gel and matted to his forehead.
"JD?" Dan asked softly, studying his shivering younger brother carefully. "You all right?"
"Yea," JD replied dazedly, glancing around the bathroom to find it flooded. "Yea, I'm fine." Dan pushed his way inside the small room, glancing around with a quirked eyebrow.
"You fall asleep in the tub or something?" His tone was laced with humor but his eyes portrayed nothing but concern. Dan looked him up and down. "You're soaked!" He grabbed the young man's sweatshirt at the bottom hem, yanking it and his shirt roughly over his head. "Yo, Coxy, hand me that shirt you brought." He held out his hand but nothing happened. Both Dorians turned to the man still standing in the door frame, his eyes trained solely on JD.
"Coxeroonie? Hello?" Dan waved a hand in front of his face. Perry stepped forward, moving up to JD until they were almost touching.
"You okay there, Newbie?" The older man asked in a husky voice, pulling the jersey down over JD's head and not breaking eye contact as the young man pushed his arms through the sleeves and pulled the large garment down -- the hem reached to near mid-thigh.
"Yea," JD offered a smirk. "I think I'm going to be all right."
Dan cleared his throat loudly, looking back and forth between the two oddly as they turned to him.
"You guys, um . . . want a minute alone or something?" He chuckled nervously.
"Yea," Perry replied. "Just give us a minute." Dan's eyebrow quirked, and he looked to his brother for confirmation.
JD smiled shyly, saying, "We'll just a minute, Dan. Promise." After a moment of awkward silence, the eldest Dorian brother sighed and shrugged.
"Don't you lovebirds take too long," he chided, waggling a finger in their faces. "The game's starting soon." He made his way noisily out of the bathroom, splashing as he went, and closed the door. JD and Perry stared at each other for what seemed like hours before the older man leaned past JD towards the sink, grabbing the only dry towel in the room. He draped it over the young man's head, roughly rubbing it against the dripping, dark locks. JD couldn't help but smile, and Perry shifted the towel to rest on the younger's shoulders, furrowing his eyebrows at him.
"What?" He demanded, wiping a few stray drops from the side of his face and beneath his chin. JD's grin only widened.
"You love me," he said matter-of-factly, giggling when the older man rolled his eyes.
"Yea, Alice," Perry admitted. "I love you. What' your point?" JD wrapped his arms around Perry's waist, pulling their bodies closer.
"You would have died for me," he said softly, brushing his lips lightly against the other man's.
"Yea," Perry rasped, closing his eyes and leaning into the touch. "You would have done the same."
"Thank you, Perry," JD whispered, moving his head to the man's shoulder and sighing. Perry shivered at the puff of air against his neck.
"For what?" He asked.
"For not giving up on me. For being there. For . . . everything."
"No thanks needed, Newbie," Perry smirked, pressing his lips to JD's temple. "Now, we're late for the game. And Dan's probably already spreading rumors about us, so we'd better get out there." There was a sudden jolt in Perry's pocket, and he jumped, sighing in frustration as he pulled out a cellphone. His eyebrows shot up in surprise as he glanced down at the number flashing across the screen, flipping it open and answering it.
"Hey, Per," Harry's voice said from the other end, an awkward hesitancy lacing his words. "I just . . . wanted to make sure you and the kid made it back all right."
"Yea," Perry looked down at JD. "We're fine, Harry. Thanks."
"Right . . ." There was a short pause. "You watching the game?"
"Not yet. Workin' on it."
"Right," Harry repeated. "Well, I'll let you get to that."
"Okay," Perry said, swallowing. "Um . . . Take care, Harry."
"You too," the wizard replied. "I'll see you around."
Perry snapped the phone shut, staring at it a moment longer before quirking one side of his mouth and putting it away.
"Who's Harry?" JD asked curiously.
"I'll tell you later," the older man replied, leaning down and kissing JD full on the mouth -- a kiss that lasted a good minute or more. He squeezed the younger man to him, pulling away slowly and reluctantly.
"So how 'bout that game?"
"What game?" JD smirked, pulling him in for another.
AN: Questions? Comments? Vague disregard for any or all words written and established in the mind of one who has no sanity?
Well? How was it? Are you disappointed? Are you raging with anger? Are you somewhat satisfied but want to kick my ass until I post the second part? Have no fear, Kats and Kittens, the second part is on its way! Keep an eye out for it! I think I'll be calling it My Newbie's Afterdeath, but don't take my word on that yet. So, later gators! I will catch you in the next part! Until then, lots of love!