Hello loves! I'm terribly sorry for my lack of updating and existence in general. I had major computer problems then had to wait to buy a new laptop and then it was hard to get back into my groove of writing with some other things going on with me. I hope you enjoy this chaper, I may have to remove some parts of it if the might ff dot net tells me so. Reviews are always adored.

His body was everything that mine is not. Unmarred flesh except for the scar on his forehead, and a still healing wound he obtained from the fight that took his friend from him. He felt so foreign, and yet so familiar. I wanted to devour every inch of skin exposed, but he pleaded and moaned for me to fuck him.

"Now, Severus, please, fuck-" he growled and gasped as I bit his hipbone, "-now! I can't take this torture."

I scraped my teeth up his body, and scattered hard bites along his neck. I slowly ran two fingers against his parted lips. He moaned softly, and I could've lost myself as he started sucking on them.

"Beg for it, Harry. Tell me how badly you want my cock inside you." I growled against the soft skin of his cheek before biting along his jawbone.

His hips thrashed and he moaned louder, "If you don't fuck me now I'm going to lose my mind, Severus, please."

I grabbed my wand quickly and muttered a lubrication charm before sliding two fingers inside him, grinning as he promptly came with a shout. His body showed no signs of being satiated as I added another finger to prepare him. His hips ground and he thrust himself further onto me, and my resolve broke.

I removed my fingers and pinned his hips to the floor, holding him from his relentless writhing. I captured his lips with my own and guided myself into the hot heat of his body. He bit down hard on my lip, and I stilled my hips but ran my hands up and down his cock slowly. When his writhing and moaning were back I shifted my hips experimentally.

His hands weaved into my hair and he tugged hard, "Severus, more, now."

I licked his bruised bottom lip and moved my hips at a slow pace. He was pure heat, everywhere, and he forced any rational thought from my head. With an utter lack of abandon I began plowing into him as I pumped my hands along his cock. He shook hard and came violently, thick, white streams shooting up onto his stomach. He clenched his muscles and it drove me over the edge with a strangled moan. I collapsed onto him as I rode the waves of my release, panting hard against his sweaty skin.

He pushed me onto my back and consequently out of him and I shivered at the lack of contact. He then pounced on me and bit my nipple producing a groan from me. I grabbed his hair and yanked his head up to mine.

"Insatiable brat," I growled before kissing him soundly.

"Insatiable git," he whispered as he settled onto my chest.

His warm breath against my skin slowly evened out as he fell asleep. My fingers trailed through his sweaty hair, and I stared blankly at the ceiling above me. A smirk tugged at my mouth at his utter lack of control in lovemaking. Slowly my eyes closed as well as I dozed off.

I opened my eyes slowly, half afraid to see Albus' portrait standing there with a mocking twinkle. I stretched slowly, but Harry didn't wake. I knew I should wake the brat so we could resume our training. The pest had to begin hunting for the damned Horcruxes soon, or the Dark Lord would be aware of the destruction of them. He stirred against me slightly, lost in some absurd dream, and breathed out a low, "Severus." I sighed and continued carding my fingers in his hair.

The Dark Lord valued Hogwart's relics, and valued things of his own design. I snorted slightly at the sudden thought of Wormtail's silver hand. Yes, the Dark Lord certainly has overt tendencies. My eyes widened suddenly, and I sat up sharply-dumping Potter's sleeping form onto the floor. He groaned in confusion and anger and his head shot up to look at me, but I was sweeping past him without a word.

"Potter, we must interrogate your lovely dogfather about Wormtail." I growled while throwing my clothes on as quickly as possible.

"What on earth for? You've been around the rat long enough to know he's just a cowa-"

"Is that what you would call a fellow Gryffindor? Hm, well perhaps your opinion isn't the one I need. I need more information about Wormtail as a friend, not Wormtail the pathetic coward," I sneered at his look of confusion.

"I still don't understand the sudden interest in him…" he trailed off slowly.

