Chapter 1:Chaotix 'n Cream

Vanilla stood in the Chaotix Detective Agency talking to Vector while Espio and Charmy helped Cream bring her luggage up to a spare room.

"I really appreciate this detective, watching Cream for me on such short notice." Vanilla smiled.

"Always glad to help." Vector said, his cheeks blushing a soft pink. Vanilla had won an all-expenses paid trip for one to the Bahamas for a week. Unfortunately, she got it just hours before and her flight, as she discovered, left in an hour. After consulting her normal babysitter, Amy, who had plans with Sonic that week. So, she turned to the Chaotix, and one of her close friends, Vector for help. Vector happily agreed and plans were set.

"Please remember to call me if anything goes wrong." Vanilla said walking out the door. Vector nodded and closed the door.

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Espio and Charmy helped Cream carry her two suitcases, knapsack, and Cheeses' play things up to a spare room that had been used previously by Waffle the Fox, Kaity the Chameleon, and Samantha "Sam" the Bee before Sam was discovered to be Fear the Cat. The chameleon and Fox want back to Blitzkrieg School to finish their schooling. Cream examined the room, one bed, a couch, a window, a dresser, and some squeaky floorboards.

"This room is perfect for Cheese and me to spread out our toys, at home, we didn't have this much space." Cream said, trying to look on the brighter side.

"Yeah, and there's secret passages in here to other rooms too!" Charmy exclaimed. Espio, by now was out of the room, "Charmy come on, let Cream get used to the room." The chameleon and bee walked out and down the stairs. Cream smiled until they were gone, then her sweet smile was replaced by an evil smile. She walked over to her seconded case and pulled out a small pistol, it was actually a beginners pistol. Ever since their first encounter with Fear, the first time Cream ever held a gun; she loved the feel of it, knowing that she was the one scaring others, rather then the other way around. Cream grinned at Cheese. Cheese smiled at Cream, showing a row of sharp teeth.

"We'll have to get rid of Mister Vector before Dad comes back to Mom." Cream said. Cream had loved her dad very much, and he loved her. But one night, when she was three, she heard and fight break out and her father just up and left. She was sure that her dad would come back for her mom, so she did anything to make sure she was available, even if it meant killing. Cream pocketed the mini pistol and walked down the stares, plastering her sweet smile. 'Be good…for now.' She told herself quietly.


Espio and Charmy came to the landing of the stairs when Vector started giving orders. "Espio, dishes, now! Charmy, clean up a little somewhere."

"Vector, the deal was no weekend chores." Espio argued.

"Yeah, no chores!" Charmy joined. Vector rolled his eyes, the two younger members seemed to be ganging up on him a lot lately. "Fine." Vector growled. Cream walked down the stairs with the sweetest smile Vector ever saw on a small girl.

"Mister Vector, Cheese and I are kind of hungry, if it's not too much trouble, could make us something to eat?" She asked. Vector smiled, "Sure Cream, and call me Vector."

"Okay." Cream smiled. Espio rolled his eyes and walked for the door, "Call me when the fluffy puff is over." He said, waving one hand.

"Why is Mister Espio always like that?" Cream asked.

"No one really knows, but it's not a good idea to go and talk to him when he's in this mood." Vector warned.

"I know what'll make him happy," Cream said walking toward the door, "A flower crown!" Vector looked up suddenly scared for the small rabbit's safety and well-being.


Espio walked quickly to a small pond in the park and began meditating. 'I need new friends.' Espio decided. He then blocked out all outside noise and went into deep meditation.


Cream went out to the park to find her favorite flower picking spot. Her and Cheese picked several purple and yellow flowers to match Espio. She looked over to the chameleon sitting by the pond, he reminded her so much of Knuckles the Echidna. 'I wonder why…' She thought as she began to weave the flowers into a crown of yellow with purple flowers like precious jewels weaved in every once and a while. Cream examined the crown she was now three-fourths done with and it was almost dark. The rabbit just finish the crown when Charmy flew up and called her back to the agency. Cream nodded and began to walk back to where she would be staying. 'Charmy must've gone to get Espio' she thought. Of course, she didn't like addressing people as Mister or Misses all the time. Cream arrived a little before Charmy and Espio, hiding Espio's gift in her room. When Vector called for dinner Cream grabbed the flower creation and ran down stairs.


Espio just walked into the room as everyone else was sitting and eating. Cream jumped up from her seat and walked over to Espio.

"Here Mister Espio, I made this for you to make you happy." The rabbit said shyly. Charmy and Vector looked at what the small rabbit made; they saw the skillfully made flower crown and both nearly chocked. Espio simply stared at it. He then looked over at his friends who were making gestures that pretty much signaled 'Espio, whatever you're thinking, don't do it.' Espio took the crown from the seemingly naïve rabbit.

"Thank you Cream, it's very…nice." Espio said examining the flowers, the two Chaotix behind Cream exchanged confused glances; Espio normally would've knocked the poor girl over the head. But he thanked her, another thing that wouldn't happen with something like this. The small rabbit's face lit up like a light.

"Here, let me help you put it on." Cream offered, setting it lightly on the Ninja's head and pulling him to sit next to her.

'He's so much like Knuckles.' Cream smiled, watching the Chameleon. After dinner, Cream offered to help Espio do the dishes. After the two were done, Espio stood in his corner; Cream sitting close playing with Cheese and Charmy. Vector, noticing how Cream was acting, smiled.

Cream and Charmy were sent to bed later the night.

"Hey Espio, I think Cream likes ya." Vector said flatly.

"Probably just puppy love." Espio shrugged.

"Not the she was staring at you." Vector laughed.

"How was she staring at me?"

"I'll put it the easiest way possible, you're Sonic and she's Amy."

"Shut up, I'm going to sleep." Espio hissed and walked to his room then slammed the door. Vector shrugged and walked to his own room, unaware of the sneaky Cream lying in her room planning his death.