Into The Grey

Hello there, decided to post this story as an on going thing though I must warn you that I won't be able to post all the time. University seems to take up too much time to be writing stories! Anyway, I hope you enjoy this first chapter. I'm not totally sure where it's heading at the moment but I'm sure it will take shape as I get your comments and ponder it a little more in this brain of mine. Thanks for reading, nic x x x

Wilhelmina opened her eyes to the blinding sunshine of June. The grass was soft, the air was sweet and her mind was set. She stood up from the ground and looked about her, searching for his face, desperate to see the one person she was looking for. Her eyes finally fell on him, lolling idly against a tree and laughing gracefully at a friends joke. She took in his appearance. He seemed to be the epitome of calm, there was no excitement in his glance, no uncontrolled movement of his body and certainly no life in his idle smirk. She smiled to herself, this was what she should have done all along. With that she strolled steadily towards him. Her heart, though her easy and smooth manner of walking did not betray it, was beating faster than she could ever recall it beating before. She could feel her skin heating with nerves and her breath becoming quick. This was a moment which would change her life forever but her decision had been made.



"I won't marry you."

These four words seemed to bring the whole earth to a standstill. Silence graced the many people surrounding them, which must have been in the number of twenty, as the sun was hot and the lake was cool. Lucius did not flinch at the words, neither did he show any outward sign of pain or even anger, he simply stared into Wilhelmina's dark eyes. After a long pause he spoke in barely a whisper.

"Yes Wilhelmina, you will."


"You will" he said coolly, "you see you were promised to me, and you know that it is for the good of all."

"The good of who? Our parents? Do you really think I care what my parents think? I stopped being an obedient child when I was twelve!"

Here Lucius laughed, making the quickly growing crowd around the couple uncomfortable. Surely it wasn't normal to laugh in a situation like this? There was a shift in the eyes of those around who where looking at each other in an excited disbelief. The distraction in front of their eyes was clearly ripe for scandalous gossip.

"You cannot fool me with your brash statements Willie, I know you, and I know that you would never sway from your parents wishes, so why don't you do us all a favour and keep quiet."

This was said in an even tone, but it did not fool Wilhelmina. She saw the flash in his icy blue eyes and knew that the situation was affecting him more than he let on.

"I'm sorry Lucius, but you're wrong. I have a right to act in a manner which will constitute my own happiness, and I'm afraid you no longer, nor ever did, constitute happiness for me. Here" she gave him an expensive looking diamond ring which lay lifeless now in his hand, "Maybe you could give it to your mistress, she might prefer the weight of it more than I did. She's completely welcome to it, as she is completely welcome to you." Here she gave a blonde sitting close by a swift glance. She did not want to name her or bring shame and embarrassment to the girl. As far as she could gather Narcissa had done nothing much to deserve it. It was widely known within the Slytherin house that there was no affection in the engagement between Lucius Malfoy and Wilhelmina Carrow, it was simply a marriage of financial and hierarchical convenience.

"Your family will never forgive you."

"My father will forgive me as you well know."

"But your mother…"

Here Wilhelmina's strong will faltered. Lucius was right, her mother would never forgive her. The union of the Malfoys and Carrows was all that she had wanted from Wilhelmina's birth. Through all Wilhelmina's faults and the disappointment she had brought to her mother, Mrs. Carrow would always lean on the greatly comforting knowledge that her disappointing daughter would at least do one thing for her.

"I…I don't care." With this true, but painful utterance, Wilhelmina turned and headed to the castle, still upright and graceful, as if nothing at all had occurred which might have ruined or saved her life.

Thanks, hope you review x x x