I rolled my eyes and threw his clothing at him, "Get dressed, and you will soon see my line of thinking."

He shot me a suspicious look, but dressed nonetheless. I opened the door and gestured with a swoop of an arm for him to exit.


"How does any of this matter?" Black's tone was hostile.

"How about you merely answer what is asked of you?" I said coolly.

"Because what you're asking has no point! How is anything about Wormtail going to help Harry with Volde-"

"Don't say that name to me," I growled and glared at the smirk I received.

"Which name, Snivellus, Wormtail? Or maybe it was Voldemo-"

I lunged across the table and had my hands wrapped around his throat before I could even register what I was doing. My frustration coursed through me and my eyes narrowed as my grip tightened. I heard Potter and Lupin's voices, but couldn't comprehend them. All I saw was my own anger, and for a brief moment I was ready to kill Black with my bare hands. A stunning spell hit my back and I toppled off of Black wordlessly. He turned to me with a look of fury and slammed his fist easily into my face.

I tasted the blood before my body registered the broken nose. Potter and Lupin were shouting again, this time Black shouted back. The adrenaline that was coursing through me turned to muck and my body succumbed easily to the enveloping darkness.

I came to with Potter's hands on me and Black's angry voice cutting through my head. Potter healed my nose with a flick of his wand and glared at me.

"What the hell did you just do?" Potter growled in my ear.

"He just tried to kill me, Harry. You saw it with your own eyes." Black glared my way.

"No," I grunted as I sat up, "I tried to get you to help us in our search and you refused to answer me. Now just tell me what I need to know. Is Wormtail capable of guarding anything or keeping a very important secret?"

Black rolled his eyes, "Obviously he could. We were a group of people who relied on keeping each other's secrets." He glanced at Lupin before continuing, "Wormtail was in charge of keeping our map hidden as well. He had a knack for finding places to hide things that people never would think to look. Part of the rat in him I suppose." He smiled bitterly at the last part.

"That's all I needed to know. Come, Potter, there are things we need to discuss." I grabbed his hand without thought, and pulled him along behind me back to the library I was adopting as my room.

"What the hell are you so excited about? And why the hell did you try to choke Sirius? I know sometimes he's a bit hard to deal with but… Are you even listening to me?" He crossed his arms.

"No, now be quiet and listen. Wormtail knows where a Horcrux is hidden. He either knows about it completely, which I doubt, or he unintentionally told the Dark Lord a great hiding place."

Harry's eyebrows shot up, "And exactly how are we going to find out if he does? It's not like Wormtail is running around the streets with a neon sign saying 'interrogate me Aurors!' And it's not like Wormtail would willingly go anywhere with any of us, or willing answer any of our questions."

"That is where you are mistaken, Potter. There is indeed one person alone he would gladly answer questions for." I smirked as I watched his confusion grow more.

"A person in the Order? Are you mental?"

"No, but I'm beginning to think you are. Do you not remember Wormtail has a life debt to you, and would probably be quite eager to settle that without sacrificing his own worthless hide?"

Realization lit up his features, "So I can get the information we need out of him without too many problems. I can make him take an Unbreakable Vow about keeping it a secret too! That's absolutely brilliant."

I snorted, "What else would you expect from a Slytherin? Use an owl, address it to Spinner's End and the owl will know where to go. I assume the Dark Lord has allowed the grimy rat ownership of my home knowing I won't return."

Potter grinned at me and hugged me tightly, "Come on now, we'd better go tell the others. Plus they'll catch on pretty quick if we keep locking ourselves in here."

I smirked, "Did you not notice Lupin's tense posture? The man is a werewolf and as such has an excellent sense of smell. Don't think we went unnoticed."

He merely smirked at me in return, "Eventually they'll all know and it'll be a great big deal for all of a day. Things are moving far too quickly for them to really mope about for too long. We are, after all, at war."

I nodded and slid an arm around his waist protectively, "Yes, and we have a lot of work to do. We need to go back to training after you write your letter. Let's inform the Order."