Co-written with my BFF Crystal Persian…this story is based of the TMNT movie that was let out in theaters 3/23/07…very good movie!

Disclaimer: We don't own TMNT; all we own are our OCs

It was just a typical night in the big apple; robberies were off the charts, gang wars were tearing up lives and properties, or some random pedestrian was walking down the sidewalk… well, most were walking down the sidewalk.

Two teenaged girls were staring in awe as they stood underneath an apartment complex, "I can't believe our parents are letting us live on our own while we're going to Miss Toho's School for Gifted Young Women… man that was a mouthful…"

"Yeah Kat, it sure is a mouthful… I wonder why were accepted anyways…" the second teen stated, while picking up her suitcase, "I guess we should get inside."

"Krystal… I'm glad that we're best friends," Kat smiled, "and I'm glad that out of every one of my friends, I got stuck with you."

"Yeah…" Krystal squatted down and picked up her cat carrier, and they entered the complex, stopping by the land lord's office to get the keys to their apartment.

"Should we take the elevator or the stairs?" Kat asked.

"The elevator you ding dong," Krystal rolled her eyes, "come on."

Kat rolled her eyes as they walked to the elevator, and pushed the up button, "The floor before the top, right?"

"Yup," Krystal nodded as the doors opened, and the two entered, Kat pressed the switch and the elevator slowly ascended to their floor.

"Room 675," Krystal murmured, looking at the sheet of paper that was in Kat's hand as they exited the elevator, "let's get moving."

Kat nodded, "Man… this is going to be cool to live on our own for awhile. Minus the fact that Lil and Helen couldn't come with us, I'm going to miss them."

"Yeah… me too," Krystal stated, as they stopped in front of their apartment, "but they said they'd visit."

"Yeah…" Kat stated, unlocking the door, "I wish our parents showed us pictures of the apartment though."

"Yeah… and we're going to have…" Krystal's voice died in her throat when Kat opened the door and turned on the light.

"Wow…" the two teens eyes widened as they stared at their large apartment, which consisted of a huge plasma television, a nice royal blue leather couch, with royal purple easy chairs, and an oak coffee table in one part of the apartment, a very nice kitchen with wooden cabinets and drawers, the floor was covered with black marble tiles, and a large oak dinner table with matching chairs sat in the center of the room with boxes full of everything that belonged in the kitchen and living room. One corner of the room had a little area for Krystal's cat, and there was a very small stair way which led to two bedrooms that were connected by a bathroom that went right between them. One was royal blue, and the other was royal purple, and boxes for the bed rooms sat on the bed and dressers.

The two girls entered the apartment, "Didn't your parents say a package would be arriving for you tomorrow?"

"Yeah," Kat nodded, "since my sister didn't want Ginger to leave home…"

"Hmm…" Krystal thought for a bit, before a sudden knock on their open apartment door drew their attention.

The two girls turned to see a smiling woman standing there, her short blondish orange hair framed her face, and she held a gentle smile on her face, "You two are really loud, you know that."

"Oops," Kat laughed.

"Welcome to the neighborhood," she smiled, "I'm April O'Neil, one of your neighbors… and…"

Out of nowhere a guy in a black hockey mask jumped out beside her, a base ball bat in hand.

Kat and Krystal blinked, "Okay… that wasn't scary… he is trying to scare us right?"

"CASEY!" she growled at the man, "This is my boyfriend Casey… we live together…"

"Wait a second… you're the April O'Neil, the famous archeologist that just came out of nowhere?" Kat asked, "My cousin Jack is one of your biggest fans."

"How old is this Jack?" Casey asked, taking off the mask.

"He's thirteen," Kat stated flatly.

"Oh… sorry," he stated rubbing the back of his head, "so… nice place ya got here… how are a couple of teens able to afford this?"

"Our parents are paying for it… we were invited to go to this all girl's school for the performing arts…" Krystal stated.

"Oh…" Casey nodded, "that's cool… we brought you two some jell-o."

"Oh, you didn't have to bring us anything…" Kat began.

"No, we wanted too," April smiled, "I hope you two like blue raspberry, grape, and lime… it's all the jell-o we had…"

"Thanks, that was really kind of you," Krystal stated, as she and Kat sat down there things, and she opened the cat carrier, pulling out a cat.

"You have a cat?" April asked.

"Yeah…" Krystal smiled, "well… he's a kitten… this is Spencer." She held up the black and white kitten.

"So… where do you two come from?" April asked.

"Krystal and I have been close friends for awhile," Kat stated before two loud rumbling sounds filled the room, making both girls blush.

"Well… before you tell us, maybe you two should eat something," Casey grinned.

"Do you two know any good pizza places?" Krystal suddenly asked, laughing nervously.

Casey grinned and nodded, "Yeah we do."

"If you two want, we could order an extra pizza and we could get better acquainted," Kat smiled.

"I'll go get the menu," Casey grinned.

