AN: After apparently falling off the face of the Earth, I have returned! Yay! Just a quick drabble, hopefully it'll amuse you guys; I know I had fun writing it! Please review at the end.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but some pretty shirts…


Sasuke quietly donned the red and white robes, sending himself a satisfied smirk in the full body mirror on the door. He should have worn red and white together sooner, he decided as he turned to look at himself fully. He looked good. The combination of the red material and his black hair and eyes gave him a sort of menacing grace and the long robes made him look a couple of inches taller, despite the fact that they pooled slightly around his toes. He reached for the official hat that rested innocently on the seat of a chair and placed it carefully on his head, making sure not mess up his carefully done hair.

He smirked again in pride as he met his black gaze in the mirror. "I am the most powerful nin in Konoha." Sasuke murmured as he admired his reflection. "I am the Rokudaime." He smirked once more. Now everyone in Konoha would respect him, now he would reclaim the respect for the Uchiha clan that it deserved now he would…

A muffled snort cut off Sasuke's thoughts and the young ninja turned his head just enough to peer over his shoulder and fix the new comer with a trademark glare.

Naruto looked back at him, amusement twinkling in his bright blue eyes. He rested casually against the doorframe, blonde hair mussed, strong arms crossed lightly across his bare chest and off white slacks hanging loosely from his hips. An amused smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he inspected the shorted man, his head cocked to one side. Sasuke stared back defiantly. A moment of silence passed.

"Sasuke…" Naruto finally began, his smile audible in his voice, "Are you playing dress up with my robes again?"

Another moment of silence.

"…No…" Came the slightly miffed reply as Sasuke intensified his glare up at the taller man. Naruto's grin grew wider as he pushed away from the doorframe and took two long steps into the room. Sasuke had to tilt his head up to keep his eyes on Naruto's as his Hokage approached him, but nonetheless his withering look remained. Naruto chuckled softly as he wrapped his arms around the slightly smaller man and pulled him fondly into his chest.

"You're so cute." He murmured sleepily into Sasuke's ear, and then pressed a light kiss to his friend's cheek.

The muffled reply of "Am not," reached Naruto and the man grinned. He let Sasuke go, but caught his hand and began hauling him back in the direction he had come from.

"It's okay Sasuke," Naruto laughed back at his friend, "I like you in my clothes." The Uchiha huffed quietly but couldn't help but smirk back up at his friend as he caught a mischievous glimmer in the Rokudaime's eye. "Of course," came a heated whisper, "I like you better in nothing."