Don't Let Go
"Sora!" The spiky haired brunette lifted his head in the direction of the voice. A wide grin spread on his face when he saw who had called his name.
"Coming!" Sora started to run along the beach, towards the silver haired teen who was one year his elder.
Two lines of white teeth greeted him when he reached the bridge that connected the small island with the bigger one.
The taller boy looked down on the shorter one from his sitting position on the bridge.
"What are you doing down there?" Sora placed his hands over his eyes, blocking the sun.
"Wait, I'll come up!"
The silver haired teen laughed as answer and followed the brunette with his eyes when he sprinted towards the shack.
You know Sora, you are my everything.
Panting breaths appeared beside him as Sora sat down. Riku's heart started to flutter dangerously fast, and it didn't get better when Sora leaned so their arms brushed against each other.
But as always, I'll be happy with just being your friend.
"Riku, do you love someone?"
Riku's heart stopped beating and he fell down, dead, onto the bridge.
At least that's what it felt like.
Sora was smiling as innocently as ever at him.
"Well... Yeah..."
Sora's eyes shone with curiosity.
"Really? Who-"
A high pitched voice cut him out, and a hyperactive Kairi came running towards them in her trademark way. Sora glomped Riku's arm, almost crawling into the silver haired boy's lap.
"Please, save me!"
Riku stood up, which was a hard task with Sora clinging to him like he was a life-raft in the middle of the ocean, his only chance for survival. Riku picked Sora up bridal style, securing the younger boy's arms around his neck.
"Here we go!"
Riku jumped off the bridge, swaying dangerously on his feet when he landed, but a second later he began to run.
"SORA! Come back! You can't run away!"
Kairi stood crestfallen on the bridge, jumping and shouting.
"Try to catch me!" he shouted back, clinging to Riku. Said boy rushed past the tree house, in between the palm trees.
There, he slowed down, but not enough to see the branch on the ground.
Riku tripped, fell forwards and pinned Sora to the soft sand.
"Geez, sorry! Did you hurt yourself?"
How nice it feels to be so close to you... How I wish this was for real...
With Sora's arms still around Riku's neck, their faces was incredibly close. Riku felt a light red shade begin to crawl up his face as Sora's hot breath landed on his cheek.
Sora smiled.
"No, I'm okay. You?"
Of course I'm okay. I'm more than okay. I'm great.
"Yeah, I'm fine."
Riku attempted to get off the boy, but the arms around his neck tightened.
"Don't go."
Riku's mind went completely blank as he felt how Sora pressed his lips against his own.
Almost automatically, he kissed back, the time disappearing.
Sora pulled away, clutching hard on Riku, pressing the other's forehead against his shoulder.
"Don't go," he whispered in the other's ear, blue eyes closing.
Warm arms wrapped themselves around the petite brunette.
I'll never let go.
This is and old fic, but I hope that it's good even though.
Thanks to The Ninja Who Wanted To Be A Samurai for the BETA.
Reviews would make my day.