-Forty Five Minutes Later-

"Kat's a scallywag," Casey sang as he sat on the couch, "you southern punk."

Kat groaned, "Some how I knew you were going to say that… ya Yankee."

"What did ya call me?" Casey demanded.

"Hey, you called me a Scallywag," Kat grinned as Krystal rolled her eyes.

"She's sensitive about people making fun of where she was born and raised," Krystal hissed.

A knock on the door caused Krystal to stand up, and grab the amount of money she owed the pizza guy and opened the door.

"Ya must be new around here," a dark haired man grinned as she opened the door, "welcome to New York, pretty girl."

Krystal rolled her eyes and paid him, "Keep the change."

He grinned, "Thanks…" his eyes studied her as she grabbed the pizza boxes from him, "Hey, my buds and I are throwing a party in the complex next door tomorrow… ya wanna come?"

Krystal narrowed her eyes, "No thanks, I've had enough creeps hit on me in my life, I don't need another."

The guy rolled his eyes, "Just come next door tomorrow if you change yer mind."

He turned and left as she closed the door, "As if I'd change my mind."

"Thanks again for the pizza, but we really have to get going," April smiled, "and Kat, thank you for the pictures of what remains of those towers that didn't collapse during the Sherman's March to the Sea."

"It was no problem," Kat smiled, "I got to see those towers practically every day of my life as we passed those factories."

"If yall need anything, call us," Casey stated.

"Thank you, and night," Krystal smiled.

April and Casey exited the apartment, and Krystal sat one pizza on the table, and pulled out a piece with anchovies on it, and then walked over to one of the boxes pulling out two bowls.

"Spencer, dinner."

"We should really start closing and locking that window," April groaned.

"Aww, you aren't happy to see us?" Mikey pouted, "Where did you two love birds go anyways?"

April and Casey glanced at each other, and then pulled out the pizza.

"I knew you guys would want some… especially Mike," April sent the orange banded turtle a look, "Guys, it's been six months since Karai sent that threat, if the Foot were planning something then they would have done it by now."

"April, we just can't help but be cautious," Leo stated from his post by the window.

"I can't help but agree with Leo," Raph stated, "I mean, she did tell us that we'd meet again."

Don sat at the table fiddling with one of his newest inventions, "Leo and Raph are right… we do need to keep a look out."

"Where were you two anyways?" Mikey asked.

"Those new neighbors moved in," April stated, "we went to great them…"

"Ooo, so were they chicks?" Mikey asked.

Casey shook his head, "Yeah, they were chicks."

A knock on the door made everything in the room go quiet in milliseconds, and the four Ninjas hid.

April opened the door, only to blink seeing Krystal standing there, "Uh… Casey left this at our place."

April frowned seeing Casey's mask in her hands, "Thanks Krystal, I'll make sure he gets this back, and I hope you two get around okay."

"We will," Krystal smiled, "if we need advice on anything we know to either call our family, friends, or you and Casey… thanks again for the warm welcome."

"Tell the Scallywag, that she's a Scallywag!" Casey called from where he was standing.

"Uh… Okay," Krystal laughed nervously.

She had the odd feeling that someone was watching her, studying her every movement, "I gotta go check on Kat, but this Friday, Kat's making a southern style dinner from scratch, and she's hoping that you would like to come join us and try some southern favorites?"

Before Casey could say anything April intercepted him, "That sounds like fun, we'd like to join you two for dinner on Friday."

"Cool," Krystal forced a smile the feeling becoming stronger, "well… I guess we'll see you around."

Krystal turned to leave as April closed the door and sent her boyfriend a glare, "I told you trying to scare them was a horrible idea, Casey Jones."

"I was just having fun," Casey stated, only to be smacked in the back of the head by April.

"Who was that?" Leo asked as he stepped out from his hiding spot.

"Oh… that was one of our new neighbors, Krystal," April stated, "she and her room mate Kat were accepted into an arts school that's just a walking distance away."

"Kat… where the heck are you?" Krystal asked as she entered the apartment, only to see Kat sitting on the couch with a horrified look on her face.

"Kat…" Krystal panicked, "Kat… are you okay?"

"It's horrible…" Kat whispered, "look on your bed… it's a nightmare."

Krystal's eyes widened, "Kat… are you trying to scare me?"

"I'm serious look!" Kat cried. Krystal found herself running at full speed to her bedroom, only to gasp in horror.

"NO! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING! IT DIDN'T SAY ON THE BROCHURE THAT THERE WOULD BE SCHOOL UNIFORMS!" Krystal cried seeing the two shirts, tie, and skirt, a jacket that went with the skirt, thigh high socks, and black shoes on her bed.

-Two Hours Later-

"You know what Krystal…" Kat stated, "They could have chosen a color that we hate…"

"Yeah…" Krystal nodded, "What the hay, lets give these uniforms a try."


We hope you guys liked the first chapter…tell us what you think!

Krystal is Crystal Persian

Kat is ME! hehehehe...