Through the Glass

I gaze into my mirror at night

My purple eyes look to see what they can see

But I'm not in there, not at all

A boy with magenta eyes glares back at me

That Girl!! Where did she come from??

Why does she haunt me so??

Why does she sit there staring

As if there's something about me she knows??

He's sad. I can see it in his eyes

They reflect loss and misery

What did they do to you, to make you this way?

And why, when I look at you... do I see me?

Such arrogance!! To look at me that way

No man would ever dare look as you do

I am above you, your superior, your master

No one can touch me, not even from you

What is this burning gaze that he gives?

Why can he not let go of the past?

Come, stranger, stay with me. I can help

Put out that burning fire at last

Sympathy! Hmph! I don't need a woman's love

I've seen the life you lead

Dressing as a lady, as your brothers wants you to

Playing as the doll, not fulfilling your inner need

What a life you must have spent!!

To live as you wished, in command...

But don't you see? Brother said to behave!!

It's not proper for a woman to behave as a man!!

I see it now, It's all become clear

You've been fettered inside, just like me

Our lives are so different, yet so alike

I can see it in you as you see it in me

No!! I am happy! I am free!!

Brother said he wouldn't let happen anything bad

Can't you see, your misery was your own doing?

Why do you still look at me so sad?

Why? Why did they do this to me? To us?

Look at us, we were meant to be

Not as one or the other, not as a puppet

We were meant to run side by side. Free

To walk alone, feel the wind in my hair

What would it be like? What would I see?

But brother warned against these thoughts

I'm sorry, my friend. Please forgive me

I blink and you're gone

Now I'm all alone in my room

But I know that one day I'll look again

And one will see the other, the sun and the moon

Sleep, bright star in my mirror

Your gaze and your face I must grow to fear

Never to become what you were, what you are

Turning away, I wipe away a tear

Sigh.. Good night, faire moon

Yes, back to my slumber, I must go

But know this, my dear, listen closely

The sleeper will reawaken; once again his fire will glow

* A little poem I wrote between Dilandau and Celena. It's the intro to my next fic, "Through The Glass", which I hope to get written fairly soon. Comments? Anything would be appreciated! ~ SLS oh, and I don't own them.... darn*