The last chapter! Read and review, hoped you liked this story.

Disclaimer: My Name is Earl and The Office belong to NBC.

Chapter 11

The next morning, at 10:00, the phone in our hotel room rang. I rolled out of bed to answer it.

"Hello," I said groggily.

"Hey, Earl?" The voice at the other end said. It was Pam.

"Hi, Pam!"

"I didn't wake you up, did I?"

"No," I said. The truth was, she had woken me up, but it wasn't a big deal. Besides, knowing Pam, it would upset her and I didn't want to upset Pam. Pam was my friend.

"Hey, how'd it go last night?" I asked her, "Battlestar Galactica lasted longer than I thought it would."

"Oh," Pam said, and from her voice I could tell she was smiling, "It was great. After the movie, we hung out at Jim's apartment for awhile."

"Um, Pam?"


"Are you guys dating?" I hoped I was right, and they were. Last night, Randy and I took the empty hotel room as a good sign.

"Yes," Pam told me," We are."

"That's great!" I was truly happy about it.

"Thanks, Earl. Hey listen, Michael wants to know if you and Randy can come to Poor Richard's next Saturday. He wants to have the Dundies then."

"Sure, we'll be there."

The next thing I knew, it was Saturday. The day of the Dundies was here.

Jim had told me a little bit about the Dundies earlier in the week.

"It's an awards ceremony," he said, "Michael likes to think it boosts morale."

Jim smiled, "Pam says it's like making sure a spider you squished is really dead. You want to look away, but you just can't."

I smiled, "Oh." As it turned out, Jim and Pam were more happier together than I'd ever imagined. I was never one for poetry, but Jim and Pam were love poem worthy.

As Randy and I entered Poor Richard's, something else dawned on me: this was Randy's and my last day at Dunder Mifflin. The thought of leaving made me sad, but I had a life in Camden to get back to. Still, I would miss everyone.

Michael's voice snapped me out of my thoughts, "Hey everyone and welcome to the annual Dundie awards. Well, let's get started."

"Our first award," Michael continued, "Goes to a very special person. A cool person. A fun person. The Most Fun to Have Around Award goes to…RANDY HICKEY!"

"Yeah, Randy!" I yelled.

We all clapped for him.

"Congratulations, Randy," Angela said, giving him one of her rare smiles.

"And," Michael said, "The Busiest Beaver Award goes to Phyllis!"

"Michael," Phyllis said, "I got that award last year."

"Just…shut it," Michael hissed.

An hour later, Michael was still giving out awards.

"Now, this next award goes to two very awesome Dunder Mifflin employees. I am very proud, and happy, to give the cutest couple award to…Jim and Pam!"

Poor Richard's erupted with joyous shouts and clapping. I think everyone was happy to finally see Jim and Pam together.

"Wow," Jim said, "Thank you guys so much, this is really great – aww, Beasley, don't cry."

Pam laughed through her tears, "Michael, that was really sweet."

Michael looked proud of himself.

"Ok," Dwight said, taking command of the microphone, "I am going to give out this last Dundie. This last award is The Great Work Award. It goes to someone who has a goal of becoming a better person – and is a better person. It goes to someone who threw a water balloon at me, but made up for it. I am proud to give The Great Work Award to Earl Hickey!"

I shook Dwight's hand as he presented me with my Dundie.

"Cross me off your list," he said, smiling.

I grinned, "Will do, Dwight. Wow, um, well, it's really a cool honor to be up here, and get this Dundie. And it's also been a cool honor to work with you all for the past couple of weeks. I'll really miss you – all of you, because you guys are great. Stanly, you've got crossword puzzle skills that some people would die for. Phyllis, you're the nicest saleslady I've ever met. Michael really is the world's best boss. Jim and Pam, you guys are the best couple that I've ever seen; I know you'll be real happy together. And speaking of couples, there is more than one really cute couple in the office."

I cast my eyes over to Dwight and Angela, who were holding hands.

"But anyway," I finished up," Thanks for letting me work with you, and may your paper always sell better than Staples paper."

Michael to camera (teary eyed):

"Earl gave an awesome speech out there. Man, I'm gonna miss that guy."

That night, Randy and I packed up our stuff, and I crossed Dwight off my list. We couldn't wait to tell everyone back home about all our adventures in Scranton. And deep down, I was really glad I threw a water balloon at Dwight Shrute, because that's what caused this story to happen.