The invisible bonds tying me to the chair were powerful and the one was cutting painfully into my ribs. The table before me was filled with gazes that I was avoiding. I raised my eyes back to Potter, and he was staring at me expectantly. I swallowed hard and remembered how he had just looked at me, wand outstretched, ready to kill me. It had been something I expected, and half wanted. Killing Albus had taken a part of me with him, and I was sure there was no way to convince my innocence to Potter. He spared my life and brought me back to the Order's Headquarters.

I cleared my throat and explained to any that would listen how Albus knew of my unbreakable vow with Narcissa, and about his knowledge that young Draco's mission was to kill him. I told them how Albus forced me into another unbreakable vow to protect Draco, this time ordering me I kill Albus myself to spare Draco. I told them Albus had left the memories in his pensieve to clear my name, and they went to Hogwarts at once to seize the information.

Potter stayed though, and stared at me intently. I stared back, unable to move from the chair and unable to allow my pride to back down.

He cleared his throat before narrowing his eyes, "So, Snape, if he really told you to do it then why flee? Why run and make you appear even guiltier?" His tone was rough, his voice ice cold.

I replied just as icily, "Because, Potter, if I had stayed and let Draco return alone the Dark Lord would have killed him. Albus wanted Draco spared so that certainly would've been quite the lost cause."

I sneered at him, "Even you could understand my need to return. To reveal myself as a spy after committing an act that would put me in the Dark Lord's favor would be an idiotic move. No, instead I returned and built more knowledge to the Dark Lord's plans."

His chair screeched against the floor as he stood from the table. "So, why not tell me of his plan? Why not tell me he was walking into his own death? Why couldn't he have told me the plan before? There could've been another way!" He slammed his fists onto the table, "YOU could have stopped it somehow, Snape!"

I growled low in my throat, "No, Potter, I could NOT have stopped it! Why did Albus not tell you? Because your damn Gryffindor foolishness would have gotten YOU killed as well as Albus and then there'd have been NO hope for the wizarding world! Do you think I enjoyed killing the man I looked up to?"

His expression softened and his shoulders relaxed before he sat back down. His gaze left mine and went to his folded hands on the table. "No, I suppose you didn't." He whispered softly.

"I'm once again just a foolish boy aren't I, Snape? A pawn on the chessboard of life." He laughed, but the sound was bitter and hollow.

"No, Potter, you're what everyone is protecting aren't you? So that would make you the King. The rest of us are the pawns, throwing in our lives for the greater good. Get that smile off your face boy; I didn't call you the King as a compliment." I snapped irritably at his grin.

He only grinned more before flicking his gaze upward again to meet mine, "I'm never letting that moment go, Snape. You practically called me your King."

"You insolent brat, I didn't call you my King. IF you had listened correctly I called you A King. The other would be the Dark Lord in case you forgot there are two sides on a chess board."

He frowned at that and his gaze lowered back to his hands. "No, trust me, I haven't forgotten about that."

Lupin charged into the room and flicked his wand at me. "We found the memories just like you said. Welcome back." His voice had a bitter edge to it that I had never heard in Lupin.

I stood slowly and rolled my neck to attempt to get the crick out of it.

Harry rose as well and folded his arms across his chest, "So, what information have you gathered, Snape?"

I cracked my neck and he winced at the sound. I smirked, "Plenty, Potter, enough that we should wait for the rest of the Order."

Lupin sighed and sat in a chair, "What are you two talking about then?"

Harry turned to him and pointed at me, "He says he's got a wealth of knowledge on the Dark Lord's plan which is why he fled Hogwarts instead of staying and proving his innocence."

Lupin nodded and turned his head back to me, "Well, I agree we should wait for the others. I imagine you're hungry Severus, there's food in the cupboards." He waved a hand in the general direction before turning away from me again.

After a quick meal of some hot soup and a wonderful cup of tea, the rest of the Order had returned. Each had apparently wanted to view the memories for his or her self which is what had taken so long. They all sat around the table though none sat on either side of me. The Weasley twins were still glaring at me, though the younger brat Ron was no longer doing the same. Granger sat next to him and was fidgeting with her hands instead of meeting my gaze. Tonks sat next to Lupin and was avoiding my gaze as well. The only ones meeting my gaze were Potter, the adult Weasleys, Mad Eye, and Minerva. I cleared my throat and folded my hands into my lap.

"The Dark Lord is building back his forces, as you all know. He has the giants mostly convinced, the dementors are already under his dispose, as are the werewolves. His focus is on the vampires and goblins, though he really could no longer care. He knows his strength has almost completely returned now, and with the added strength of Potter's blood he is harder to stop. He is not an idiot though, he knows now that Potter is enraged due to Albus' death, and knows Potter's strength has increased as well. His overall plan is obviously to get rid of Potter, and he has taken new measures that none before had thought him desperate enough of. His new order is to capture anyone Potter views as family or as close friend. Due to most of the Weasleys and Granger being here, however, the death eaters have yet been able to follow this order." I watched as everyone in the room tensed, especially the Weasleys and Granger.

"This is not the only order he's issued out of desperation. He's ordered all Death Eaters to bring Potter in at all costs. This mean should someone see Potter anywhere, including a heavily muggle populated area; they are to stun him immediately and bring him to the Dark Lord. He's also got plans to bring in Order members or just random Hogwart's students in an attempt to lure the heroic side of Potter to come save them, much as he did with Sirius."

Everyone visibly flinched at the name but Potter and Lupin. Potter's eyes darkened and Lupin's mouth trembled as though suppressing a shout.

"The Dark Lord has most of his army back. He is not worried about drawing attention to any of his plans to come back to power. He no longer cares what measures he takes, and this is going to be the start of many muggle killings. We have to actively collect forces. We need the wizarding community to rise up with us and take action, for the few standing for the many isn't going to work this time. Also, Potter needs to master Occlumency and must master wandless magic."

A few gasps rose from the table and Minerva opened her mouth to speak. I raised my hand, "Minerva I know it's an illegal art, however, Potter must learn it if he wishes to stand a chance against the Dark Lord. The Dark Lord performs many spells wandlessly and wordlessly and Potter must be able to do the same to last."

Potter nodded, "I'll do it, Snape, and you're going to teach me. You've been around Voldemort-" I flinched at the name. "More than any of the rest of us. You're going to be able to prepare me like no one else."

I nodded as well and stretched a hand to him, "A deal, Potter."

He grasped my hand and shook it firmly.

"Harry," came Minerva's voice, "This is an illegal magic for a reason. Wandless magic is hard to control with complex spells. Summoning a book to you is easy; inflicting a spell on a person is a difficult and draining task. Won't you consider another way?"

"There is no other way, Minerva" I interrupted, "Potter must be able to do wandless and wordless magic or he will die before the Dark Lord."

Tension mounted at the table before Minerva spoke again, "Very well, Severus, prepare him. I think this meeting is over."

She stood and left the room. Arthur, Molly, Fred, George, and Tonks followed immediately. Lupin squeezed Harry's shoulders before leaving with Mad Eye. Potter remained seated, as did the Weasley brat and Granger.

Potter leaned forward and met my gaze once again. "Well, Snape, let's start."